Chiari Links
in alphabetical order

American Association of Neurological Surgeons
This Site includes; Anatomy of the brain
Anatomy of the Spine
Patient Resources
There is a huge page of medical, educational,
and governmental links

American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP)
Introduction to Arnold-Chiari malformation
and a brief biography of its namesake.
Started in 1988
Information for affected individuals & families,
the public or media professionals
(e.g., clinicians, teachers)
Peer support matching ndividuals/families
Research: linking researchers and families
Educational fact sheets
pamphlets, videos, movies, and medical articles.

Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
42 Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2UQ England.
This web site has extensive information
about Spina Bifida and hydeocephalus
laid out in an outline format.

Beth Israel Hospital
Designed as a service for families of children
who suffer from ACM.
Site contains pages on clinical presentation,
diagnostic evaluation, treatment
and long-term prognosis.

Bowman Gray/Wake Forest
School of Medicine
Links for Spina Bifida
Chiari Links
Links for
Links for Spina Bifida and Myelodysplasia

Canadian Syringomyelia Network (CNS)
CSN is a non-profit charitable organization
established in Scarborough, Ontario,
in May of 1993. This is a support network
for people who suffer with Syringomyelia
and individuals interested in this disorder.

Chiari Information Exchange
Articles and information on Arnold-Chiari
brain malformation and syringomyelia.

Columbia University
Web site of the Columbia niversity
College of Physicians and Surgeons
discusses the causes, symptoms and diagnostics
of Chiari malformation. They offer a pictorial
description of the surgery used to treat it.

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
This site is edited by Neil Feldstein MD,
a pediatric neurosurgeon at Columbia-Presbyterian.
It uses easy to understand words to
parents understand Chiari.
There are pictures of the basic Chiari Malformation
operation. The subject of hydrocephalus
is explained along with a link
to a support group forum
that you may use as a "guest".
It is under Support Group-Hydrocephalus.
is also known as syringomyelia and hydromyelia,
is explained in depth here by Neil Feldstein MD,
a pediatric neurosurgeon at
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
in New York City.

is a very complete site with links to many
related topics. It has chats, bulletin boards,
links to many topics. Here is a complete resource
for Spina Bifida & Related Disorders.
There are about 20 Personal Web Page Links.

Florida Medical Network
Links to key Internet resources
on this neurological illness.
Topics include general information,
journals and publications,
organizations and associations,
and institutes and universities.

is part of the site.
Here you will find resources, suggested readings,
medical info, including journals & libraries.

The Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. (HyFI)
in Massachusetts is a non-profit organization.
This web site is very complete.
Links are offered to sites all
around the world for info and support.

The March of
(1-888-MODIMES (663-4637)
has a wonderful resource center
full of information about specific
birth defects. There is an entire
page of links, including a link to the
at their Division of Birth Defects
and Developmental Disabilities.

Martindale's Health Science Guide has a special
brain and neuro area.
Here are medical dictionaries,
literature and searches.
This HUGE site has a little
bit about everything imaginable.

Massachusetts General Hospital
If you have questions or
about Arnold Chiari malformation, try this free,
nonprofit newsgroup for patients,
sponsored by the Neurology Department of
Massachusetts General Hospital.
Neurology Chat Rooms provided as a
free public service by the Department of
Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Medical Dictionary
located on a cancer resource site,
includes many words we want to look up.
(an example, myelomeningocele;
A congenital defect in which the
neural arches fail to close,
so exposing the contents of the
spinal canal posteriorly.
Usually occurring in the lumbosacral region
(lower back) of the spine. web site
A brief discussion of what the illness is,
as well as its symptoms, typical treatment
and research developments.
The site also provides a bibliography of
suggested readings and a list of organizations.

The, formerly the
has a huge search area covering many
medical areas, including all of our interests.

is the National Health Information Center. Here
you will find the toll-free phone numbers
for hundreds of groups. Sometimes, we need
to talk to "real" people.

National Institutes of Health
Located in Bethesda, Maryland 20892
This article was written June 1996
covering a related DANDY-WALKER SYNDROME.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke
(NINDS)Chiari fact sheet including causes,
diagnosis and
Factsheet on research and treatment of this rare
congenital brain anomaly.
Links to further information available here.
Syringomyelia fact sheet
including causes, diagnosis and treatment.
Links to further information available here.
Workshop Summary
Syringomyelia Conference hosted June 20-21, 1994
National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND)
has links on all ranges of topics. This is
very complete ranging from home to the
White House and federal government info. The
LINKS page is super.

