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Believers' Immersion Page

The Largest Collection of Significant
Believers' Baptism Links on the Internet!


The links have been roughly categorized into the following sections:

The essays linked here are of two classes: those that put forth the biblical doctrines relating to baptism in a positive manner, and those that approach the subject of baptism in a manner that is aimed at critiquing false teachings on the subject.

And now . . . Here are the links:

Baptism's Significance, Motivation,
Subjects, and Mode, and Critiques of the Contrary

  1. 7 Baptisms of the Bible — A Chart (Anon.)
  2. Troubling Waters of Baptism (Thomas Ascol)
  3. Believers' Baptism in the Bible (Rick DeMichele)
  4. Bible Baptism: Believers' Baptism (A Allison Lewis)
  5. Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Anon.)
  6. Baptism: A Do-it-Yourself Study (Todd R. Cook)
  7. Basics on Baptism (Dale Johnsen)
  8. A Short Catechism About Baptism (John Tombes)
  9. Our Symbols: Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Anon.)
  10. What Does the Bible Say About Baptism? (Anon.)
  11. Baptism: Is it For Me? Why? How? When? (Anon.)
  12. Water Baptism: Mode and Subjects (Jack Lewis)
  13. The Doctrine of Baptism & The Distinction of the Two Covenants (Thomas Patient)
  14. Baptism: Its Perpetuity, Meaning, Subjects, and Design (J.L. Dagg) A very thorough treatise — a classic work!
  15. What the Bible Teaches About Baptism (Anon.)
  16. Baptism and the New Testament Church (W.H.H. Marsh)
  17. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism (Robert Garner)
  18. Growing Points: Christian Baptism (Aaron Sciford)
  19. Christian Baptism — a book (Kirk Wellum)
  20. Questions and Answers From a Reformed Baptist (Stan Reeves)
  21. Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About Baptism (Fenton Moorhead)
  22. Baptism at Xenos Church (Gary DeLashmutt)
  23. Baptism: A Confession of Faith (Michael Gowens)

    Baptism's Significance & Motive,
    And Critiques of Sacramentalism

    1. Brothers, Magnify the Meaning of Baptism (John Piper)
    2. Why a Believer Should be Baptised (Jack Lewis)
    3. The Motive For Baptism (Thomas E. Ward)
    4. Baptism: For What Purpose? (Steve Atkerson)
    5. Scriptural Study Refuting Baptismal Regeneration (Dan Corner)
    6. Water Baptism is NOT a Requirement for Salvation
    7. Baptismal Regeneration and Bible Salvation (Dennis Costello) Or click here, if the title link doesn't work.
    8. Baptism and Covenant Theology (Walter J. Chantry While the author of this essay subscribes to the Covenant Theology of Presbyterianism, he does not subscribe to their doctrines when it comes to baptism, and indeed, he offers some cogent arguments against infant baptism and baptismal regeneration.
    9. Baptism: A Burial (C.H. Spurgeon) This essay and was written by a man that many — including Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, and other peadobaptists and sacrametalists — have said was "the greatest preacher since the apostle Paul" and have called "the prince of preachers." A Baptist preacher of London in the 19th century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon drew crowds of thousands to the New Park Street Chapel and, later, to the Metropolitan Tabernacle, located in South London; it was rumored that even Queen Victoria herself once came to hear him preach. The crowds that turned out to honor his memory at his funeral procession matched that of royalty.
    10. Baptismal Regeneration (C.H. Spurgeon)
    11. What Saves? Baptism or Jesus Christ? (Buddy Bryant)
    12. A Brief Rebuttal of Baptismal Regeneration (James White)
    13. Is Baptism Neccessary to Salvation? (Colin Le Noury)
    14. Baptism: Does it Regenerate? (Steve Atkerson)
    15. Does Water Baptism Save? (Mitch Cervinka)
    16. Water Baptism: Is it Neccessary for Salvation? (Jack Lewis)
    17. Does Baptism Regenerate, or Remit Sins? (Ron Gometz)
    18. Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? (Wayne McKellips)
    19. Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? (John Ankerberg)
    20. Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? (Anon.)
    21. What's Next: The Meaning of Mark 16:16 (Frank A. Viola) Although this author appears, at first glance, to teach that salvation is by faith plus baptism, further reading will reveal that the "salvation" that he views as being obtainable partly through baptism is not regeneration, justification, judicial sanctification, or the forgiveness of sins; rather it is entrance into the body of Christ, the Israel of God.
    22. Baptism: Does it Have Anything to do With Salvation? (Gary Jefferson)

