Show details:
Attended With: Pat and Rachel. We were seperated for most of the show, due to the wildness of the crowd.
Venue: Raleigh Sports and Entertainment Center, Raleigh, NC.
Opening Act: Osma and Saves the Day
Highlights: Well, I spent most of Saves the Day crowd surfing, while Pat and Rachel were trying to get passes to get down to floor level. I got to the front around the end of their set, and tried to get to the back to find my friends before Weezer, prompting all sorts of remarks such as "oh, a Saves the Day fan" and so on. Weezer's set was great. The new stuff had high energy to it, and the old favorites were rocking singalongs. I'm sure Pat and I got dumbass looks for how we were singing and dancing to Photograph, but we've been rocking that song since the Green album came out. The Good Life-->Keep Fishin'-->Photograph trifecta was probably the best part of the show. Three of my favorites, all lined up. I tried crowd surfing twice during the Weezer set, and got up for a while once, right before the set closer, leading to one of my favorite moments at any show. During Only in Dreams, Rivers is yelling at the end, and I get surfed right under him. So basically, I could have reached out and grabbed him, only that would have messed up the song, and thusly, the moment. Anyway, seeing him yell his heart out from that close was something very rocked out in itself.
Lowlights: The way the Raleigh ESA is run is a lowlight, to start. They weren't letting anyone out on the floor for the two opening bands, saying that there "was no general admission." Thus, we had to miss most of Saves the Day, trying to work things out. That turned out to be OK, because what we saw of Saves the Day sucked. They were uninspired, boring and flat. I like their studio stuff, but not this performance. The only Weezer-related lowlight was my second crowd surfing attempt. I got up, but got immediately dropped right onto my kneecaps, rendering it hard to walk for a couple songs.