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Water is Life!

Happy Water & Health Blog


Lucky Joy Wells, Wellness Advocate, Master Coach

… Right living can add ten, twenty or more years to your life.
Imagine the peace of many productive, happy, loving, disease- free years ahead.

Physiology Consultant, energy and weight - loss trainer Lucky Wells offers
little known, highly effective approaches * for health and weight correction and motivation.

Join with the millions now enjoying the most natural health there is!

FREE initial consult-- Call for a fuller explanation of the logic of our re- education
and to clarify your choices for superlative health and energy.

If you're ready to move into your best health, Contact Lucky / Email

This page will tell you…

What makes these programs Different?

What are the little known, highly effective approaches you talk about? *

Actually, vital truths of health are known to the marketplace.
The problem is, they are not money- makers.
Thus, their fate has been to be ignored, misunderstood and misapplied, drowned out by the more lucrative pursuits.

> Information is the Vital Key

The most important thing in health is NOT how much you know—
it is having the right information!

How many degrees you have and how great a coach you are means nothing compared to that.


Nature’s Sacred Caveat in Human Health is that

Disease is caused by unhealthy conditions of life, and is healed by living in the proper balance. This has been the foundation of schools of health that go back to before the time of medicine.
Outside the now mainstream practices* of health, all these approaches are now grouped under the heading of “alternative”.

Vital Import, Little Understanding

It is common knowledge that medicine suppresses symptoms with drugs and treatments.
The profits are big business, now controlling the medical and pharmaceutical schools and the curriculums they study.

Less known is the fact that the confusion and profiteering has also infected the alternative health fields, such that today all but a very few alternative practitioners have a fragmented grasp on the basics precepts of the origins of their knowledge. Their own quality education has been infiltrated by moneyed interests, and supporters of truly natural healing by the body’s own systems have grown rare.

Even the most well- meaning health promoters in the vanguard need to make a living, and have often become dependent on products of the marketplace, that is, using something or other to “help the body” heal. The truth is, the body doesn’t need products of any kind to heal itself.
This is the most vital understanding needed for long- term health, life and longevity.

What makes this program different is your complete re-education
with understanding reaching beyond that which is generally found even in the alternative marketplace.

In addition, you will receive…

Doctor Assisted Coaching

To be trusted to help with something so vital and important as health is a grave matter, and for this reason it is undertaken only under the direction of professionals of immense experience in medicine and naturopathic schools. When appropriate, I may share client information with a more experienced professional.

Body- Mind and Motivation Coaching

My clients get a bonus when coaching with me. I’ve been in body- mind and life coaching for over 25 years, many of them working with food addictions, weight- loss and maintenance. I’ m quite familiar with the issues that arise as well as the general challenges of personal growth and life and lifestyle changes.


Students of these methods take charge of their own wellness.

get to decide how healthy you want to be and take the action to create that.
The fruits of it are obvious when you click our testimonials.

Once you have the right information and are using it properly,
you are dependent on no one for your health.

You and I together can end the search for “cures” and palliatives and
Learn the secrets of balanced, healthy living.

Your first FREE consultation explains the rationale behind these teachings
in relationship to your personal health concerns.

Meet Your Mentor: Lucky Wells: Physiologist, Health and Weight Consultant

Educational Degrees and Certifications:

A. A. S., Community Mental Health Technology,
B. S., Sociology/ Psychology,
State University of N.Y. at New Paltz, 1978

Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Energy Consultant; Natural Weight Loss Trainer;
Certified 1992 with ongoing studies; Active in the field since 2002
Further credentials include numerous Certifications and practice as Counselor, Life Coach;
Certified Master Coach; Self Hypnosis Trainer; Attitudinal Healing Facilitator,
and training in many more tools of Body- Mind and inner healing.

My education and work in the health field began in 1994 with compulsive over-eaters and weight-loss clients. Other experience includes 25 years in the personal coaching and mental health fields working with addictions, adult children of dysfunctional homes and their families as personal aide, sponsor, mentor and coach.

My strengths are in the specifics of my education which refutes the misuse and mis-understanding of natural health issues and my experience with motivational and lifestyle issues. I help people find and connect with their blocks and strengths in making positive changes for optimum health and living.


Re- Education Goals: To provide:

...Groundwork knowledge to serve as a baseline to confirm, deny, and/ or evaluate
different treatments or modalities

.. Support and additional education for overcoming and preventing ailments.

The "Basics" of our Re- Education include…

.... a well- rounded overview to empower you in practical health care decisions.
Many health seekers are self- educated, incomplete understanding along with societal or personal factors make them prey to
dangerous misconceptions or misleading information regarding health, with sometimes disastrous consequences.

The following topics, among others, are pertinent :

  • Understanding the cause of disease and nature's role in it
  • Nutritive and non- nutritive factors in disease, health and related issues;
  • The simple, sensible, and orderly laws of human biology and their role in health
  • The basic needs of human health; Self- care;
  • What is nutrition? What is natural?
  • Are some foods superior to others and why?
  • What is a food & what factors distinguish a food from a drug?
  • Cures and curing, treatments, first aid, tests, hospitalization, etc.
  • Drugging deception: Appearances vs. long- term effects
  • Staying on the wellness path
  • Natures' limits and human knowledge


I ask all health seekers to ask themselves this question:
How much is your health worth to you?


Contact : Lucky Joy Wells / Email
Voicemail at: 808 346-2460. I will call you back free of charge.


Call for a complimentary phone consultation, questions or help contact Lucky

Email / Contact Page

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This health service is a member of Biocology International
dedicated to promoting "the most natural health in the marketplace."

All articles on these pages are by Lucky Joy Wells.
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