      Believer's Baptism, and Critiques of Paedobaptism

      1. Baptism is For Believers Only (Don Fortner)
      2. The Baptism of Believers (Bertrand Smith)
      3. Believers' Baptism (John Scholles)
      4. Growth: Believers' Baptism (Anon.)
      5. Baptism: What About Infants? (Steve Atkerson)
      6. Infant Baptism: Part and Pillar of Popery (John Gill)
      7. Infant Baptism: its History and its Harm (William Pettingill)
      8. A Critique of Paedobaptists' Use of Colossians 2:11-12 (Mark LaVoie)
      9. A Critique of Paedobaptist Interpretation of First Corinthians 7:14 (Stan Reeves)
      10. A Critical Evaluation of Paedobaptism (Greg Welty)
      11. A String of Pearls Unstrung (Fred A. Malone) The author of this fine essay was once a Presbyterian. Although he still adheres to what is called Covenant Theology in Reformed circles, his arguments against infant baptism are some of the most cogent you will find on the internet. Almost incidentally, in answering peadobaptist arguments, he also shows the error of supposing that baptism is a prerequisite to justification and forgiveness of sins. A very worthwhile essay.
      12. Baptismal Regeneration? (Dave Hunt)
      13. Paedobaptism Examined (Abraham Booth)

        Baptism's "Mode" and
        Critiques of Affusion

        1. Ba ptism: Does the Mode Matter? (Steve Atkerson) An excellent essay from one of the best sites on the internet promoting home churches.
        2. Baptism in Water (Michael Fackerell)
        3. Why do We Practice Baptism by Immersion? (Don Fortner)
        4. Wat er Baptism is to be Done by Full Immersion (Anon.)
        5. What is the Scriptural Mode of Baptism? (Anon.)
        6. Was Immersion the Mode of Early Church Baptism? (Anon.)
        7. Immersion: The Only Scriptural Mode of Baptism (Anon.)
        8. Water Baptism by Immersion? (René van Dijk)
        9. How Did They Baptize in the First Century? (Wayne McKellips)
        10. Bap tism by Immersion (Elias E. Hidalgo) While I emphatically do not endorse Mosianic Christianity, or faith in the Lord that is even remotely racially centered (whether Jewish, White, Black, Korean, Hispanic, etc.), Hidalgo has written a pretty good essay on the subject of immersion.
        11. Immersion Versus Pouring (David J. Riggs)

          Other Worthwhile Baptism Articles

          1. In the Name of Jesus Only? (Dean Van Druff) An excellent essay discussing whether baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is required, or whether it is sufficient to baptize in the name of Jesus, and what it really means to baptize into the name.
          2. A Formula For Baptism? (Brian Jones) A useful article by a sacramentarian (if you aren't sure what that means, please be sure to read the defini tion before going on, and keep in mind the meaning of this term as you examine the rest of the links in this section).
          3. Is Baptism Becoming a Sacrament to "Fundamentalists"? (Anon.)
          4. Called to Be Faithful, Not to Be Judge (Edward Fudge) This is an article by a non-sacramentarian member of a Church of Christ, and is quite excellent.
          5. One Baptism — One Immersion (Cecil Hook) An excellent response to trine immersionists by one who, apparently, is a sacramentalist.
          6. Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion? (Mark Copeland) Another good article by a sacramentalist.
          7. The Doctrine of Baptisms, and Baptism into the Body of Christ (Ari Hamalainen) This essay, and the two after the next one, don't fit quite so neatly into the previous categories, so they are listed here (the next one is listed here because it is part of a series, but it is also listed under the first category). These essays contain some of the best teaching on the baptisms of the New Testament that I have seen. This particular essay reconciles the several baptisms of the New Testament with the New Testament's teaching that there is "one baptism."
          8. The Doctrine of Baptism in Water (Ari Hamalainen)
          9. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Ari Hamalainen)
          10. The Baptism Into the Sufferings of Christ (Ari Hamalainen) A most excellent essay, dealing with the fourth baptism that the New Testament anticipates that Christians will undergo. It is greatly hoped that the visitor will carefully consider this and the previous three essays (1st Thess. 5:19-21).
          11. Are We to Fellowship the Unimmersed? (Leroy Garrett) A worthwhile essay, about the magnanimous attitude of one of the fathers of the Churches of Christ denominations, toward those who, although they differed with him on baptism, still demonstrating love for Christ. This comes from a web site that, ostensibly, holds to a redemptive, regenerative, or sacramental view of baptism.

          12. Baptism in the King James Version (Paul Kirkpatrick). Another excellent essay, and needful reading especially for those who suppose that the words "baptism" and "baptize" are the result of dishonesty on the part of the King James Version translators.

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