Chapter 24

It’s been about two weeks and everyone was back in Orlando for Kristina’s 18th birthday. The hardest thing for the guys wasn’t to change around their schedule to fit the event in; it was the fact that she was probably the hardest person to shop for. Since Big Bear, the guys started searching for the perfect present they could each give her. As hard as they tired it wasn’t good enough. They each wanted something that symbolizes everything they’ve been through, her especially.

They had all been at the mall looking around all afternoon for Kristina’s birthday present.

“What does Kristina not have?” Justin started complaining. “I mean the girls have already gotten her a present...maybe because they’ve known her longer but still...”

Everyone laughed as they split up again and went to search for Kristina’s present. Justin walked out of another store and it finally dawned on him.

“I know what to give her!” He said screaming through the mall. He called the other guys in their cell phones and told them her present. They all groaned when they still didn’t have anything. JC had already thought of the perfect thing to give to her. It wasn’t anything materialistic but he knew she would love it. So it was all left, Lance, Joey, and Chris were still in the dark without present for Kristina. After hours of searching and searching, the three gave up and went to Audrey’s apartment.

“Her party is in three days and the three of us don’t have anything for her!” Joey screamed in the car.

“You know what makes the situation more stressful...her birthday just happens to fall on Valentine’s Day.” Chris said.

“Yeah, doesn’t it just make the day more special.” JC said with a dreamy tone in his voice.

“Oh put a sock in it!” Joey said. “All that love stuff is driving me crazy. What are you getting her anyway?”

“Just something she won’t forget. I’m going to...” His sentenced was stopped when they reached the apartment. The five guys got out of the car and looked up to see the girls lounging on the balcony in their warm jackets and sweats. Justin was about to call out to them but Chris slapped his head and told him to be quiet. A devilish grin came upon his face as they took the elevator up to the room. They used the spare key hidden just above the door and carefully walked inside of the house. Audrey saw them come in and also noticed the grin on Chris’ face.

“Oh… no...” Audrey began. She reached for the latch to the door but was too late. Chris dove for the indoor latch and locked it leaving the girls stranded outside.

“Chris? Why’d you do that?” Justin asked looking at the door and seeing the girls pout.

“Because...they all have presents for Kristina already and we don’t...Ugh! Why is this girl so hard to shop for?” He informed them. “I’m surprised I’m not throwing you and JC out with them.”

JC walked over to the glass door and put his hand on the pane. Kristina reached out and did the same. She gave him an innocent look and pouted her lip and hugged herself telling him that she was cold. Chris yelled at him.

“Resist her JC, resist the charm...” Chris said.

It was too late, JC had unlatched the lock sending the girls inside and rushing towards Chris.

“You are so...DEAD!” Julie said. “What are you trying to do to us?”

“I’m sorry...I was just frustrated!”

“Oh baby, about what?” Audrey said picking him off of the floor.

Chris eyed Kristina evilly and cautiously walked over behind her. Kristina looked at him strangely and started to walk away but Chris wrapped his arm around her and had tight hold of her. “This is why! Why do you have to be so hard to shop for!” Everyone eased up thinking he was really crazy.

“I don’t understand.” Kristina said, knowing what he was talking about. She would have to admit that she was hard to shop for. She was just so picky about things.

“You don’t understand. Maybe because you don’t have to shop for yourself! We spent four hours at the mall in our dumb old disguises and we tried to find you something special for your birthday!” Chris said letting her go a bit. She walked over to JC and hid behind him.

“I’m sorry!” She said.

“I have...well three of us have a total of three days until your birthday slash Valentine’s Day slash party. I mean it’d be great if it was your party then your I can just give it to you on your real birthday but NO...You had to decide to throw your birthday the day of your birthday...and which also happens to be Valentine’s Day!” Chris yelled.

“Again, that’s not entirely my fault. I wanted to have my birthday party the week after to avoid such hassle but it wasn’t my call...” Kristina said using JC’s shirt as a shield for Chris’ rage.

“What do you mean it wasn’t your call?” He watched as Kristina’s sight drifted towards Audrey.


“Yes babe...” Audrey said knowing she was in for it.

“This added stress is your doing?” He asked sincerely. “Yes.” She said taking some pillow from the couch and shielding herself from Chris.

“I see...” He said picking up his pace. Audrey got up and ran for her room. Seconds later she came back and hid behind Justin.

