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Shows attended in the year 2002
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Too Much.

This was the year that I finally saw too many DMB shows, and got burnt out on that band, a problem (or is it?) that has lasted to this day. I also finally caught Weezer for the first time, rocked 3rd row seats at Jimmy Buffett, and started my fandom of the Modern Groove Syndicate.

Here it is

Weezer: February 22nd, 2002

Jimmy Buffett: April 20th, 2002

VaCo/Jump, Little Children: April 26th, 2002

Modern Groove Syndicate: July 1st, 2002

DMB: July 6th, 2002

DMB: July 11th, 2002

DMB; July 13th, 2002

2002 Vans Warped Tour

MGS/Agents of Good Roots: December 14th, 2002

DMB: December 22nd, 2002

Clarks/VaCo/Pat McGee Band: December 30th, 2002