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To diet or not to diet? That is the question.

I am a rather large lad. I put it down to

I am big boned?

I have a slow metabolism?                                                   

I'm just too short for my weight?

It must be a gland problem?

Ok, Ok I'm a fat cat! I'm super efficient at turning food into cat!

Just a little bite?Ah go on,go on,go on go on goooo oooooon!

The vet has put me on a really strict diet and exercise programme.

I can only eat 55g of low calorie food per day-3/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night.

My food gets hidden so that I have to hunt for it.

I play lots of games, which involve running and chasing.

I will be taken for regular weigh-ins every two weeks.

I have target weights that I must aim for:

I am now weighing = 7.2kg                                             

First target is = 6.5kg

Next target is = 5.5kg                                             

Final ideal weight is = 4-5kg!!!! Gulp...

Please come back to cheer me on in my quest.

Regular up-dates right here.



Mad name!

Hall of shame!

Fun Factoids!


Gorgeous gallery!

Feed back.


08.03.02~Caught licking fresh cream from an empty pot (shouldn't of been left. Should it?)

09.03.02.~Oh the shame of it! I was caught with a scrumptious piece of meat/stolen from human boy's plate!

I'm starving!!!



                         I'm sure There was some food around here somewhere!

16.03.02.~ I have been really good! No cheating and I have become more playful.

11.04.02.~I can't believe that I am a shadow of my former self, 6.1kg!

11.06.02.~I have been caught weeing all over the house.It is pink with blood!I have to go to the dreaded vet.Yuck!!!

12.06.02~I feel rotten...I had to travel to the vet in a pink basket.I mean there is only so much a guy can take.That's really taking the p*ss...Tee hee.To top it all I had to sit in the waiting room with my human discussing my toilet habits:"Oh no it's a male cat,not a girl!OH I see,no it's just a pink basket and he doesn't mind?Well he's here 'cause he is weeing all over the house.Yes every where.Blood and all.Every two minutes he crouches down any where and only a drop comes out..."How embarassing.I felt like blushing the colour of the box.Then I get a thermometer up my bum,two injections and tablets to take home:Wot a party bag?And she wonders why I don't want to get into the box, when I see it appear at home?

13.06.02.~Not only has my weight loss stopped (I haven't cheated, really), I have to endure being put in a head lock 2x a day and having a tablet smeared in butter pushed into my throat.The indignity! I can spot a tablet a mile away. I'm no fool. I don't fall for all that hidden tablet in a treat baloney!

16.06.02~I still wee when I can find a spot.My human growls? at me. I think I am getting the message.Not many more tablets to go now. I refuse to go back to that vet with the cold thermometer