Nick: Chapter 15

*~*2 Weeks later*~*

Carly still hadn’t talked to Nick. He was being a sweetheart about the whole thing, giving her space. Carly had made up her mind that today was the day she was going to talk to Nick and make a decision. Joey was at his parent’s house and had Jenny with him. BJ was with Justin at his house. They were watching movies with JC and Lance. Chris was out with his new girlfriend Dani. Nick was due to show up at any minute. Carly had gotten Chinese food so she wouldn’t have to worry about cooking. Everything was set.

10 minutes later Nick rang the doorbell. He was curious as to what this was all about. All Brian had told him was that he was to be at Carly’s house at 6:00. He was nervous. Joey didn’t like him at all and didn’t hide that fact. Nick was nervous when they were in the same room. Carly opened the door. “Hey.” She hugged him, something that completely shocked him. They had had minimal touching, usually just when they were handing Jenny to each other.

“Hello. So what’s up?”

“Come in.” Nick walked inside the door and stood there trying not to look nervous. Carly looked him and almost laughed. “Nick, it’s ok. Joey’s not here.” Nick visibly relaxed. “It’s just you and me.” Nick looked at her. “I ordered Chinese food.” They walked into the dining room and sat down. They ate in silence just enjoying being with each other. When they were done, Carly took the plates and put them in the dishwasher. Then she led Nick into the living room. “I’m guessing you’re wondering what this evening is about.”

“Yeah that thought has crossed my mind a couple of times.”

“Well, I thing we need to talk. I’ve been things, and I have some things I want to discus with you.”

“Ok. Go ahead.”

”I know you love Jenny. That’s evident. How do you fell about me?”

Nick took her hands in his. “You even have to ask? I am completely and totally in love with you.”

Carly smiled. “Have you thought about what’s going to happen when you and the guys go on that tour?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean if we got back together, have you thought about what will happen when you leave?”

“No, I guess I haven’t.”

“I didn’t think so.” She got up and walked across the room to look out the window.

Nick got up and followed her. “I haven’t thought about it because that tour is going to be held off for the next 6 months. Plus we’ve dealt with it before, why would we have a problem with it now?”

Carly turned around and looked at him. “It’s not just us this time, Nick. There is Jenny to think about.”

“I have been thinking about her. Why do you think I spend as much time as I can with her? Because I know in 6 months I won’t be able to see her everyday. I love her with every ounce of my being, just like I love you.”

“Nick, I’ll be honest with you. I love you and want to be with you. I’m just scared.”

Nick walked up to her. “What are you scared of?”

“I’m scared that I’ll make a mistake that will hurt Jenny.”

Nick laughed. “Carly, I don’t thing you being with her father is going to hurt Jenny.”

“I know you’re right. I’m just so scared I’m going to make a mistake.”

Nick hugged her. “I know, Carly. Trust me I know.”

Carly looked up at him. “Nick, I love you!”

“I love you too, Carly!” Nick leaned down and kissed her.

The next morning Carly woke up and smiled when she saw Nick laying beside her. She slowly tried to get out of bed without waking Nick. She was halfway out when a strong pair of hands grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back into bed. “Where are you going?” Nick asked sleepily.

“I thought I’d get up, maybe go to the bathroom, take as shower. You know, the normal things people do in the morning.” Carly rolled over so she was facing him. He pulled her close to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“But then I’ll be cold.”

“Oh poor baby! Are you cold?” Nick nodded his head like a little kid. “Let me see what I can do about that.” Carly kissed him softly then deepened the kiss. “Is that better?”

“Much.” Just then Jenny started crying. Carly started to get up but Nick stopped her. “I’ll go.” He stood up and slipped on his jeans. He walked down the hall to the nursery. He picked Jenny up. “What’s wrong, babe?” Then he started to sing to her swaying. When she heard his voice she stopped crying and looked up at him. Just then Joey walked in.

“What are you doing here?”

Nick froze. He turned around and looked at Joey. “I’m singing to my daughter.”

