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I feel so mad at myself for missing Yu Yu Hakusho last night! I hadn't watched it since our vacation 3 weeks ago and I stayed up until it was coming on. Then I fell asleep -__-!!! I woke up AFTER the show when Cowboy Bebop was on. GIR!!! Now I've got to wait another week to see it. *sigh* And I finally watched Hamtaro. The hamsters are kinda cute, until they turn their head to show their long faces. But I guess I don't have a passion for hamsters as a lot of people do. There's no real danger that they have to face besides petty problems that are solved before the show ends. But Sailor moon is back on air! It shows weekdays at 3:30. They're still in the early episodes though. Zoids isn't as bad as I thought it was, so I've started watching it. I haven't seen the early Dragonball Z episodes, so I also love watchings those. This is the weekday Toonami line up:

Hamtaro - 4:00
Zoids - 4:30
Batman Beyond - 5:00
Powerpuff Girls - 5:30
Dragonball - 6:00
Dragonball Z - 6:30

Powerpuff girls seems to be invading the anime shows! It also airs on WB, but that's a good thing for me since it changes the schedule and most of my shows don't overlap anymore. But the 2nd show of Digimon on Fox Kids overlaps with Yu-Gi-Oh! on WB =(. Midnight Run also changed it's schedule! Now Pilot Canidate doesn't come on until 2:00 in the morning! NOOOO!!

-Shelly Rocket

Hiya. I've been on vacation for the past couple of weeks, so nothing was really done. But perhaps something will happen in September (the site-birthday month). I'll be working in the summer to complete something special for September, because when school starts I'll be too pre-occupied to work online much. I've got so much to catch up on now though, and things to work on. More to report later!

-Shelly Rocket

Well, I'll be away from the computer for a while starting today! But I tried to get as much done as I could. The Anime Files are back up with some revisions and updatings. Also, I added a Feedback page (where you can comment and suggest things for the site) and a FAQ page (for all those questions I keep getting asked). Takato from Digimon *point to the left* and Xanatos from Gargoyles have also been added to the Free Chibi page. The support page is yet to be done, but a lot of the links are on the splash page. But that'll have to wait until I get back. And thanks to all the people who said they liked my layout ^-^! Well, adios!

-Shelly Rocket

And the site re-opens! Well, I needed to get the site running now because we're leaving in a couple of days on vaca. Some new content has been added like 'Shelly's Porfolio', new link buttons, another Free Chibi, a new splash page, and I joined more support things. I still have to work on some things like the Index (Just a quick-reference list of all the pages on this site, including links to those pages. With the dropdown menubars, I figured it might be harder to find things on the site. If the link has a red arrow next to it, it is either new or updated (Except for the affiliates, since technically I can't update them). Plus, more things are on SSI (Like the Top Affiliates and Updated Pages) so it's MUCH easier to change those. It was horrible going through all my pages and changing a link on the Top Affiliates. But not anymore!! ^-^

-Shelly Rocket

Anime Imagination!
~~~~ Top Affiliates ~~~~
Eternal Art
A quick list of all AI's links! - Coming Soon

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