Quotes from
by Harvey Diamond
Be very clear about something, disease, especially cancer, never ever just sneaks up on people and strikes them down. It doesn't happen that way.
It takes a long time and a great deal of neglect and abuse for cancer to occur. From the first stage of disease to the seventh, cancer, we can talk about many years.
By familiarizing yourself with the seven stages and their warning signals, you can put yourself in the position of knowing where you stand in terms of your health so that you can take charge and take control of the situation.
… showing you just how baffled the experts really are when it comes to the subject of breast cancer.
Following, are some of the most revealing and telling statements made by the people in the best possible position to know the real status of the headway being made in the battle against breast cancer.
"There are two things we don't know about breast cancer. We don't know the cause and we don't know the cure."
Nancy Brinker Chairwoman of the President's Special Commission on Breast Cancer 8
- "Nobody knows what causes breast cancer, nobody,, knows how to prevent it, and nobody knows how to cure it.
Linda Ellerbee, Narrating an ABC Special On Breast Cancer.9
- "Despite decades of research, there are still gaping holes in our knowledge of breast cancer. No one knows for sure who is at risk, how to prevent it, or what causes it."
Host on a PBS special on breast cancer 20
- "We don't know what causes it.. there's no way to prevent it."
Jane Pauley, Narrating a PBS Special on Breast Cancer 21
- "No one knows how to prevent it, and the mortality rate from breast cancer has not improved for decades. Researchers say it is also disconcerting that the rates have remained so high."
Column in the New York Times, 10/20/93 22
- "So many questions, one answer: We don't know. Breast cancer, never have so many been given so much conflicting advice and so few definitive solutions."
Cokie Roberts, ABC Nightime.23
- "Throughout countries rich and poor, industrial and rural, breast cancer incidence is on the rise. No one knows what's fueling that increase."
Science News, July 3, 1993 24
- "This continual rise in breast cancer is unexplained. We have some hints at what's causing it, but we don't know the whole story and we also don't know how to stop it or how to cure it when it occurs."
Cindy Pearson, Program Director for the National Women's Health Network, ABC Nightline.25
- "We really don't know what causes breast cancer. We don't really even have a clue what causes breast cancer."
Doctor Susan Love,breast surgeon, Author of one of the most authoritative guides on breast care, past Assistant Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School, Director of UCLA's Breast Center 26
- "Women are very frightened by breast cancer and there is nothing they can do to prevent it."
Maryann Napoli, Associate Director of the Center For Medical Consumers in New York. 27
- "If we knew how to prevent breast cancer, believe me we would have done it. We don't know how."
John Laszlo, MD, Senior Vice President for Research, American Cancer Society. 28
- "We don't know the natural history of this disease. We don't know whether treatment is necessary and we don't know if it works."
Dr. H. Gilbert Welsh, Senior Research Associate of the Department of Veterans Affairs. 29
- "It's horribly frustrating because I tend to like to look at prevention. If we knew what caused it, we could figure out how to prevent it, but we don't know yet."
Dr. Janet Osuch, Breast Cancer Specialist at Michigan State University. 29A
- "Scientists do not understand much about the causes of breast cancer. So while they can detect and treat breast cancer, they do not know how to prevent it."
Robert Bazell, NBC News Science Correspondent 29B
Of all these quotes you have just read, do you see the most notable message? Did you notice that in every one of these quotes it was stated in no uncertain terms that "we don't know," or "no one knows"? Be very clear on something; these statements were not made casually. The evidence of their accuracy is so overwhelming, that to say anything else would be foolhardy. They are merely stating the obvious. Be assured, they would much prefer not to admit such things but they had no choice.
It is so extremely important that you take these comments seriously and place the full measure of importance on them that they deserve. That is the only way you will be moved to take the actions necessary to protect yourself.
Let's look at the most important issues in question.
- They don't know the cause … ....
- They don't know the cure … ....
- They don't know how to prevent it ....
The National Cancer Institute receives approximately 1.8 billion dollars a year in federal money for research, and a paltry 5% is spent on prevention. And only 5% (1/4 of a percent of the total) is spent on breast cancer. That's not just peanuts, that's barely peanut skins! Why?
