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Lesson plans for econ.

Lesson plans from Econopolis. 

Edustock is an educational web page designed to teach what the stock market is, and how it can works. It includes tutorials on the stock market and how to pick good stocks. IMH
An electronic version of Wall Street trading designed  adults understand the stock market, the costs and benefits involved in decision-making, the sources and uses of capital and other related economic concepts.
Teachers are great sources of ideas for learning activities that provide experience in entrepreneurial skills...and often they don't even know they are doing so. Some activities appropriate for intermediate or middle school. PACE (Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship).
Entrepreneurship Classroom Activities . ADDITIONAL LINKS TO PACE ACTIVITIES.  The elementary teacher often has so much to teach that entrepreneurship education does not appear in the curriculum. There are many ways lesson can be integrated into existing curriculum.

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