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Lightning Links

A lot of the sub pages contained here are HTML intense with graphics, images, text, and music so please be patient if the y seem a little slow to load!


I think the time has come with this page to install a links page to help prevent a lot of clutter on the other pages.

I think that this will make it easier to navigate my page, or at least I hope so! (Grins!)

Please be sure to use the link to The Blood Poet page, it is my Sister Tracie's, and well worth the trip. I always learn something about myself, as a person, when I read her work...

Mitakuye Oyasin

The music that you are hearing is October Moon by Elan Micheals


My Cover Page
Who The Fork Am I?
My First Close Encounter Of The Lightning Kind
My Second Close Encounter Of The Lightning Kind
My Heyoka Page
My Family Album, Such as It IS!
My Road To Recovery
The River
My Brother Mike's Page
For My Sister Toni Night Eagle Martinez
A Tribute To My Husband...
A Little Humor
My Daughter's Page
My Son's Page
Being Indian Is...
My Tattoo Gallery
My Tattoo Gallery Part 2!
For Nathan
9-11-2001 A Day Of Infamy
Offering Smoke
My Personal Essays, Poems, Musings, and Rambles
My Awards Page!

More Links

Dee The Lightning Lady's Page.
My Other Home Page
Christine Fram's Lightning Survivor Resource Page
My Lightning Brother Mike's Home Page
The Martin County Florida Sky Warn Home Page, Good Lightning Information Here!
Sam Silver Hawk, Native Graphics and Jewelry
Tracie The Blood Poet... Well Worth The Visit!
The New And Improved Blood Poet!
Amazing Grace, Indian Style!
My Daughter And Co Conspiritor's Anime Page
KILI Radio Station - The Voice Of The Lakota Nation
A Home Page About Eric Schweig, A Very Talented Native Actor And Artist
The Lightning Strike Injury Home Page
The Mohican Press (Has Links To Eric Schwieg's Art, And How To Order A Piece)

And Still More links!

The Lakota Home Page, Great Resources!
ARIOS~ American Indian Radio On Satelite
Space Weather, Very Cool!
The Mensana Clinic
The Official LS/ESSI [Lightning Strike And Electric Shock Survivors Intl.] Page For Lightning And Electrical Shock Survivors
Dottie's Doorstep, A Fellow Lightning Survivor
Native Web...Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World
Douglas Spotted Eagle, An Award Winning Native Artisan
Kola, In Protest To The Costner Brother's Breaking Promises
Whispering Winds Powwow Listings
Bunny's Page, A Beautiful Page For Hurting Children, And Non Hurting Children
Another Link To Bunny Beat, What A Beautiful Page!!!!
Spotted Eagle's Flight, My Bird Breeding Buisness