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ACA Adult- Child Videos

Lollipop Mom’s Heartful of Healing

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Unity and Soul

For Soul Seekers,
Thinkers, Rebels & Our World!

Lucky's Recovery Art

Breaking Free
Recovery Art Videos

What is an "Adult Child"

“Adult Child” Self- Test

What is "re-parenting" ?

Help Create Healing

For Ourselves & our World

Lucky Links

Blog Soul and

for Thinkers, Unity, Soul, GodRebels
-- All faiths or none Welome!
Spiritual support for rebels & seekers of all faiths & ways

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TruthfulHeart Happy Coach

Contact : Email


Please Donate! to heal domestic Abuse

ACA “Adult Child” Awareness

Healing for those from challenging homes,
ACA’s, ACoA’s & all!

Videos to heal abuse and family dysfunction

Breaking Free Movies -- next page

Here is Lucky’s “Speak Don’t Spank” 3 minute video that grew out of the Breaking free series.

This video won 2nd prize in a contest eschewing spanking and encouraging non- violent parenting.

"Breaking Free" videos Parts 1 & 2

feature multi-dimensional artworks including a “dysfunctional family tour” with healing poetry,
music, emotional “first- aid” and insight to encourage survivors of challenging homes.

Sometimes dark, sometimes childlike, often soulful, the video can inspire, honor and uplift the heart. (55 minutes)

Here is the YouTube trailer to the video series.

It includes traits of family dysfunction and highlights from the full length movies.

Get the book
Breaking Free: Album of Power

includes full color artwork from the movie with a more intimate look into the dynamics of family abuse and recovery through the eyes of an emerging survivor.

If you enjoy recovery art and the "Breaking Free" videos, you'll love the book with art from the movies in which the tender self is understood, encouraged and kindly nurtured. read more.

Brother, and other Stories

Two sisters offer tribute as they ponder events surrounding the premature death of their brother and his near- fatal accident as a youngster, an event that may have been both an effect of dysfunction as well as additional trauma for an already stressed family.

Short stories in Ebook/PDF format--16 pages Read More

Here’s a bit of sweet comfort as found in the “Breaking Free” video series.

. -------------> Our challenges can truly reveal our greatness.

Truth Heals us-- May we all awaken to our true selves.

… We are essentially Spirit and far greater than we can imagine...


Home / Adult- Child Awakening Self- test / Videos / Books
has loads of info, the best reads on these subjects,
support, meetings, & more ! Your source for ACA needs!

* ACA’s, ACoA’s The label "Adult Children" was first applied to those from homes of alcoholism or addiction ,
thus ACA, AcoA, etc. ("Adult Children" of Alcoholics) monikers came into being.

Lucky Links

Blog Soul and

for Thinkers, Unity, Soul- Seekers & Rebels too--
All faiths & ways, or none-- for Ourselves and Our World !

Spirit Top. com-- Spiritual support for Rebels & seekers of all faiths & ways

TruthfulHeart Happy Coaching

Contact: Lucky Joy Wells Email Lucky

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