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Fatboy name: Juicy asshole
Instrument: Electic Guitarist(lead/back up)
School: Westview
gr 9


Thats right I'm still under construction, but what we do know is I enjoy pictures and poetry of flowers long walks on the beach, and of course being naked. thats right, I'm Juicy, Juicy Asshole, Mr. Naked Boy, The Naked Boy.

Other things I love are, music (I play it you know), cheese, chocolate, living, makin people laugh AT me, makin a complete ass of myself, helpin with world peace, and of course my girlfriend Sarahi, without whom I would not be very happy.

I dont know my height, but I'm taller than Lucious and Oatmeal, my weight is always exactly 150, no more, no less(somehow).My name is....(Sarah now tells the people for me like she always does) Robin Edward William Davies!!im from Vancouver, where I spent the beginning years of my life on the bus. I'm the oldest Fatboy, but only the second one, cause you know it was mostly Ories idea to make the fatboys, we were eating one day at his house and his face lit up with his deviouse plans.

Speakin of plans I'm also conducting a master plan, shhhh keep it on the downlow, the low down. Doo doo doo oh yeah I forgot I'm writing, but I'm so hungry, oh well too lazy to eat. Meh! My heroes are, the cast of Cheers, Bill Cosby, Adam Sandler, Norm MacDonald, John Candy, Louie Anderson, Horatio Sanz, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrex, George Harrison, Michael J. Fox and the Ninja Turtles. well any way I'm gonna do what youknow I will, that right it supper time!!!! adios

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