“Oh you can’t hide behind him! I don’t think so!” Chris said. He grabbed her and threw her on the couch rather forcefully.

He hovered over her and suddenly got a nasty grin on his face. He smiled slyly and began to tickle her.

“Ah...NO. Help!” She yelled. Everyone laughed.

“No help!” He snapped. “It’s your fault I don’t have enough time to get Kristina a present! Now you must suffer.”

“Let’s leave these two alone.” Joey said walking towards Kristina’s room. Everyone followed and stopped midway when Chris screamed again.

“I got it! Oh my god! I know...” Chris said getting off of Audrey.

“WHAT?” Joey and Lance said. “You mean now it’s the two of us.”

“Yes.” He said with a smile. “It’s all coming to me now. I know what to get her for her birthday. It’s perfect. Got to go! Audrey, come with?”

“Um...yeah okay.” She said getting her coat back on. The two left in a hurry. Everyone in the house stared at each other and honestly thought Chris had lost his mind.

**In Chris’ car**

“What are you going to get her?” Audrey asked as they sped down the busy Orlando streets.

“It’s perfect, she has to love it. I know she will.”

“What, Chris, WHAT are you planning on giving her?” Audrey said becoming anxious. He had never seen him so riled up about something and it truly started to scare her.

“I’m going to give her...” He began to tell Audrey and her face lit up at his words. He was right, it was perfect for her, and coming from him would make it ten times better.

Everyone sat around talking about the party preparations. The topic of Valentines came up.

“So do any of you have Valentines?” Joey asked. The three girls shook their heads no. “Well then we’ll have to fix that.”

Lance had asked Julie to be his Valentine. Justin easily asked Shelley. Kristina was seated in between Joey and JC. The two guys looked at each other and dropped to their knees in front of her.

“Kristina...will you be my Valentine?” They both said. She giggled and looked at them.

“JC, I gladly accept your proposal.” She said leaning down and hugging him.

“NO!” Joey said sulking back in his spot on the couch.

“Hey, Joey, cheer up. I’ve got you all covered.” Kristina said.

“What do you mean?” He asked completely stuck.

“My friend, Tania, needs someone to be with and so I told her you were more than likely free for someone.”

“Is she cute?” Kristina just smiled and looked carefree. “Well is she?”

“That’s for you to decide. She’s coming to the party.”

“All right.” Joey said. “I’m taken!” Everyone laughed at his antics and carried on conversation for another hour. Chris and Audrey had just walked into the room.

“So what did you get me?” Kristina asked.

“Nothing. You’ll just have to wait and see.” Chris said walking into the room. Audrey followed him and winked at the group. Kristina smiled because now she knew Audrey knew what Chris got her.

“Don’t get any ideas.” Audrey yelled. “You’re not getting it out of me.”

“Man!” Kristina said. “What do I have to do to get it out of ya’ll? It’s only a birthday present.”

“And it’s meant to be a surprise. So WAIT!” Julie yelled.

**Monday, February 14, 2000**

Kristina didn’t want her party to be anything big. Especially since she was throwing it on a Monday. There would be school the next day so it wasn’t going to be big. But the guys wouldn’t have it any other way. They rented out an old studio and held the party there. All of Kristina’s closest friends were invited to the semi-formal bash. The guys brought along some of their family members to join in. It was definitely a big turnout. The guys had invited Brad and Alex, otherwise known as Riprock and Alex G., to the party. They were told to DJ the event and they willing accepted. It was about 9:30 and the party was just beginning. It had started about an hour and a half ago. Everyone invited had shown up, even a few celebrities that the girls met through the guys had shown up. The night was one to remember.

“This is amazing.” Kristina said over the music. She had been dancing with Joey all night. His date hadn’t shown up yet.

“Yeah, when is she getting here?” Joey said.

“She’ll be here don’t worry! She’s always one to make an entrance.”

Audrey walked by and joined into their conversation. “I would so have to agree.” The three danced through two more songs when a loud bang came from the front door. The doors slowly opened and a low fog entered the room. Everyone stared at the figure coming into the room. The girls smiled because they knew the party was just getting started. Tania walked in and casually strolled onto the middle of the dance floor. Joey’s eyes locked on instantly.

“That’s my date?” He said followed by a loud gulp.

“Yes.” Kristina was all smiles. “That would be the ever-present Tania.”

