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Verilog FAQ      Version 09/05: September 2005

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Part 2

Technical Topics :

Future of Verilog 
Programming Language Interface

Connecting other scripting languages to Verilog

VCD (Value Change Data) 
Different types of Verilog Simulators
Finite State Machines in Verilog
FSM Design and Analysis Tools 
Verilog Model Examples


Technical Questions

Future of Verilog


The final draft of Verilog-2000 is completed on March 1st 2000. Once IEEE approval is done it will be a new Verilog HDL standard called IEEE Std. 1364-2000. This new standard contains 30 new enhancements over earlier standard for higher level, abstract syatem level modeling. It adds powerful capabilities Intellectual Property modeling, greater deep submicron accuracy and scalable, re-usable modeling.

Analog Verilog
Through OVI's efforts and actions, Verilog is now IEEE Standard 1364 and is available from many vendors. Now they are trying to push Verilog further by introducing Verilog AMS (Analog and Mixed Signal). 

The intent of the Verilog-AMS standard is to define extensions to the Verilog standard (OVI 2.0 / IEEE 1364) for describing analog circuit and system behavior combined with digital circuit and system behavior, with maximum forward and backward compatibility. 

Visit to get more details.
Interesting examples of Verilog-AMS are here.
Sine Wave Generator
D Flip flop
Bouncing Ball

OVI is also trying on other fronts to create IEEE standards. IEEE 1497 will be created to describe SDF (Standard Delay Format) specifications. Proposed draft can be seen at

Programming Language Interface.

PLI stands for Programming Language Interface. The PLI consists of an interface mechanism, a set of routines to interact with the simulation environment, and a set of routines to access the Verilog internal data structures. These allow user supplied C code to interact dynamically with the simulation and data structures. 

There are two good books available on PLI.
PLI Book Principles of Verilog PLI 
by Swapnajit Mittra 
Price: $112.00
Hardcover (March 1999) 
Kluwer Academic Pub; 
ISBN: 0792384776 . 
(More Information)

He also maintains "Veri Page" dedicated to PLI. He has links to  many Verilog and PLI related sites on this page. He has kept his own PLI (1 and  2) examples.

PLI Handbook The Verilog Pli Handbook : A User's Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface 
by Stuart Sutherland 
Price: $148.00
Hardcover (March 1999) 
Kluwer Academic Publishers; 
ISBN: 079238489X 
(More Information)

JavaPLI :
JavaPLI can extend the reach of Verilog models into Java realm. You can do these and more interesting things with JavaPLI.

- Verilog model combined with a GUI for providing stimuli and observing the model's behavior in a graphical form.
- A Verilog model that reads and writes complex data via XML. The data might be stored on file, or transmitted over the net or the Internet (using Java's XML package and possibly the package). and many more.

Christian B. Spear has donated his PLI routines to Verilog community. The following guide describes how you can read files in a Verilog model using a set  of system functions which are based on the C stdio package. With these system  functions you can perform file input directly in Verilog models without having to  learn C or the PLI. Visit his own PLI web site

David Roberts, of Cadence Design Systems, has provided a great example using sockets to communicate between a PLI application and an independently running C program.  David has provided this example with no restrictions on usage, copying or distribution.           Using sockets example, compressed using WinZip (27 KB)
pli_socket_example_unix.tar.gz    Using sockets example, compressed using compressed using GZIP (18 KB)
pli_socket_example_unix.tar         Using sockets example, uncompressed (100 KB)

Connecting other scripting languages to Verilog

ScriptSim: Bring the power of Perl/Tk and Python/Tk to your Verilog® simulations.

ScriptSim is a tool for rapid development of simulation models. It uses a graphical user interface, creating professional-looking windows for presentation of simulation results in text or graphical formats. It is available as open-source software.

Requirements: Unix/Linux/Solaris system with gcc compiler, Verilog simulator with PLI interface

VCD (Value Change Data) 

Verilog simulator dumps the simulation information for waveform viewing in VCD Format (Value Change Data). It's specification is part of IEEE Std 1364. Michael J. Smith's site has a beta pages of Verilog LRM. Following page lists specification for VCD format.

Different types of Verilog Simulators

There are mainly two types of simulators available. 

    Event Driven 
    Cycle Based 
Event-based Simulator: 

This Digital Logic Simulation method sacrifices performance for rich functionality: every active signal is calculated for every device it propagates through during a clock cycle. Full Event-based simulators support 4-28 states; simulation of Behavioral HDL, RTL HDL, gate, and transistor representations; full timing calculations for all devices; and the full HDL standard. Event-based simulators are like a Swiss Army knife with many different features but none are particularly fast. 

Event based simulators are further categorized in 2 types. 

Compiled-Code Simulators: 

This technique takes the input definition (HDL) of the design and spends  time compiling it into a new data structure in order to enable much faster calculations during run-time. You sacrifice compile time to be able to run large numbers of tests faster. it is used in some high end, Event-based simulators. 

e.g. Synopsys Inc.'s VCS Simulator converts verilog files into C code which then be compiled and run, just like any other executable file. It is 10 to 50 times faster than any other interpretive simulator. 

Cadence's Native Compiled Verilog generates direct machine language instructions from verilog files. 

Interpreted Code Simulators: 

This method of simulation allows for rapid change of the source HDL of  the design and restart of the simulation since there is little or no compilation involved after every design change. This is good for  interaction but leads to poor run times of large tests compared to Compiled Code Techniques. 

e.g. Cadence Design Systems Verilog - XL. 


Cycle Based Simulator: 

This is a Digital Logic Simulation method that eliminates unnecessary calculations to achieve huge performance gains in verifying Boolean logic: 

1.) Results are only examined at the end of every clock cycle; and 

2.) The digital logic is the only part of the design simulated (no timing calculations). By limiting the calculations, Cycle based Simulators can provide huge increases  in performance over conventional Event-based simulators. 

Cycle based simulators are more like a high speed electric carving knife in comparison because they focus on a subset of the biggest problem: logic verification. 

Cycle based simulators are almost invariably used along with Static Timing verifier to compensate for the lost timing information coverage. 

for example 
Avanti's Polaris cycle based simulator

In following table differences between Event based and Cycle based simulation are summarized. 
Event based Simulation Cycle Based Simulation
Evaluates inputs looking for state change Evaluate entire design every clock cycle 
Schedule events in time No event scheduling 
Calculate time delay No delay calculations or timing checks 
Store state values and time information No such storage. Very fast, very efficient  memory usage. 
Identify timing violations Does not identify timing violations

Cycle Based

Where two simulations are appropriate 
Comparison of two simulators
Comparison between Event Based and Cycle based Simulation 

Finite State Machines in Verilog

State machine design is becoming more complex due to increasing time   constraints and verification issues. Following papers provide good insight into design and optimization. 

1] State Machine Design Techniques for Verilog and VHDL : by Steve Golson,  Trilobyte Systems 
PDF version of article
Text Version :

FSM Design and Analysis Tools

It is a Java based Finite State Machine (FSM) editor, which allows the hardware designer to specify complex control circuits in an easy and comfortable way. The graphical FSM is converted into a proprietary state/flow table format. It can be translated into efficient and synthesizable Verilog HDL. 
More Information :

Verilog Model Examples

The Verilog beginners need examples of  simple building blocks to learn coding techniques. This section tries to create a database of such designs. If you have any such design please mail to Rajesh Bawankule (
D Type Flip-flop:

A sample code is shown below. A header indicates a minimum set of information needed to identify and maintain the code. 

D Type Flip-Flop
//  Copyleft (C) 1998 by Rajesh Bawankule
//  This model is available for free distribution
//  file name      : dff.v
//  last modified  : 07/23/98
//  function       : d flip flop

module dff (data, clock, q);
    // port list
    input   data, clock;
    output  q;

    // reg / wire declaration for outputs / inouts
    reg     q;

    // logic begins here
    always @(posedge clock) 
        q <= data;
D Type Flip-flop with asynchronous reset:

Example of D type Flip flop with asynchronous reset.

D Type Flip-flop with asynchronous reset
module dff_async (data, clock, reset, q);
    // port list
    input   data, clock, reset;
    output  q;

    // reg / wire declaration for outputs / inouts
    reg     q;

    // reg / wire declaration for internal signals

    // logic begins here
    always @(posedge clock or negedge reset)
        if(reset == 1'b0)
            q <= 1'b0;
            q <= data;
D Type Flip-flop with Synchronous reset:

Example of D type Flip flop with synchronous reset.

D type Flip flop with synchronous reset
module dff_sync (data, clock, reset, q);
    // port list
    input   data, clock, reset;
    output  q;

    // reg / wire declaration for outputs / inouts
    reg     q;

    // reg / wire declaration for internal signals

    // logic begins here
    always @(posedge clock) 
        if(reset == 1'b0)
            q <= 1'b0;
            q <= data;
D Type Flip-flop with asynchronous reset and clock enable D Type Flip-flop with aynchronous reset and clock enable
module dff_cke (data, clock, reset, cke, q);
    // port list
    input   data, clock, reset, cke;
    output  q;

    // reg / wire declaration for outputs / inouts
    reg     q;

    // logic begins here
    always @(posedge clock or negedge reset) 
        if (reset == 0)
            q <= 1'b0;
        else if (cke == 1'b1)
            q <= data;
4:1 Multiplexer Using case statement 4:1 Multiplxer Using case statement
module mux4_1_case(Y,I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1);
  input I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1;
  output Y;

  reg   Y;

  always@(I0 or I1 or I2 or I3 or C0 or C1) begin
      case ({C1,C0}) 
          2'b00 : Y = I0 ;
          2'b01 : Y = I1 ;
          2'b10 : Y = I2 ;
          2'b11 : Y = I3 ;
4:1 Multiplexer Using if-else statements:
This implementation gives priority encoder structure.
4:1 Mux using if-else statements

module mux4_1_if(Y,I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1);
  input I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1;
  output Y;

  reg   Y;

  always@(I0 or I1 or I2 or I3 or C1) begin
      if ({C1,C0} == 2'b00) Y = I0;
      else if ({C1,C0} == 2'b01) Y = I1;
      else if ({C1,C0} == 2'b10) Y = I2;
      else if ({C1,C0} == 2'b11) Y = I3;

4:1 Multiplexer Using assign statements :
This implementation is given to show flexibility of Verilog language. This type of coding is generally not preferred for mux implementation as it is difficult to debug. 

module mux4_1_assign(Y,I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1); 
  input I0,I1,I2,I3,C0,C1; 
  output Y; 

  wire a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3;         // intermediate signals 
  wire c0_n, c1_n; 
  wire Y; 

  assign c0_n = ~C0; 
  assign c1_n = ~C1; 
  assign a_0 = I0 & c1_n & c0_n; 
  assign a_1 = I1 & c1_n & C0; 
  assign a_2 = I2 & C1 & c0_n; 
  assign a_3 = I3 & C1 & C0; 
  assign Y = a_0 | a_1 | a_2 | a_3; 


Behavioral FIFO model: 
This is a behavioral fifo model, which enables simultaneous  shift-in and shift-out, posedge triggered and asynch reset, 
- no shift-in is made on a full fifo 
- no shift-out is made on an empty fifo 
This model is contributed by Lars Rzymianowicz (

module fifo( 
dout,  // head of fifo 
full,  // no more space, no shift-in allowed 
half,  // fifo is >=50% full 
quarter, // fifo is >=25% full 
empty,  // head of fifo is invalid data 
din,        // data to store 
shiftin, // store data from din in fifo 
shiftout); // i've read the head of fifo, show me next 

   parameter WIDTH = 32;   // bit width 
   parameter DEPTH = 16;   // depth of fifo 

   output [(WIDTH-1):0] dout; 
   output               full, half, quarter, empty; 
   reg                  full, half, quarter, empty; 
   input                clk, res_, shiftin, shiftout; 
   input [(WIDTH-1):0]  din;

   reg [(WIDTH-1):0]    entry [0:(DEPTH-1)]; 
   // the register stages 
   integer              wp; 
   // write pointer (points to first free slot) 
   integer              i;    // loop count 

