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My 2 cents!


As I'm sure you've all heard by now (it was on the 'net within minutes I'm sure!)... Kevin and Brian are both engaged to be married! It was announced on TRL on MTV on February 16, 2000.

Now, I have a few words to say about this:

First of all, let me say I am totally happy for both Kevin and Kristin, Brian and Leighanne. It is a great thing to know that true love still exists in this world, and that the boys can find it despite their hectic schedules.

What I have to say concerns the fans.

I am a member on some mailing lists concerning the boys, and suffice it to say, there have been 100s of messages regarding the engagements of two of the BSB. I have been reading the messages and shaking my head at some of the reactions. They have ranged from "Congratulations Brian and Kevin!" to "I can't believe I don't have a chance with him anymore!" One girl even wrote in to get 'comfort' from people on the list because she had been crying all night at her friends house who was 'holding her' because she couldn't stop crying. (I am going to get some negative feedback for this I can tell!). This girl (and I use the term girl, because woman does not apply to her) had the balls to say she was truly in love with Kevin and she was soooo hurt by his engagement. I have one thing to say about this: GROW UP!

These people truly, truly annoy me. The girl I mentioned before, as well as others need to realize something very important: love is a two way street, and it is NOT onesided. That means you have to actually TALK with the person, and get to know them PERSONALLY. And, I'm just guessing here, but I'm right... there is a tiny, tiny, tiny number of people who actually know the guys personally and well enough to say they actually, truly love them. OH, and surprise! Two of them are getting married to them!

What Kevin and Brian are doing is NORMAL for people their age. Geez, come on... they're what, 25 and 28 years old?? Did you really expect them to be hermits for the rest of their lives?? I sure as hell didn't. In fact, I'm glad they are letting the fans know, because a large dose of reality couldn't hurt some of them.

The girls who think they should be with their favourite BSB need to wake up and look around them, because their lives are passing them by. It is great that they adore (note the word adore, not love) the guys, because lets face it, they are great guys and role models. However, to hear people say that they love them, always sends my head spinning. To hear some of the reactions over the last day or so about sobbing uncontrollably, etc., etc., makes me not want to associate myself with other BSB fans. I know this sounds harsh, but its my opinion. But, as I said in my other message I suspect this whole thing has arisen out of immaturity of the majority of the fans.

I just hope that when these girls actually do fall in love one day, for real, they realize what fools they were making of themselves. There... I've said my piece... now tell me what you think here: post a message and let me know what you think!

Now... for all those who are HAPPY with this recent news... here are some pics of the happy couples: