Chapter 13

Travelling on the bus was a barrel of laughs. Each guy had their own personality, their own way of sleeping, their own way of passing the time and mostly their own way of trying to annoy her. Lance always the quiet one slept fitfully and passed his time reading or talking on the phone trying to find out how his numerous acts were going. Justin always the loud one slept hardly any and everyone had to tiptoe while he attempted to. His time being spent talking loudly to friends or singing along to his Discman. Joey always the energetic one likes to work out or what he called working out by doing push-ups and sit ups and trying to beat everyone else on one of the many play station games they had with them. JC the sensitive one used the time for penning songs and making sure she was okay and had everything she needed. He slept regularly and he seemed to shine because of it. And lastly Chris the hyper one he never slept and didn't seem to need it. He spent all his time dancing manically and moving loudly and frantically in his seat. He was the one she would miss the most at the end of the travelling. Life was never quiet with Chris around, Zara finished her analysis of them all in her journal and turned off her overhead light before Chris could attempt to read it. Nosey as he pretended to be she didn't think he really wanted to know what she had written but it was part of the act he had going. Sighing she stretched out in four hours they would arrive in New York and frankly she needed the sleep before the guys stopped being themselves and became NSYNC. This was gonna be one heck of a ride and one she didn't want to miss.

Chapter 14

Zara woke up with a start. It was still dark outside but the bus was rocking frantically. She jumped up in her seat and Lance immediately leaned over from his to see if she was okay. "Zara sit back, it's okay it's just the fans on the bus. We're at the hotel."

"The fans?! How many of them are there?"

"Enough. It's a good job you're awake. Lance have you told her what to do when she gets there?" asked Steve the tour manager.

"No I was just about to. She just woke up." To Zara's surprise Lance looked a little sheepish and turned away from them. Zara tried to pay her fullest attention but she couldn't get Lance out of her mind. It was as if he could sense her concern and he turned slightly and smiled when he met her gaze. Finally satisfied he was okay she turned her full attention to Steve. It was going to be hard convincing the fans that she was nothing romantically to any of the boys and she had to make sure that no matter what happened nothing could make them believe that there was. Zara dreaded getting off the bus but she couldn't put it off anymore. The staff were to get of first then NSYNC when security were satisfied everything was safe. Zara was actually the last because of where she had been sat and she hurriedly tried to catch up with them. But in doing so she fell down the steps and went over on her ankle. Before anyone could react Lance and Justin were off the bus and by her side.

"Guys get back on the bus or hurry inside. I'm okay but you could get hurt. Now go." Justin looked like he was going to obey and she was shocked when the two boys said. "1,2,3 and she was lifted in one smooth movement off the floor and into their arms. She screeched at them to put her down and that they did but only once they had carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. Lance swept out of the room and Justin quickly followed. Zara smiled that had certainly been something to tell the grandkids about. She was just about to swing herself off the bed to see if she could put any weight on her foot when Lance swept back into the room. "Don't even think about getting off that bed till a doctor has looked at your ankle. Lie down here I have some ice to put on it. Justin has gone to get a doctor. I will wait with you till he comes."

"Lance I'm fine really."

"Liar. It hurts doesn't it?"

He put his finger on it very gently and to her surprise it still caused her to flinch. "See I was right. Now lie still it will all be over soon"

"Lance you sound like some manic doctor."

"Well maybe I am" and with that he poured the ice over her leg and placed gently the ice around her ankle.

Chapter 15

Zara smiled at the memory of her experience with the Doctor. He had been a charming man and very confident she had felt immediately at ease with his manner. But she did not envy him trying to calm the five hysterical and worried singers. JC and Lance had tried to control the other three but it seemed to no avail. Chris had bounced about so much she had expected holes to appear in the carpet. But still it was over now. What she found hardest to get out of her mind was Lance. Their relationship had changed, at the start they hadn't been very close, but she couldn't get the night outside of her bedroom out of her mind. No longer did she want to be with JC and certainly not Mark and JC himself had changed. He seemed no longer fascinated by her and the attraction they had experienced was gone; it had been replaced with a tender closeness to Lance and she preferred it. Of course she had no idea where if anywhere it was leading and she was going into uncharted territory. Thinking of her mother made her decide to call her and it also made her laugh. Her mother had introduced them to see if she could form some sort of attraction with Justin. Then she had fallen for JC and he had fallen for her and now it appeared to be her and Lance. It was definitely turning into a fun and exciting summer vacation. College would never live up to this.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 16-18