Chapter 15

Carly set in her room until she heard Jenny crying. She got up and headed to the nursery to find JC already in there with Jenny. “Hey, Jace. She probably needs changed.”

“That’s why I figured.”

“I’ll do it.”

“It’s ok. I got it. So did you have a good conversation?”

Carly knew she should feel like he was butting in her business but she didn’t. She felt the need to tell him everything. “Not really. He seems to think things can go back to he way they were before everything happened.”

“And they can’t.”

“Nope. I just can’t forget how much his words hurt me.”

JC turned and looked at her. “Words? What words?”

Carly knew she had slipped. She hadn’t told anyone what he had said. “Just things he said.”

JC finished changing Jenny and laid her back in her crib. She fell right to sleep. “It had to be more than just things to hurt you that badly.”

Carly knew he wouldn’t leave her alone until she told him. “Ok. If I tell you this you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially Joe.”

”Ok. I promise.” They headed to Carly’s room.

Carly sat on the bed and JC sat beside her. “When I told Nick I was pregnant, he asked me if it was his?”

JC’s eyes got wide. “He what?”

“He basically accused me of cheating on him.”

“How dare he. You would never…”

“I know that, you know that, and I thought he knew that; but I guess not.”

“Carly, why didn’t you tell anyone?”

”Because I know if Joe finds out he’ll do something he’ll regret later.”

“You’re probably right. But that’s a huge load to carry on your own.”

”I’m ok. I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to get those words out of my head.”

“That’s understandable.”

“Now I just need to figure out a way to tell Nick all of this.”

“You need to come right out and say it. Guys don’t take hints too well. Trust me I’m a guy. I know these things.”

“Well I would hope you’re a guy.” They both started laughing.

“Well, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” JC hugged her then walked out of the room.

A month later Carly still hadn’t found the strength to talk to Nick. She just kept telling him that she needed time. Finally one day she broke. “Nick, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t take it.”

“Angel, take what?”

“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be with you. Ok. I can’t be your girlfriend ever again. Every time I look at you I see that look you had in your eyes that night. And every time I hear you speak I hear those words you spoke and I feel the pain all over again. Nick, I want you in my life as my baby’s father nothing else.”

Nick stood there and looked at her. “Who is it?”


“The only reason you’d be pulling away from me like this is if there was someone else. So who is it? I bet it’s JC isn’t it? You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately. Well let me tell you something. I will not let him raise my child. She is mine and I will raise her.”

“Whoa, Nick! Calm down. I’m not seeing JC. He’s my best friend, that’s all there is to it. You don’t have to worry about someone else raising Jenny. She’s your daughter and I want you in her life. No one else besides you and me are going to raise our daughter.”

“Ok. I’m sorry. I jumped to conclusions. I should probably go. I’ll call ya later.”

“Bye. Nick.” Nick walked out of Carly’s room and left. She stood at the window watching him go. She felt like the world had been lifted off her shoulders. She stood there staring at the setting sun. She screamed when a pair of hands touched her shoulders. She spun around to see Joey standing there. “Oh, my God! Joe you scared me to death.”

“Sorry Cos. Didn’t realize you were concentrating so hard. Should have made some noise huh?”

“Yeah make lots of noise next time.”

“I’ll try. I came to ask you if you wanted to go to lunch with us tomorrow.”

“Sure. Sounds like fun. You have rehearsal right?”


“How about I bring a picnic to you guys tomorrow?”

“Sounds great. I’m sure the guys will love that too.”

“OK. Great. I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m exhausted.”

“Ok, Cos. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

She hugged him. “Night.”

The next day Carly got up and took Jenny over to Joey’s parent’s house. They were going to watch her for the day. Then she went home and started fixing the picnic to take to the guys. She finished it just in time to shower and change. Then she packed everything in the car and was off. When she got to the studio all the guys were sitting around talking. The minute they smelled the food they all jumped up and ran over to her. Then they all sat down and started eating. When everything was done Joey said, “Carly, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure Joe.” They walked out of the building and sat on a bench that was in front of the building. They sat in an uncomfortable silence. “Joe, what’s wrong? The only time you don’t talk all the time is when something is wrong. Spill it.”

“Well I have some bad news.”

“What is it?”

“The guys and I are going to start touring overseas in a week.”

”A WEEK?” Carly shouted. People that were walking by looked at them. “A week? Why am I just hearing about this now?”

“We wanted to wait and tell you. We all know what you’ve been through and we didn’t want to add to that.” “So you conveniently don’t tell me you’re leaving in a week? Not cool, Joe. Not cool at all.”

“I know, but we had our reasons.”

