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Of Island Belly's Mission

Women deserve to have positive experiences in childbirth; its a woman's right. In these modern times many of the ancient birthing traditions have passed and given way to more medically assisted births. Today 95% of all babies are born in modern hospitals.

I have heard so many stories of women who came away from their children's births feeling empty and taken advantage of. Their experiences will stay with them for life. It is known that women never forget their labor experiences.

In creating Of Island Belly I aim to be able to help women connect with their bodies and their births. By bringing women to birth in a comfortable, supportive, peaceful environment I am able to not only help them savor that moment of womanhood, I am also helping to bring that baby into life with warm open arms.

Of Island Belly's mission is to create an all encompassing peace within the world of childbirth for mamas and babies.

My Position as a Doula

I feel so strongly that the mother must come away from her birth happy and empowered above all else. I am in no way partial to home birth over hospital or visa versa. My position as a Doula is strictly to support the mother’s wishes for her child’s birth in any environment. I do not try to push ideas or beliefs onto a family in childbirth. My role is to provide facts and suggestions for comfort measures - not to try to influence a mothers decisions.

I hold very true to this statement. I vow as a Doula to uphold each family's individual requests through the entire birthing process as circumstances will allow. In the event of a medical emergency where plans or wishes cannot be fulfilled I will still give my undivided support to the mother.