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December 24, 1968 William Anders of the Apollo 8 crew snapped this color photograph of our home planet. The title: "Earthrise". One of the world's most widely reproduced images it serves as a reminder that despite all our differences, the human race is inexorably connected by this small floating blue dot, an axiom by which I strive to live.

Right. So I assume that if you're reading this you care enough to check out all the site has to offer. And since I update this site on average once a year (last update was in the summer of 2005), don't be alarmed at the bitterly disappointing amount of material I have to offer. I assure you, more will come. Probably the most consistently updated section will be the blog as, well, there is a lot to talk about in this world of ours. I'll try to keep the bitching down to a tolerable level.

You wouldn't think it after spending a few minutes toolin around the site, but this little chunk of web space has been operating since sometime in late 2000. It started as a way for me to self-learn the basics of HTML and has morphed slowly into an amplifier for my mind.

Well I'll leave you now to check everything out. Any comments, suggestions, or questions email me. Be sure to include something about this web site in the subject line or I'll probably just delete it. Have complaints? Send them here.

Update Section: What's New on the site?

This section will highlight new items to the website or any important updates or news.

Aug-28-2007: First change to the Main Site in over 2 years. Hopefully I'll actually do some work to this thing.

Feb-10-2005: Check out the blog - that'll be updated far more often than this place. Thanks

Nov-18-2004: Wow, has it really been a whole year since I put anything up here. That is amazing. Also, amazing - this site has been up for 4 years.

Nov-19-2002: I just thought I should let everyone know that I have NO experience building a website. I've self taught myself everything and have learned most of it from spending hours browsing sites like Angelfire, Lycos, and Geocities. I appreciate your opinion, but please refrain from just emailing me telling me things like "Your site sucks. HA HA!" Regardless what you may think, that comment really didn't help me increase my knowledge of HTML.

Nov-17-2002: So I finally found out what my password is and I accessed the site. Now I can edit it! Hopefully over the next month or so when I get free time I'll be making updates and finishing the layout of the site. For now, that is all.

Number of souls destroyed by online pornography (per minute):