“Yeah, whatever.” She stood up. “I’ve got to get going.” She ran back inside to get her purse. When she walked into the dance studio all the guys looked up at her. She stared at them for a minute then grabbed her purse and ran out of the room. She got into her car and just stared driving. She ended up at Brian’s house. She nervously knocked on the door. Brian opened the door and immediately became concerned.

“What’s wrong?” She fell into his arms and started crying. Brian led her into his living room and sat down on the couch. “Carly, calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”

“The guys are leaving in a week on an overseas tour.”


“I just found out about it today.”

“Carly, I’m sorry. Do you not have a place to stay or something like that?”

Carly looked up at him. “No it’s jus that when they leave I’ll be on my own with Jenny. I guess I’m kinda scared.”

“Carly, I’m sure everything will be ok.”

“I hope you’re right. Well I should be going. I have to pick up Jenny.”

“Bring her by sometime. I miss the precious little thing.”

Carly got up. “I will. Thanks for listening to me.”

“No prob. I’ll see you later right?”

“Yup. Probably really soon.”

Carly left and went to pick up Jenny, but Joey had already picked her up. So she headed home. She knew all the guys were there because all their cars were in the driveway. She walked into the door and all the guys looked at her to see what her reaction was. She looked at each guy then walked through the living room to the stairs. She checked on Jenny then went to her room. All the guys looked at each other. “She’s really pissed isn’t she?” Justin said.

“Yeah. She really is.”

“Let me talk to her,” JC said getting up and walking upstairs. He cautiously knocked on the door.

“It’s open,” she said. JC walked in to see her standing at her window staring out.


“JC, there is nothing to say. The time that I have been dreading is finally here. You guys are leaving and I’m going to be all by myself to take care of Jenny. I knew this time would come. I just didn’t want it to.”

“It’s going to be a short tour. We’re only going to be gone for 2 months at the most. We don’t want to go either, but we have to. Plus you won’t be alone. You’ll have BJ, Joe’s parents, and as much as I hate to admit it you’ll have Nick and the guys.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right. I’m just scared.” JC hugged her from behind.

“You have nothing to be scared of. I’m always going to be here for you. I’ll just be a phone call away. I’ll call you every night.”

“Thanks JC. You have no idea what that means to me.”

“About as much as it means to me. Now lets go downstairs so the guys can stop worrying.” JC released her and they walked downstairs where the guys were.

Joey jumped up. “Are you ok? You’re not mad at us anymore are you?”

Carly hugged him. “No I’m not mad.” Joey hugged her back and they all sat down. Carly conveniently sat next to JC. “Curly have you told BJ yet?”

Justin looked down at his hands. “No. She’s coming over in a little bit and we’re going to talk.”

“Well I was thinking today and Joe if you don’t mind I would like to ask her to stay here while you guys are gone. That way she has someone to talk to and so do I. Plus we’ll both be busy with Jenny so we won’t be able to think about you heartbreakers that much.” All the guys laughed. We sat around talking until the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” Justin said. He opened the door and BJ threw her arms around his neck.

“It feels like forever since I’ve seen you, babe.”

“I know what you’re saying. BJ, we need to talk.”

BJ let go of Justin and looked at everyone sitting around. “This doesn’t look good. What happened?”

“Come with me,” Justin said taking her hand and leading her out to the deck.

“Justin, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

“BJ, we’re leaving to go overseas in a week.”

BJ looked relieved. “How long are you going to be gone?”

“About 2 months.”

“OK. Is that all you wanted to tell me?”

“Yeah. I guess I figured you’d be upset or something.”

“Am I glad I’m not going to see my boyfriend for 2 months? No. Am I going to get all mad and depressed about it? No. Don’t forget I have Nick as a brother. I know what it’s like to have people suddenly have to leave. But they always come back so I’m not worried. As long as you call me all the time everything will be fine.”

Justin hugged BJ. “You are so wonderful. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

“Oh, Carly was really upset when she found out and it took a long time to calm her down. Actually it took JC a long time to get her to calm down. She wants you to stay here with her while we’re gone. I think it’s for company and for her to know she’s not alone.”

BJ turned around and looked out into space. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

Justin stood beside her. “What’s wrong, BJ?”

“Carly told Nick that she couldn’t ever get back together with him yesterday.”


“I know that doesn’t mean that Nick’s not going to be apart of Jenny’s life because I know Carly better than that, but I do know that part of the reason Nick and Carly can’t get back together is because she has feelings for JC.”


“Babe. Don’t tell me you can’t see it. She definitely likes JC.”

“Wow! I can’t say that I noticed.”

“I’ll have to think about the staying here thing.”

“OK. Why don’t we go back inside with everyone else.”

“Ok.” They went back inside and hung out with everyone for the rest of the night. Justin kept watching JC and Carly and could definitely see something there. He was going to have to talk to JC.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 16