To all those who found my page, Greetings.
This page is devoted to all those who are sad or going through a rough time with Cancer Treatment.
I have been where you are now. Maybe not in the exact position, as your condition may not be the same as mine. However, Cancer by any other name is still Cancer.
I was retired from the military, newly married, 53 and in (what I thought) was the prime of health. After a routine physical the doctor came in and told me that I must go see a specialist. Well two weeks later I was told that it was for sure the big "C". Boy you talk about a sudden deep depression. The bottom fell out. The ocean was not deep enough in the deepest part for me. It was then that I remembered, He will never leave us or forsake us (bless my Christian upbringing). Talk about an uplift. Well, two months later, I found myself on a gurney looking up into the eyes of the operating room tech. Five hours later, I lay in my room, my wife by my side and realized when I had pain moving, that part of me was gone never to return. After two years of asking God why me? A question I never got an answer to~~I found myself sitting in another doctor's office finding out that Horror of Horrors~~The Cancer was coming back so it was time to "fry" what there was left in the hopes of killing the thing for good. Question was would it kill me first? Well, now that radiation is over again I find myself questioning God. I got my answer. How else would I have been able to start this page.
All through this note I have only mentioned my wife once. That I shall correct. My wife who has stood by my mood swings~~good days and bad~~helped me with medication and treatments. I have nothing but high praise. Without her, I would not have been able to make it. I thank God daily for my mate.
When I was in the military I did a little writing and now that God has seen fit to "slow" me down, I find myself writing again. A good friend of mine asked why I didn’t put a good Christian Page on the net so here I am. Below you will find a list of some of my original poems! Each one was written from my heart with something or someone in mind... I hope you find a special meaning for them in your life! And may God bless you richly in all your endeavors and may all of your heart's desires and dreams come true. May you gain strength and comfort from them as you read of our Lord's love, grace and peace.
Please forgive if a link brings you to a blank page. Everything is still under construction. Including me. As my daughter said "Don’t think of it as an operation. You are just being recalled by the manufacturer for an adjustment". Boy have I got news for her.
Please note that all of my poems are original~~my creation~~a piece of my heart and soul so to speak~~I appreciate your respect of my copyright on them. Enjoy them, draw strength from them, share them.. but please don't claim them as your own. May God bless you is my prayer.
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questions or encouraging words!

My Father, My Guide
Don't Give Up
God's Lighthouse
One Last Mountain
Ode to the Doctor's Office
God Provides
Walk in Love
Quiet Time
Visit some of my favorite links:
Faith Hope and Clarity
Connected at the Heart
Hannah's Place
Poetry by Joynheart
StinaLisa's Home on the Web
Tracey's Breast Cancer Information

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