Tania stunned the crowd in her fitting red dress and velvet strapped shoes. Her hair was pinned up and had thin strands falling down the sides of her face. Audrey and the girls walked over to her and hugged her.

“Let’s get this party rolling!” Tania screamed. The music blared up again and everyone continued dancing. Audrey pulled Tania over to where the guys were standing.

“Hey guys. This is Tania…Joey’s date.” Audrey said. Joey walked over to her and smiled. Tania casually rolled her eyes somewhat in disgust. The guys tried so hard to contain their laughter, as did Audrey. Tania slowly inched her way towards JC. She carefully ran her hands on his shirt and wrapped his arms around his neck.

“Are you sure he isn’t my date?” She asked. She saw the look on Joey’s face and tried not to smile.

“Yes, he’s not your date!” Kristina yelled from across the room. “Don’t try anything Tania.” They laughed and Tania let go of JC. She grabbed Joey’s hand and gave him the puppy dog look and even added the pout in her lips.

“I’m sorry.” She said. “I guess you’ll have to do.” The look in her eyes was so innocent that Joey couldn’t help but go weak at the knees. “You should really learn how to take a joke.”

Joey smiled devilishly and mumbled to himself. “Let’s see who can and can’t take a joke later on.”

The DJ’s came back on the speakers and asked for everyone to get out on the dance floor. Chris took Audrey’s hand and took her to the floor. Justin went in search for Shelley. Lance picked up a random girl and JC went to look for Kristina. Tania really wanted to go out there but wasn’t the most upfront person to just ask someone. She did have her soft and shy side. Joey wanted to go out there and show her his stuff but didn’t want to jump at her. Kristina’s friend Bobby walked up to Tania and asked her to dance. She willingly took his offer and walked away swaying her hips from side to side knowing Joey would be watching. Joey just smiled as he walked over to Julie and asked her to dance. She looked at him puzzled and gave in.

“Joey…I DON’T dance!” She yelled.

“I know. But c’mon, live a little. This is a party! HAVE FUN!” He said watching Tania closely.

“Fine, fine.” She said.

Kristina and JC were dancing and talking. “So, what did you get me?” She said smiling. She knew all too well that she wouldn’t get it out of anyone but it didn’t hurt to try.

“Actually, I didn’t get you anything.” He said smiling. Kristina’s smile faded away as she continued dancing and thinking to herself why.

“Oh, okay then. Whatever.” She said. The song ended and went straight into a slow song. JC and Justin switched dance partners. Lance walked over to Julie and sat down with her at the booth. Chris and Audrey were in the middle of the dance floor with a little circle of people watching the happy couple. They were in their own world and all they could see was each other.

“You look absolutely beautiful tonight.” Chris mentioned looking down at her pale purple dress.

“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” She said blushing. She wrapped her arms tighter around Chris’ neck, inhaling the scent on his cologne.

This night is perfect. Finally, a Valentine’s day with someone I really truly care about. I couldn’t have asked for a better moment.

Audrey’s thoughts were broken when the music changed to a more upbeat song. Joey took advantage of the switch and grabbed Tania out to the dance floor. “Would you look at those two?” She said pointing. “Something not so innocent is going to happen.

Kristina and Julie walked up on the balcony looking down at everyone. “Hello. Get a room!” They yelled. Everyone laughed as they continued to watch Tania and Joey dancing.

Tania would slowly grabbed Joey’s hands and placed them on her hips. She then took her hands and placed them on his shoulders very slowly and deliberately, and slightly grazing his arms on the way there. Joey eyed her closely and knew what she was up to. He took on of his hands and placed in on the small of her back bringing them closer together, closer than either of them wanted to. Tania ran her hand down his arms and back up to slowly graze her fingers over his lips. She licked her own lips and locked her eyes on Joey’s, that were staring at her intently.

Everyone watched as the two got it on out on the dance floor. It was a sight to see, literally. JC looked up and saw Kristina. Her face lit up to the sight she saw below her and it melted his heart. She was truly enjoying every minute of this and it brought a smile to his face knowing he helped make her this happy. Kristina looked down instantly and saw JC staring at her. She smiled and sighed heavily.

“You really do have strong feelings for him, huh?” Julie asked breaking her stare from JC.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, well I haven’t seen you like this. In all my years knowing you, you’re finally happy with your life and he has a LOT to do with it.”

