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All About The Fatboys
Art By The Fatboys
Our Thoughs About The Government
Fat Photos Of The Fatboys And Friends
What If They Were Animals...
The Fatboys Favourate Links
Friends & Fans
Look At These
Our Dearest Friend
Giant Sandwiches Eaten

This site is dedicated to a small group of kids from a small town. The Fatboys. Pudgie, lazy, chunky, big boned call em' whatever you want their FAT. Well actually their not fat but being "fat" is not really physical but more or less a state of mind, as they say. The Fatboys have many talents. Chubs, Juicy and Tubs are in a band called Ingredients To Chili. Oatmeal also plays an instrument but isn't in the band because Ingrediants To Chili has no serious need for a saxophone player. And Lucious... Poor Lucious, the only one who can't play, though he sucks at jammin' he excells at snowboarding.