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Teighlor K. Edie
Birth Doula
Of Island Belly Doula Services
P.O. Box 448
Pahala, Hawaii 96777

A little about Me:

I'm a first time mommy to Lydia, who was born on October 5th 2001. We live on the Big Island of Hawaii... where I grew up. Becoming a mother has been the most wonderful decision I have ever made and Im so thrilled to be called "Mom".

After my daughters birth I was amazed by the power and strength it took to make that journey and I began to look into ways that I could help support other women during that process. I had a hospital birth at Hilo Medical Center on the Big Island. I was induced at 42 weeks and what followed was anything but a natural, supported birth. I spent 32 hours in labor and ended up getting both IV medication and an Epidural. Being able to avoid a cesarean and give birth to my daughter vaginally was my ultimate goal and it was one that I achieved! Going through such a long labor with very little support was hard. I had my mother with me but she had never been in labor herself and she didn’t understand what childbirth was like. I ended up finding the strength within myself to get through it.

Labor empowered me - it took me back to my womanly, feminine, primal roots. Granted it was far from what most would consider ideal, it was still MY labor and I was so proud of it. I decided shortly afterwards that supporting women in childbirth was what I wanted to do. There was a driving force pushing me towards "Doulahood". I recently attended a DONA approved Doula training in Hilo and I am currently working on my certification with DONA. I am a member of ALACE and DONA and an active member and participant in La Leche League, East Hawaii. I have found my passion in working with expectant mamas and I look forward to a lifetime of supporting women in this beautiful passage into Motherhood.

Hugs, Teighlor K. Edie