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Are there not some pursuits that we practise because
they are good in themselves, and some pleasures that
are final? And is not [reading] among them?
- Virginia Woolf

Father Sir Leslie Stephen

Mother Julia Jackson Duckworth

Virginia Woolf 1882-1941

moves to 46 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury in 1904

Bloomsbury group includes E.M. Forster, John Maynard Keynes, Lytton Strachey, Virginia and her sister Vanessa

married Leonard 1912

Virginia Woolf - The Voyage Out (Modern Library Classics) - May 8, 2001 (1915)

(0 of 560 Pages of Text)

1917 Leonard starts The Hogarth Press which publishes Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf, Julia Briggs (Editor) - Night and Day (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics) - January 1996 (1919)

(0 of 452 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf, Sue Roe (Introduction) - Jacob's Room (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) - February 1998 (1922)

(0 of 192 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - Mrs. Dalloway - October 1990 (1925)

(0 of 194 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author), Eudora Welty (Foreword)Introduction - To the Lighthouse - January 1990 (1927)

(0 of 209 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - Orlando : A Biography - May 1993 (1928)

(0 of 333 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - A Room of One's Own - January 1990 (1929)

(0 of 114 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - The Waves - August 1990 (1931)

(0 of 297 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - TheYears - October 22, 1969 (1937)

(0 of 444 Pages of Text)

Virginia Woolf (Author) - Three Guineas - June 1963 (1937)

(0 of ? Pages of Text)

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