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| Cat/Rabbit Year|
Dragon Year| Snake Year| Horse Year|
Asian Astrology
Year of the Metal Dragon
February 4th, 2000 to January 23rd, 2001
Are you ready? The Year of the Metal Dragon will be a year of grandiose ideas, pagentry, and larger-than-life actions. The mighty and mystical Dragon brings a time when open-minded and creative people can give full rein to their gifts and talents, as long as they are willing to go wild with their imaginations.
The undefeatable nature of the Dragon makes everything seem larger than life. It will be a year of excess and grand-standing, a year of more glamour than substance. People will take more risks than usual, and will have to watch their "eat, drink, and be merry" attitude doesn't thicken their waistline. Also, watch out for fires!
It's a year when almost everyone will want a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Travel will play a major role in many people's lives. There is also an emphasis on religion and spiritual development. Psychic development, astrology, and the mystery schools will all be popular.
Entertainment this year will be memorable. No expense will be spared on many different venues: movies, parades, costume balls, art exhibits, pageants, musical extravaganzas, and so on.
This is also a year of "Love at first sight!" Many will throw caution to the wind; and many of these whirlwind courtships will lead to a lifetime of happiness.
This will be a good year to get married, have children, and start new businesses, as the benevolent Dragon brings happiness and good fortune. One caution though, this year - it is best to mind your temper! Tempers will flare the world over, and everyone will revolt against restrictions. Try to keep your center when dealing with others, and put all this excess Dragon energy to good use.
How Will You Fare this Year?
The coming year will be a dynamic and high energy time for everyone. It does affect the different signs uniquely though. Depending on whether you were born in the year of the Dragon or the Goat makes a difference. Remember, when looking at the chart below, that if you were born in January or the first week of February, that you share the same Animal sign as the year before your birth year. The Asian calendar is based on lunar months.
The Twelve Animal Archetypes
Animal Type | Years | Kind of Year Predicted |
RAT | 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 |
This is definitely your year,...excellent time for love and socializing. You will feel confident and will attract someone who sparks your desire for a lasting relationship. Money will flow to you as well, and your reasoned financial risk-taking could pay off big! Go ahead and invest a few dollars in the stock market, or start your own business! Your paycheck is more than likely to increase this year, as well. You will derive more satisfaction from your job, and will likely get that long overdue promotion. If not, scout around for something better. You deserve it! You will hae a ball with your friends this year, and will be moved to spend as much time as possible with them. Indulge yourself in hobbies too, and let your creativity know no bounds. Make sure you take good care of yourself, get lots of rest - and your health will be vibrant and "up" to sustained effort in this power year! Relationships and family affairs will go much more smoothly, including your marriage. If you're still single, you likely won't be for long. |
OX | 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 |
This could be a bit of a trying year for the hardworking Ox - you're not impressed with all of the hoopla this year. Relationships are up and down - either commit or get out! Hovering in the middle does no one any good. If single, you are sure to have many romantic admirers. This can be a prosperous year if you are willing to take an occasional well-thought-out financial risk. Progress and change at work is the name of the game, which does not sit too well with you. You need to relax and learn to go with the flow of change. Try to enjoy your friend's adventures and join in. No need to sit on the sidelines, just because the "showiness" bothers you. Slow down your frenzied pace, and pamper yourself a bit. You deserve it!You will need to relax with your family too, radical and adventurous activities may make you worry and fret. Again, relax and enjoy the high energy of this year.
TIGER | 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 |
Your love life will be quite thrilling this year- you can fall in love at first site, very easily (and successfully). Luck is on your side: money will flow, risks will pay off, you'll get the raise AND the promotion. In your present fearless mood, you may want to start your own business. Your friends consider you the leader of the pack, and you will all enjoy many fine adventures and gatherings. Your body will grow stronger and healthier this year, as long as you are careful when taking risks. Avoid accidents! You will likely travel to exotic horizons,..plan your course well, and enjoy! You will need to indulge your restless spirit. There could be a few touchy situations with critical relatives or spouses, but you'll work it out without too much explosion.
1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 |
Be careful with making any romantic changes this year - they could bring heartache. But, if you are single, you could easily meet someone fabulous this year! Money will be balanced for you this year IF you do not take unnecessary risks. Do not make any major career moves this year. Best to stay close to your oldest and dearest friends. Some new people you have just met, or will meet this year, may not have your best interests at heart. Avoid risky ventures, sports, and so on. You will likely be content staying at home while everyone else is off on the grand adventure. Marriage will have its ups and downs,...no rushing into marriage,..or divorce this year!