“I don’t know. Yes I care for him; he’s been there for me through so much lately. But does he really feel the same way? That’s the question. I mean, yes, we do flirt occasionally…”

Julie looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Okay a LOT, but that’s all it is.”

“Yeah, but you kiss like you’re a couple.”

“But we’re not. He’s old enough to decide whom he wants to be with, and right now I’m just here when he doesn’t have that person. Besides, he won’t ask me out. Yeah right. He didn’t even get me anything.”

They looked back down and saw that Joey and Tania still had everyone’s attention. Joey brought the two of them even closer and pulled away. He saw the disappointed look on Tania’s face. She was hooked on Joey at that moment and if he wanted to play games, she was more than likely to give them. The DJ put on ‘Sexual’ by Amber and Tania took Joey’s hand and brought him back to the dance floor. Audrey laughed uncontrollably. She knew Tania had her devious side and she was going to tease Joey until he couldn’t take it anymore.

Julie, meanwhile, tried to think of reasons why JC didn’t get a present for Kristina. “What? You’re serious.”

“Yeah. He told me he didn’t get me anything so now I really don’t know what to believe.”

“Well just hang on as long as you can. He’s a great guy and he wouldn’t do anything that stupid. He’s fought for you for so long, from Cory to even Justin. He couldn’t have just given up now, has he?” Julie asked looking down at JC, who was talking to Lance.

The crowd cheered and the girls looked down and saw Joey and Tania really going at it. “Tania, what are you doing?” Joey asked.

“Making YOU the center of attention.” She said as she made her way around him, purposely grazing his arms and stomach. Joey groaned as she worked her magic.

“This Amber song isn’t helping at all.”

“Good. Enjoy yourself while you can.” She said seductively. She turned her back towards him and wrapped his arms around her waist, causing both of them to sway slowly to the music. Joey melted at her touch. He brought his head to the crevice of her neck and inhaled her scent. Tania let go of Joey’s arms, turned around, and pressed herself against Joey. Joey’s jaw dropped as he focused on the things Tania was doing.

Everyone was watching. Audrey, Chris, and the whole group stood around watching the two on the floor. The majority of the party had gone on to do their own business. Joey and Tania were in their own world. Tania began circling Joey seductively. Joey tried to pull her in to dance but Tania wouldn’t have it. She smacked his hand and shook a finger. She ran her hands up his back and blew hair into his ear. He shivered as sweat ran down the side of his face. Audrey laughed as she saw Tania doing the same antics she knew all too well. She explained Tania’s actions to the other guys and they laughed heartily.

Tania put her hands into Joey’s front pockets and pulled him closer to him. She pulled her hands out and grazed the front of his pants causing him to jump back. He looked at her and smiled evilly. The song ended and Tania slowly walked away, eyeing the mirror in front of her as she watched Joey’s expressional face. Everyone cheered and the party was normal again.

Julie and Kristina were still on the balcony talking. “Like I said, I don’t know. I don’t want to know. I’m just here to have fun. It’s my party so I shouldn’t be thinking about this right?”

“Yes, you’re right. Let’s head back downstairs, it’s almost eleven o’ clock. Everyone’s leaving.” They walked down the stairs and yelled good-bye to everyone who walked out the door. Kristina stood by the door thanking everyone who came. Joey and Tania were at the bar talking to each other. Their heads were close together and from where everyone was standing it looked like they were going to kiss. Audrey walked over to try and peel them off of each other.

“C’mon guys, party’s over.”

Joey groaned and took Tania to her car. She gave him her number and got into her car. He stood there as she drove off. “Have fun?” Kristina asked walking up beside him.

“Oh, too much fun.” He said grinning. “Thanks for going all out to get me a date.”

“Don’t mention it.” They walked inside to see everyone crowding around the doorway.

“What’s this all about?”

“Time to open your presents sweetie.” Audrey said. A big smile came to Kristina’s face.

“Yes!” The nine walked over to one of the round booths and all squeezed in. “Presents for me. But ya know what, they don’t really matter that much anymore because tonight was perfect and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Can it. You know you want them. Besides we put too much thought into these so love them!” Chris said.

“C’mon, Kris, who are you to say you don’t want these nine boxes?” Julie said. “I know you better than that!”

“Okay, okay. Give them to me NOW. I’ve waited too long for these!” Everyone laughed and left to get her presents.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 25