There are many forms of "body modification" and the term is pretty self-explanatory. Each person modifies their body differently, just as each person wears different clothes or wears different make-up. It's what makes us who we are, what distinguishes our own style and flair.
Many people have tattoos and an increasing number of people have piercings (with their current popularity). This page is about MY PERSONAL body mods and some resources.
I have two tattoos: Gordon the Lion, Born August 26, 1997, 2'' x 1 3/4'', lives on my right leg - just above my ankle - facing out and Sun & Moon, inked Nov. 12, 1998, 1 1/2'' x 1 3/4'', located on my left leg - just above my ankle - facing out.
Gordon (above, beside the word "tattoos") was born with my interest developing in astrology. I was born in 1978 under a Leo sun. I went into the tattoo shop and asked the artist for a "petable" cartoon lion. He drew this for me and it was perfect. I love him because he is serious, he has blue eyes, but looks touchable (like he wouldn't rip your arm off immediately). Artist, Brian @ Modern Marks, 9053 Liberia Ave., Manassas, VA 703-361-0742.
The Sun/Moon Combination tattoo (to the left, the background of this page) took five years to earn! It is a tribute to my friendship with one of my best friends. We went to the shop with the idea of an owl (which we both collect). After getting there (and an hour of talking) we decided on a sun/moon combination (background for this page, to the left). She is a Cancer, ruled by the Moon and I am a Leo, ruled by the Sun. Both of us (she and I) got the same tattoo in the same place on our body. Artist, Lee @ Lou's Tattoos, 6030 S. Fla. Ave., Lakeland, FL 941-644-0409.
Mistake number one, doing a piercing yourself with no experience and no training! Everything has turned out alright, but, this labret piercing was not a wise decision. I pierced this myself, in early 1995.
My tongue was pierced on my first trip back to Florida (after I moved to Virginia). May of 1997, I think. One of my best friends and I went to Old Town and she got her belly button pierced when my tongue was done.
My ears have been pierced since I can remember. The normal bottom hole in both ears. A few years ago (before it became all the rage) I pierced the first hole in the top. I did the second shortly after and there was a third (one of the dangers of piercing yourself, I pierced through a blood vein and had to remove the third earring). The middle piercing came when one of my best friends got her first top hole. The bottom two (regular) holes came within weeks of each other, both ears are done this way.
Modern Marks Tattoo Studio (Brian did Gordon, my lion) 9053 Liberia Avenue Manassas, VA 20110-5312 (703)361-0742
Exposed Temptations Tattoo (have good body jewelry) 8785 Commerce Court Manassas, VA 20110-5235 (703)335-2134
Blue Devil Tattoo Gallery (excellent all around) 1603 E 7th Avenue Tampa (Ybor City), FL 33605-3705 (813)241-6824
Instant Gratification (custom body jewelry) 1411 E 7th Avenue Tampa (Ybor City), FL 33605-3609 (813)242-8900
Lou's National Tattoo's (Lee did our Sun & Moon) 6030 S Florida Avenue Lakeland, FL 33813-3300 (941)644-0409
Old Town Tattoo Studio (pierced my tongue) 5770 W Irlo Bronson Mem Hwy Kissimmee (Old Town), FL 34746-4732 (407)397-9905