DRAGON | 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 |
This year, YOU take center stage! You will be sought after by others, far and wide, both romantically and on the job. Watch your spending though, do not live beyond your means. In your career, you will have a definite edge over your competition. A marvelous time to start your own business or expand an existing one. Friends will be lining up at your door,..your popularity will soar. Your energy level will be inexhaustible, despite that fact that you tend to burn the candle at both ends. You will feel positive and upbeat about everything. Travel will be enormously rewarding for you. As will getting out to functions, events, entertainment. You may take up a new instrument or try your hand at creating art or acting. This is a perfect year to marry, or remarrying your current mate. Lots of love and tenderness abound!
SNAKE | 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 | You are sultry and sensual, so attracting a mate is never difficult for you. You can have many, but you want ONE. And love at first sight is VERY likely this year!You will have no problem making money, but may spend it just as fast. Watch you don't go too deeply into debt. Avoid gambling too. Watch behind the scenes at work, and feel out the energy. Watch out for the competition. Group travel will suit you this year, such as a tour or cruise. You will have a need for solitary quiet time too. Marriage will sparkle now, and family tiffs will blow over quickly. If engaged though, wait till next year to tie the knot.
HORSE | 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 |
Love looks great this year, with admirers practically throwing themselves in your path. Money will be good, but avoid risk taking. Stick with the tried and true. You are the leader of the pack with your friends. You will meet many new people, and can learn much from them. This year you'll be full of pep and eager to work out and improve your health. You will yearn to travel, and if you have the means to do so, go for it! If married, be careful not to neglect your mate. Take time for just the two of you. You may change your resident or completely remodel your home.
GOAT or SHEEP | 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 |
Romance will be up and down for you, do not expect to fall in love at first sight this year. Hang in there, it will get better. This year wil be a more prosperous one for you. Any problems at work will be overcome with good communication, and with persistance, you will get that overdue raise. Get out with your friends and socialize! They are a balm for your soul. Get enough sleep and balance your work and play. Try to relax,..you are under alot of stress. Plan some short day trips and enjoy yourself. Do things you enjoy, but avoid learning too many new things this year. Lots of family changes, and at least one new addition to the family, through birth or marriage. Marriage troubles will surface, try to hang in there, and understand your mate has problems too. You'll get through it just fine.
MONKEY | 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 |
This year, Love will improve significantly! You could meet your soul mate when you least expect it, and just when you've given up! You could invent something, or make a tidy sum of money by implementing one of your ingenious money making plans. You will finally be noticed at work and your popularity with friends will skyrocket. Get out there, and accept all those invitations. You're bursting with energy this year, and will enjoy fine health. You will likely take a fewe mini vacations but not do major traveling this year. You will mix business with pleasure, and work on new concepts and designs that will bring you rewards. This is the perfect time to start a new family, and can expect one or two additions to the clan this year. If married, bliss is in store this year. Also an excellent year for you to marry. You can expect years of wedded ecstasy.
ROOSTER | 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 |
You will have lots of chances for romance this year, but more than likely one person will capture your heart, if single. You two will soon be inseparable. Money will be much more lucrative this year, you'll get out of debt, and able to do something constructive with your cash. An excellent year to get the job of your dreams. You have lots of charisma and confidence. You'll be swamped with invitations from your friends, and will spend many happy hours with them. YOur health will be good as well. You may well travel extensively. You also want to be noticed and may literally take center stage in some way. A perfect year to get married.
DOG | 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 |
Love will be up and down, and you will have trouble finding a mate to commit. Don't worry, wait till next year when your luck will improve dramatically. Your money too, will fluctuate,..keep some stored away for emergencies. Career is okay-balanced, stable. It could be time for a new change though before you get stuck in a rut. Your old and dear pals will be your chosen companions, you're not too interested in the hoopla of this year. Avoid feeling depressed or irritable. Don't let stress get you down. Take a quiet relaxing vacation away from crowds and revelry. Spend quiet evenings reading your favorite novels,.unwind! Petty squabbles with family and friends may wear you out. Keep centered. Let the air clear. Not a good year to marry, if single.
PIG | 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 |
You are lucky in Love this year. If single, you will establish a serious and longlasting relationship. Money will be balanced because of your prudence with finances, and your avoidance of risk taking. Changes at work will not affect you, and you will ride the storm, offering others advice in how to weather the changes. Your friends will seek you out continuously. You will feel fit and full of energy this year. You will want to exercise and engage in activity. You will also want to eat,...watch your consumption.You will want to spruce up your home, and getting out to cultural events. The bickering in your family will bother you, and you act as the peacekeeper. You may well have a child this year. Marriage will have its ups and downs, make sure your expectations are realistic.
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