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Lucious Sweets
Instrument: none
School: Westview

Heyheyhey, it's Lucious Sweets, aka Kenny Morine I live in Mission with my mom, step dad, sister, my cat sneakers and my dog buddy. Some of my hobbies are... Eating, eating, eating, eating, sleeping, eating, eating, drinking, eating, sleeping, eating, freaking, eating, sleeping, and snowboarding. Like all the Fatboys I go 2 Westview Secondary (Damn I hate Novotney!!!!) and I like to "chill" with my "fatties" when ever possible. My favourite people are... my mom, Chester Bennington, Jean Claud Van-Dam, and that guy in gym class who wore sweatpants. Time to send this to Tubby, peace out. I'm hungery fatboy out. Yall.

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