Chapter 16

Zara woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She rolled over and turned on the bedside light it was 6.45. Groaning she went to roll out of bed it was only when she put her foot on the floor she remembered her sore ankle. But it was too late and she groaned in pain. "Who is it?"

"It's me Lance it's time to get up. I have a present for you."

"A present?"


"You'll have to come in I can't walk to the door"

"Ok." As the door opened Zara was thankful she had made the decision to wear her pyjamas last night.

"Good morning these are for you." Lance held out a pair of crutches with a big pink bow on the front."

"Lance you really are a darling. Where on earth did you get those from?"

"We bought them silly"


"Yes the others and I we knew you would be in need of a pair so here they are."

"You guys are darlings."

"Darlings?" Lance chuckled.

"Sorry English expression I've gotten it from Mark."

"That's okay." There was a knock at the door. "Ah here is your other present.. Come in."

The door opened and a young woman stood there. "Dani this is Zara. Zara this is Danielle Chris's girlfriend. She's gonna help you get ready and look after you today."

"Lance its kind of you but I can manage."

"Really? So why did I answer my own knock?"

Zara raised her hands in defeat. "Touché. Danielle it's very kind of you to offer to help me."

"Nonsense you're doing my a favour by keeping me company because they are going to be very busy in rehearsals and it can get very lonely sat there by yourself. Now Lance scoot we have to get ready."

Lance laughed and retreated leaving the two girls alone together. He could tell that Danielle was the perfect choice for a companion for her; they were going to get on like a house on fire.

Chapter 17

Zara laughed as Danielle agonised over what socks she should wear. She had already helped her dress in a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a simple yet lovely blue halter neck top. Danielle was torn between white socks and blue socks. In the end she settles for blue ones. Zara had never seen anyone take as much time choosing outfits never mind socks. But something didn't seem right, it was as if Danielle was wasting time almost as if she was trying to keep her from leaving the room. "Alright Danielle what is it? Why are we wasting time in here?"

"Wasting time?" Danielle looked innocently at Zara knowing she wasn't falling for a minute of it."

"Danielle what's Lance up to now?"

"Lance? Lance isn't up to anything."

"I wish I could believe you but something is definitely going on. Now stop treating me like I am incapable of dressing and choosing my own clothes and let me get out of here before I GO MENTAL."

"Honestly Zara Lance is too busy rehearsing for their upcoming shows at the moment to even have time to come up with a devilish plan about you. I know he's smart and very cunning but even Lance doesn't have enough time on his hands."

" I know but something certainly does not add up. Now come on shake a leg I only trust those guys when I can see them." With that she removed the bow from the crutches and slowly trundled towards the door. It was a little bit difficult opening the door holding one crutch in her hand and balancing on the other but with a bit of practise it would become easier.

Chapter 18

It had taken a long time to make the short journey from the hotel to the arena where the guys were sound checking and doing various interviews and meets and greets. Zara and Danielle had hailed a taxi instead of walking the five minutes but it had still taken a while to walk through the arena and into the green room where the boys would be in a moment or two. Chris was the first member to come through the door and he didn't walk up to them he bounced. "Dani, Zar my two favourite woman how's your foot?" There was no breathe in between sentences and anyone else would have been slightly confused. But hey that was Chris and you had to learn to translate the sentences into everyone else's language as soon as you met him. Chris threw himself onto a couch just as JC came in the door.

"Hey girls how was your day? How's your foot?" Zara laughed as JC addresses the questions he kissed each girl on the cheek. That was part of the charm of the Chasez legacy.

"In answer to your questions our day has been okay a little uneventful so far but that will change around you guys I'm sure and to your other question well my foot hasn't dropped off yet." Chris and JC laughed Dani smiled as she made her way her way over to Chris.

"Move over you."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes now move!"

"Women!" Chris smiled as he moved over to make room for her. Justin was next and he threw himself down on the other end of Zara's couch.

"Keep your sweat to yourself Mr." Zara kept her face stern as Justin sidled up the couch to her.

"Oh Zara you know you love me. Show me the love" and with that Justin draped himself all over her.

"UUGH get off me!"

"Justin now what have I told you? You can only lie on them when they say yes.. Now get your curly body off her"

"Yes Sir." Justin mockingly saluted Lance. Lance laughed as she went over and sat on the arm of Zara's couch.

"My knight in shinning armour yet again Lance. You always seem to pop up when I need you."

Lance laughed, "It's all in a days work for superLance."

"Hey whose stealing Superman's job?" Joey came through the door just in time to defend his beloved Superman.

"No one Joey no one your beloved hero is safe for yet another day." Dani had been quiet until then and Zara had almost forgotten she was there. She just seemed to fade into the background. Would she get to know them well enough to do that? Only time would tell.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 19-21