“I can see that, but why?” Just then Carly walked into the room. Joey looked at Carly wearing only a robe then at Nick who was wearing only a pair of jeans. He shook his head then stormed out of the room.

Carly looked at Nick. “She probably needs changed. All of the stuff is in the changing table over there.” Then she walked off out of the room after Joey. She found him in his room. “Joey, what was that about?”

“What was that about? I should be the one asking you that question. What is HE doing here just wearing jeans no less?”

“God Joey! What is your problem? You need to get used to having Nick around because he is the father of my child. Plus I love him. What is so wrong with that?”

“Carly, he has done nothing but hurt you from the beginning. Why do you want all that pain?”

“Jenny isn’t pain. Joey, he gave me Jenny and I love him all the more for that. If you would take two seconds to get to know him you would understand that he’s a good person. He has just make mistakes. Who hasn’t?”

Joey sighed. “He hurt you. When he hurts you, he hurts me too.”

Carly hugged him. “He makes me really happy. I love him. I love you too. You are like my brother, my best friend.”

“I can accept that. If you’re happy so am I. But if he hurts you again, he better watch out.” Carly laughed.

“Thanks, Joe. How about you and me go out to lunch today, just the two of us.”

“Sounds good. I have to rehearse today, but I’ll meet you at the warehouse.”

“Ok. Noon?”

“Yup. I’ll see ya then.” Carly walked out of his room to the nursery. Nick had changed Jenny and started getting her dressed. Carly stood at the door and watched as he finished.

“You’re good at this father thing,’ Carly said when he finished.

“Why thank you. You’re good at sneaking up on people and scaring them half to death.”

“I try. I’m going to go get dressed; then I’ll take Jen so you can get dressed.”

”Ok. We’ll be here.” Carly went back to her room and showered. She threw on a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt. Then she walked down to the nursery. Nick was sitting in the rocking chair staring at Jenny in his arms.

“Hey there.”


“I’ll take her now so you can get dressed.”

“Ok.” He stood up and handed her Jenny. He kissed Carly’s cheek then left. Carly walked down stairs and put Jenny in her carrier and started getting a bottle ready. Joey walked in.

“Hey, Cos. I’ve got to get going. I’m late. I’ll see ya at noon.”

She hugged him. “Ok. Bye.” Then he left. About 20 minutes later while Carly was feeding Jenny, Nick came down.

“Was that Joey I heard leave?”


“Is BJ here?”

“I haven’t heard or seen her yet. She probably stayed over at Justin’s last night.”


“Don’t worry. They have lots of guest rooms.”

“I wasn’t worrying.”

Carly looked up at him. “Yeah sure.”

“So what are your plans for today?”

“I’m going to have lunch with Joe, which reminds me I need to call his mom and see if she can watch Jen.”

“I’ll watch her.”

“You don’t have anything to do?”

“Nope. The guys and I are hanging out today, but I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“Are you sure? Won’t a baby cramp your style?”

“No. Not my precious little girl.” They both laughed.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Angel. I’m positive.”

“Ok.” They watched TV for the next 2 hours. “I better get stuff ready. I need to leave within the next half an hour.”

“Ok.” They walked upstairs to the nursery and packed up some clothes and diapers. “So where are you guys going to be? I’ll stop by after lunch.”

“Um…I think Brian’s place.”

“Ok. I’ll stop by there later.”

“Ok.” They walked downstairs and put Jenny in Nick’s Durango. Nick hugged Carly tightly.

“Nick, I’m going to see you later.”

“I know. I know. I love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll see you in an hour or two.”



Nick got into his car and drove off. Carly got her purse and left. She arrived at the warehouse at exactly noon. The guys were sitting around talking. “Hey guys, whatcha doing?”

“Waiting for you,” Joey said.

“Sorry. It’s not like I’m late or anything.”

“I know. We just got released early.”


“Yeah, Daren works us like horses,” JC said.

Joey stood up. “Guys, I’ll be back at 1:00,” he said. They headed to Subway around the corner. “So how is Jenjen?”

