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Fatboys name: Chubs McGavin
Instrument: Electric Guitarist(lead/back up)
School: Westview
gr 9

Chubs,Chubby,Chubb. Call me whatever u like, I'm a Fatboy. The 1st of 5 fatboys. Juicy, Tubs, Lucious and of cours the fatest of them all Oatmeal, these are my best friends. My real name is... Orie .T.G. Jackiw(the great). I was born on April 5 1987, in the chilly town of Winnipeg, Manitoba. I'm 5'7, 160lb, brown hair, brown eyes, and brown shits. I injoy playing guitar, hangin with my friends, and u no... Do stuff. I have a band , we all met naked sky diving. Our name is... HoseWater. Me and JJohnny D. are on guitars, my boy Tubs is our bass cowboy and Cody (Clum-C) Yates is our kick ass drummer. I attend Westview Secondary School where i enjoy gym, art, and lunch. My favourate teachers are, Cyr, Ms.P , Coach J, and Mr. Bevans. My heros are , Blink 182, wizards, rainbows, and tickel mr pink flowers. Thanx. Chubs Mc.Gavin

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