Neurosciences on the Internet has a built-in
search engine on site. This site is edited and
maintained by Neil A. Busis, M.D.
You can find newgroups, mailing lists,
forums, organizations, as well as
database information from searches.

Oregon Health Sciences University
CliniWeb area offers a page on
neural tube defects that features links
to sites on Arnold-Chiari Malformation,
including review, therapy, and diagnosis articles.

(located in Brisbane, Australia)
for People with Spina Bifida
or Hydrocephalus has a page of chiari
information with drawings of the head.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kramann
Homburg (Germany)
Homepage of the Dept. of Radiodiagnostics
Collection of specific MRI scans of
Arnold-Chiari I malformation with Syringomyelia
in patient presentations.
The Virtual Radiological Case
Collection #178
The Virtual Radiological Case
Collection # 179

Spina Bifida Association of America
This (SBAA) Web Site is well worth
a look for references.

Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center
and explanations of the spinal cord
and nerve roots are great. This site
is geared to spinal cord injuries, but
it has great reference material.
There is also a newsletter
and a ListBot newsletter. Check This site.
Super areas that shows and explains the
anatomy and physiology of the spinal

Syringo Organization
Study of Inherited and Neurological
Disorders (CSIND). Duke University
Medical Center is conducting a pilot study
in collaboration with American Syringomyelia
Alliance Project (ASAP) and Dr. Thomas Milhorat,
Chairman of the Department of Neurology
at University Hospital in Brooklyn.

University of Missouri, (Columbia)
Hyperbook of Neurosurgery
The University of Missouri offers this
online guide book, featuring pages on
definitions and background,
clinical presentation, pathophysiology,
diagnostics, treatment, outcome and
links to articles and related sites.
Articles by John Oro', MD.

University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, Division of Neurosurgery
has many good pages;Neurosurgery Residents' Online Handbook
UNC's Online Resident's Handbook,
Common Spinal Reflexes
Excellent explanation of muscles
showing nerve roots,
peripheral nerves and ations.

The University of WashingtonExplanations of the Ventricular System
and Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF).

site, has images of entire body and head.
You must register, but it is free.

Wake Forest's Department of Neurosurgeryprovides an index of Web sites
on Arnold-Chiari malformation,
Dandy-Walker malformation and syringomyelia.

World Arnold-Chiari Malformation Association
previously located at
Read about one patient's experience
from the discovery of his ACM through
surgery and recovery, including photos.
Find research articles and books
along with other facts and links
on this rare congenital condition.

World Arnold Chiari Malformation Association
WACMA Online.
nearly 500 members. Founded 1995.
Provides information and support to persons
concerned with Arnold Chiari Malformation
AKA cerebellomedullary malformation syndrome
via e-mail and the web.
If you only visit one site,
be sure to stop here FIRST !
Come see the "zipperheads".
Peggy Guin, R.N. explains chiari
is a must read web page.
Forums & Mailing Lists
& Discussion Groups
On-line discussion groups at Family Village.Arnold-Chiari Malformation Discussion List
To subscribe send a message to:
In the body of the message type: Subscribe
List Owner at
The World ACM AssociationMGH Neurology
Provides open forums where people can
discuss medical issues freely,
real time discussions in the Neurology Chat Room,
a photograph collection,
and "A Window on my Mind,"
where you can read or write creatively.
This is a webforum to discuss and comment
on Arnold Chiari Malformation.
This is a web forum to discuss and comment
on Syringomyelia.
This is a webforum
to discuss and comment
on Tethered Cord Syndrome.
This is a webforum to discuss and comment
on Spina Bifida.

Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, Chat Channels
CataList, claims to be the
official catalog of LISTSERV® lists.
Arranged by topics, interests, country,
and even number of subscribers,
23,878 lists, and 1,571 sites.
If you want on a list, check here.The Publicly AccessibleMailing List
has an index by name or subject.
This page at FamilyVillage
shows all of the Health and Disability-related
Mailing Lists covering many topics.
The Mailing List Directory

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Chiari Information Exchange
ActiveX Chat
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