Chapter 1

Julie a semi-tall, 15 years old, blond shoulder-length hair, girl was walking to her best friend's house. Lance had called her about 30 minutes ago asking her to come over.


Ring, Julie rolled over in her sleep and felt for the phone, with closed eyes. The phone was on her coffee table at the side of her bed. Ring. She knocked over her coffee cup, the spoon hit the ground with a *ding*. Ring ri..... "Hello" she said into the speaker with her eyes still closed.

"Hey, Good Morning Sugar" Lance said on the other line.

"I told you if you called me that again I'd kill you" Julie said groggily.

"I know but you won't ‘cause you love me, as a brother of course" Lance replied.

"Of course" she said as she turned in her bed so she was looking at the ceiling, she had a smile on her face. "Ok Lance, tell me why you're up at....." she looked at the clock that had fallen on the floor before, as soon as she saw what time it was she sat bolt right up ".......6:31 IN THE MORNING!" she screamed into the speaker.

"Because I felt like spending some quality time with my favorite person in the world, so get up, do your stuff and come over" Lance said almost laughing at her outburst.

"Lance, for you I'd do anything" Julie said stretching "even if its getting up like at the crack of dawn."

"Ok great, think you could be here ‘round 7 o'clock?" he asked.

"I think I *yawn* can, see you in a few" she said.

"Yep, bye."

"See ya"


Julie was now walking up the steps to Lances house. She was about to knock on the door when she saw a note on the doorknob. She picked it up and read:

Find me if you can, Julie. I'm outside not inside, better run I've got my eye on you. Lance.

A smile grew on her face. She put the note in her jean pocket, and started to run to the back yard of the house. She hated when Lance did this to her, but it did start the day with a twist. She pushed open the gate and walked in. There she saw the small set of swings, the four bases they used for base-ball at times, and the trampoline they went on so often. She started her search, under the porch, under the trampoline, in every hidden corner she knew. She couldn't find him. Then she headed for the shed if he wasn't there, he had tricked her again and he was at her house waiting for her patiently. She heard a bird whistle in one of the trees nearby she smiled, and looked at it still walking absent-mindly to the shed.

Suddenly she felt, a splash of cold water, and another and another. She looked in front of her and she saw Lance with about 15 small buckets, full of ice cold water. She just stood there with her mouth open and eyes closed, as wave after wave of water hit her. As soon as they stopped coming she opened her eyes to a laughing Lance almost on the ground. She just kind of smiled with her hair soaking wet and dripping on her clothes. When Lance started to relax, he looked like his jaw was going to fall off he was laughing so hard.

"You are the sneakiest little squirt I've ever known" Julie said in a threatening fashion.

".....I-I-I...I know......" Lance said as he took big breaths because he was laughing so hard.

"So much, so that I think I should give you an award..." she said as if she were a professor.

"O-o-o r-r-eally" Lance said.

"Yes....a real wet one..." she said, but Lance had no time to react, because by that time Julie had grabbed the hose beside her and was having a blast of a time squirting Lance. Lance was going to charge her but his clothes were so heavy with the water, he was surprised he could move his arms. He lifted his heavy white t-shirt off, and started at Julie. They ran around and around and eventually Julie threw her shirt off she was in a sports bra. Lance had caught her when they were going around the trampoline. They were now wrestling on the grassy ground. Lance finally pinned Julie to the ground, hands on her wrists, knees under her arms.

Lance smiled at his victory. He looked into Julie's blue eyes. A feeling came over him and he was looking at her in a different light. Their they were both shirtless looking into each others eyes. Julie was thinking what would it be like to kiss Lance. She rarely thought about this but it came at times. Now she couldn't stop thinking about it, she stared in his green eyes and everything else disappeared. They both knew what the other was thinking, they had been around each other so much that they could tell what the other felt just by looking in their eyes.

Lance lowered slowly, he didn't want to scare her. When their lips met a shockwave went threw both of their bodies and fire works were going on where there lips touched. Julie placed her hands on Lances chest and pushed him up, still kissing him with a passion she never thought she had. Lance touched his finger tips on her sides. Her eyes shot open and she pulled away from him.

"Is their something wrong?" Lance asked trying to regain breathing.

"First of all, WOW" she said, also trying to catch her breath.

"*sigh* You could say that again" whispered Lance with a smile.

"But Lance I don't want to lose anything we have."

"Oh, if you thought I was going know......I wasn't."

"I know you weren't silly, other guys would've, and for that I am very lucky to know you.

I meant if we start a relationship and something happens I don't want to lose you. I mean if a relationship doesn't work out I could live with that, but I don't want to lose my ‘brother'."

"Understood" Lance said in agreement.

Lance and Julie went in the house to change. Julie always left a few clothes at Lance's just incase. Lance was in a plain white t-shirt, with some white khakis. Julie put a red bandana in her hair, and I white t-shirt, and some dark blue jeans. They were both sitting on the couch, laughing and joking, talking about school, and having a great time.

When they were running out of things to say Julie asked. "You didn't call me here just to get me wet, kiss me, a very good kiss might I add, and laugh along with me."

Lance laughed at the ‘kiss' comment. "Well, no I didn't" His smile faded, and his eyes lowered to his sneakers.

"Uh oh......tell me what's up" Julie said snuggling closer to Lance, she rested her head on his shoulder and looked at his hands playing with his shoes.

"Julie, I have to leave you".

Julie shot up and looked at Lances face. "What are you talking about?" She took Lances chin and turned it around to face her.

"The audition.......I got it."

"You mean the audition to join that new music group!?!" Julie asked excited as ever. Lance nodded slowly. "Well that's great!"

"Yeah it is." Lance smiled.

"But, Lance what's wrong" Julie said sitting back next to Lance.

"Julie, I am happy that I got the job. I mean who knows, this has been my dream, maybe this is what's going to fill this dumb ‘emptiness' I've been feeling. Just the fact of leaving you, my family, and everything else behind. Its scary Julie." Lance said and, he felt his eyes begin to water. He shook his head to try to make the burning in his eyes go away.

"Well, Lance, you're right that this is your dream and I know that you're gonna do a fabulous job. As for me, we'll always keep in touch, you know my e-mail by heart, and my number. I'll keep you posted on everything happening up here."

"But its gonna be different."

"Lance I know you better then anyone, and I know that if the plane was leaving today we wouldn't be here talking. You'd already be boarding the plane.

Lance who said that making you dream come true was the easiest thing in the world? You have to take this chance, that not many other people get to take..........if that makes sense then you know that your going Lance."

"Their's no use arguing with you, Ju" Lance said smiling broadly. "Come here" he reached over and wrapped his arms around her waist. She rested her head on his chest, cuddling closer to him. They both eventually fell asleep, totally and completely comfortable being there together holding each other.

Chapter 2