Radiation and chemotherapy are poisons. They poison and kill both cancer cells and healthy cells. Plus, these treatments are themselves carcinogenic. That's right, the treatment for cancer causes cancer. Back in the early 80's, health care workers who were involved with the preparation and administration of anticancer drugs were warned to take special precautions when handling the drugs because of the risk of developing cancer from being in contact with them. In an article in ajournal published by the American Cancer Society, it stated that the increased risk, "should be of great concern to those handling anticancer agents." 10
Now, get this:
Those handling the drugs should be greatly concerned. What about the people having it injected directly into their veins!? No need for concern there? If a strong, healthy, fit and vibrant woman were to be given intense radiation and chemotherapy, she would quickly become debilitated, devitalized and sick. How then could the same treatment given to one who is already sick be expected to make her well ?
Where is the reason? The logic? The common-sense? If something will make a well person sick, it will surely make a sick person sicker. How could it possibly be otherwise?
… The body never gives up the fight no matter how bad things are, no matter how serious the situation, no matter how long-standing has been the neglect. As long as it is alive, the body strives for homeostasis - balance. Like water in a jar that seeks its own level no matter what position the jar is in, the body seeks to normalize, correct and maintain balance no matter what the circumstances. Even in the face of such long-standing abuse and neglect that cancer finally develops, the body still has the wherewithal to call to arms its last sentinels guarding the integrity of the body: those amazing, cancer-trapping, protective lymph nodes.
And how are these precious lymph nodes treated by those who "don't know?" They are cut out! And why?
For performing the very function they were created and
intended to perform!
Nothing, and I mean nothing, could be more backwards. Would you allow your bladder to be cut out because of the presence of urine? Would you allow your colon to becut out because of the presence of feces? Would you allow your lungs to be cut out because of the presence
of carbon dioxide? …
We look back in amazement that our medical ancestors could have been so blind to the dynamics of the body that they would routinely drain blood from the sick. Bleeding patients was a standard, universally accepted practice performed with the idea that as the blood ran out of the body, so would the sickness. Removing lymph nodes for doing the job they were created to do … makes bleeding look like the cornerstone of scientific wisdom.
And just where, pray tell, will the waste and cancer cells go when these lymph nodes are removed? To the next available lymph nodes, that's where.
Are you concerned about breast cancer? Are you serious about doing what you can to prevent the pain, anguish and suffering breast cancer can wreak? If your answer is yes, and you are serious, and I mean really serious, then you must do everything you can to keep your lymph system operating at its highest possible efficiency, and some form of regular physical exercise is a major contributing factor in that effort. Period! There's no way around it.
Perhaps you are familiar with the term, "diseases of affluence." These include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. Throughout the world, wherever there is enough wealth to allow people to move away from the basic needs of existence, the prevalence of these diseases increase. In the United States, diseases of affluence are rampant.
In China, they are either practically nonexistent or notably uncommon. It is not a secret that the more affluent and industrialized the society, the more animal products and refined foods its people consume. We Americans consume sixteen million animals, 165 million eggs, eleven million pounds of fish, and 345 million pounds of dairy products every single day!22-25
We lead the world in the diseases of affluence.
The Chinese eat primarily the cleansing foods:
vegetables, grains and legumes, some fish and no dairy. What is of inestimable importance is the fact that they obtain 7% of their protein from animal products, while Americans obtain 70% of their protein from animal products. Ten times as much!
..let me give you a few specific examples of possible mono-diets:
- Drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for one to three days.
- Drinking only fresh juices and eating uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables for three to four days. ....
The reasoning behind all food being in its natural raw state is quite simple and crucial in terms of preventing breast cancer. The purpose of mono-dieting is two-fold. First, is to use as little energy as possible on digestion so energy can be freed up and directed toward the cleansing and rejuvenation of your lymph system. Second it is to obtain the maximum amount of fuel and nutrients from the food being eaten. Raw food fulfills these two requirements more than food that has been cooked or otherwise processed.
The idea in upgrading your diet is to gradually remove from your diet those foods which have proven to be harmful. All I can tell you is that the fresher food, the closer to nature, the better. You want to minimize highly-processed, chemicalized, packaged foods, coffees, sodas, refined sugar, etc.
The world-renowned biochemist and researcher Dr. Paul Stitt, has said: "The cure for cancer will not be found under the microscope, it's on the dinner-plate."