   // first stage of fifo is output 
   assign dout = entry[0]; 

   always @(posedge clk or negedge res_)   // trigger new evaluation
      if (res_ == 0)   // it's a reset 
         wp       = 0;     // the initial values 
         full    <= 1'b0; 
         half    <= 1'b0; 
         quarter <= 1'b0; 
         empty   <= 1'b1; 
      else   // it's a posedge of clk 
         case ({shiftin, shiftout}) 
            2'b00: ; // nothing to do 
            2'b01:   // shift-out(assumes: at least 1 valid value in fifo) 
                  for (i=1; i<wp; i=i+1)   // shift all valid entries 
                     entry[i-1] <= entry[i]; 
                  wp       = wp-1; 
                  full    <= 1'b0; 
                  half    <= (wp >= (DEPTH/2)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
                  quarter <= (wp >= (DEPTH/4)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
                  empty   <= (wp == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
            2'b10:   // shift-in (assumes: at least 1 entry free) 
                   entry[wp] <= din; 
                   wp       = wp+1; 
                   full    <= (wp == DEPTH) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
                   half    <= (wp >= (DEPTH/2)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
                   quarter <= (wp >= (DEPTH/4)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
                   empty   <= 1'b0; 
            2'b11:   //simultaneous shift-in and -out 
               begin // (at least 1 valid entry) 
                  for (i=1; i<wp; i=i+1) 
                     entry[i-1] <= entry[i]; 
                  entry[wp-1] <= din; 
   endcase // case ({shiftin, shiftout}) 
   end // else: !if(res_ == 0) 
   end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge res_) 


Examples from "The Verilog Hardware Description Language"
by D.E. Thomas and P.R. Moorby 

Micron memory simulation models with testbenches.
Micron memory models are available for EDO DRAM, SDRAM, SRAM, SGRAM, SLDRAM with various flavors and testbenches.

Synthesis: It is a process to map and optimizing higher level HDL description to technology cells (gates, flip flops etc.)

Synthesis Flow Diagram:

Synthesis Flow Diagram

HDL Description: This is description of design in Verilog. One has to use subset of constructs as synthesis tools does not support all of them.

Technology Library: This file contains functional description and other information related to area and speed for all the cells of particular technology.

Here "technology" means information about particular process for particular vendor. For example Company X, Standard Cell, 0.18 micron, Y Process, Z Type.

Constraints: This optional file contains information about physical expectations from design. For example speed and area.

Netlist: A netlist is a text file description of a physical connection of components.

Reports: This optional output file contains physical performance of design in terms of speed and area.

Schematic: Some tools provide the facility to view netlist in terms of schematics for better understanding of design and to match the results with the expectations.

Simple example:
Following trivial example explains the Synthesis process. In this example only always procedural statement is used.

module test (out, in1, in2); // behavioral description
  input in1, in2;
  output out;
  reg out;
  reg temp;                 // temporary register

  always@(in1 or in2) begin
    temp = ~in2;
    out = ~in1 ^ temp;  // I am trying to have exor with inverted 
  end                   // inputs

after synthesis one gets following "netlist" in verilog. Note that XOR2 is module picked up from technology library. It will be different for different libraries.

module add ( out , in1 , in2 );  // netlist

    output out ;
    input in1 ;
    input in2 ;

    XOR2   instance_name (.Y (out ),.A (in1 ),.B (in2 ) );

Note that synthesis tool optimized the logic. Netlist can be obtained in other formats like  .EDIF, .vhdl. Here is an example of .xnf format ( Xilinx netlist format)
SIG, out, S
SIG, in1, S
SIG, in2, S
SYM, instance_name, XOR2
PIN, A, I, in1,
PIN, B, I, in2,
PIN, Y, O, out, 1.000000
You can get detailed information on netlist formats in respective synthesis tool manuals / guides and SDF manual.