Carly smiled at Joey’s nickname for Jenny. “She’s fine.”

“I she with my parents?”


“Then where is she?”

“With Nick.”

“That’s good.”

“Yup.” They ate talking about Jen and the guys. “Joe, we better be heading back. It’s 1:00.”

“You’re right. JC will kill me if I’m late again.” They headed back to the studio. When they walked in JC glared at Joey. “I’m sorry. We just lost track of time. I’m only…” Joey grabbed Carly’s hand and looked at her watch. “…10 minutes late.”

“Let’s get started. We have lots to work on,” JC said.

“I’ll see ya at home, Joe,” Carly said.

“Ok. See ya.” Carly headed over to Brian’s house. When she got there, there were no cars there and no one answered the door when she rang the doorbell. As she was driving away she noticed a bunch of cars at a park down the street. She noticed one looked a lot like Nick’s car so she stopped. Sure enough it was Nick and the guys. All the cars where the bodyguard’s cars. Evidently the guys had called them to come so they could go to the park. She walked up to Tyler, a guard she was friends with. “Hey, Tyler. How are things going?”

“Fine until these fools decided they wanted to come hang out at the park.” Carly laughed.

“You know how they get when they don’t get what they want. It’s probably better this way.”

“I’m sure you’re right. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“No. Go ahead.”

“Is that you’re daughter with Nick?”

Carly smiled. “Yup. She’s mine.”

“She’s beautiful. She looks a lot like her father.”

“How do you know she’s Nick’s?”

“Because I know you and you wouldn’t do that to Nick.”

Carly patted him on the chest. “Thanks, Tyler. That means a lot to me. I better go see what their doing with my daughter.”

“Have fun.”

“I’ll try.” She walked up to the guys who were sitting in the sandbox with Jenny. “Guys, I don’t think she’s old enough to be playing in the sand.”

“Who says,” Nick asked smiling.

“Her mother.” Carly leaned down and picked her up. “Too bad I don’t have a camera. A lot of girls would pay for a pic like this.” All 5 of them scrambled to their feet and out of the sandbox.

Nick walked up to her and kissed her cheek. “Did you and Joe have a good lunch?”

“Yup. It was good to sit down and just talk to him again. We haven’t done that in a long time.”

Brian and Howie walked up to the two. “Hi guys. How’s everything going?”

“What do you want, Brian?” Carly asked. “How do you do that?”

“My secret. Now what do you want?”

“I was wondering if you wanted me and Howie here to baby-sit for you this evening?”

“Why would I want you to do that?”

“They just want to take Jenny to the mall with them because they think babies attract girls,” Kevin yelled across the park.

Carly looked at Brian and Howie. “Why do you need a baby to attract girls? All you have to do is announce who you are.”

“Duh. We’re going to go disguised so people don’t know who we are. Then we need her to get girls to notice us. That way we also know that aren’t talking to us just because of who we are,” Howie said.

“Oh, I see. I guess so as long as you are careful with her and you have her home by 8:00. She’ll need to be fed in about two hours.”

“Ok. We have it under control. Come here Jen. We’re going to have some fun,” Brian said taking Jenny out of Carly’s arms. Then him and Howie walked away. “By the way Nick, we’re taking your car.”

“Ok. Just don’t wreck it please.”

“Will do,” Howie said.

“Guys, we’re going to take off. I have to go meet Erica and AJ’s coming with me,” Kevin said.

“Ok. Talk to you later,” Nick said.

“Erica’s Kev’s new woman?” Carly asked.

“Yup. They’ve been seeing each other for about 2 weeks.”

“That’s cool. I guess it’s just you and me.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Me either.” They headed to Brian’s house telling Tyler that he could go out and have some fun. As they sat on the couch watching a movie and cuddling Nick looked down at Carly with a serious expression on his face. “What?”

“I love you!” Carly smiled.

“I love you too.”

“I’m never going to let you go.”

“You won’t have to. Jen and I aren’t going anywhere.”

“That’s good.”