Now try the same example which uses always, assign and simple gate level description. You will find that results are identical. Synthesis tool optimizes the description and produces the minimal hardware required.

module xor_example (in1, in2, out);
    input  in1, in2;
    output out;

    reg    out;
    reg    temp1;
    wire   temp2;

    always @(in1 or in2) begin
        temp1 = in1 &amp; ~in2;

    assign temp2 = ~in1 &amp; in2;

    or my_or (out, temp1, temp2);


Unsupported Verilog Language Constructs

Synthesis tools are not so intelligent. They try to infer hardware from HDL description. Most synthesis tools does not support the following Verilog constructs:
Unsupported definitions and declarations
- primitive definition
- time declaration
- event declaration
- triand, trior, tri1, tri0, andtriregnet types
- Ranges and arrays for integers

Unsupported statements
- defparam statement
- initial statement
- repeat statement
- delay control
- event control
- wait statement
- fork-join statements
- deassign statement
- force statement
- release statement
- Assignment statement with a variable used as a bit-select on the left side of the equal sign

Unsupported operators
- Case equality and inequality operators (=== and !==)
- Division and modulus operators for variables

Unsupported gate-level constructs
- nmos, pmos, cmos, rnmos, rpmos, rcmos, pullup, pulldown,
tranif0, tranif1, rtran, rtrainf0, andrtrainf1gate types

Unsupported miscellaneous constructs
- Hierarchical names within a module

Synthesis Tools

Currently there is no single free synthesis tool available. Following is a list of commercially available sythesis tools.

Synopsys, Inc. 
Design Compiler and Behavioral Compiler 
Synplicity, Inc. 
Exemplar Logic 
Leonardo Spectrum 
Mentor Graphics Corp. 
AutoLogic and PLDSynthesis 
Cadence Design Systems Inc. 
Magma Design Automation
          Blast Create
Synthesis Standards Working group working on Synthesis
There is Verilog Synthesis Subset Working Group (IEEE PAR 1364.1)  working on formalizing Verilog subset used in Synthesis.

IEEE P1364.1/D1.4 Draft Standard for Verilog Register Transfer Level Synthesis is available at

"RTL Coding Styles That Yield Simulation and Synthesis Mismatches"  by Don Mills is available in pdf format at

Good books on Synthesis:
Logic Synthesis Using Synopsis Logic Synthesis Using Synopsis 
by Pran Kurup, Taher Abbasi 
Price: $120.00
Hardcover 2nd edition (June 1997) 
Kluwer Academic Pub;
ISBN: 079239786X 
Behavioral Synthesis Behavioral Synthesis : Digital System Design Using the Synopsis Behavioral Compiler
by David W. Knapp 
Price: $68.00   Hardcover - 231 pages Bk&Disk edition (June 1996) 
Prentice Hall; 
ISBN: 0135692520 
Advanced Chip Synthesis Advanced Asic Chip Synthesis : Using Synopsys Design Compiler and Primetime
by Himanshu Bhatnagar 
Hardcover (June 1999) 
Kluwer Academic Pub; 
Price: $115.00
ISBN: 0792385373 

Usenet group related to synthesis

  1. John Cooley maintains moderated email based ESNUG (Synopsys User Group) email list. Past and present email archives can be found at 
  1. Usenet group comp.cad.synthesis is created to discuss synthesis related questions. One get postings through and other sites. 
Technical Questions
This section lists questions asked in comp.lang.verilog usenet forum and their answers. This section is kept on separate page here.

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Copyright Rajesh Bawankule  1997 - 2005