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This webpage was designed
by Cyndalla


I am 36 years old and from the Pittsburgh, PA area. I am a PA State Trooper, a husband, and father of three beautiful daughters, aged 10, 8, and 5. I have a wonderful, understanding wife who puts up with me for all my faults, and there are many: my work schedule, my addiction to the net and sports, and the fact that I am a slob. I am sure she could list many many more. I am very involved in Girl Scouts and the PTA. I am not afraid to admit that I am a registered adult GIRL SCOUT...and help out with my three daughter's in Juniors, one in Brownies, and one in Daisies. I also help the wife and girls with their collections of Precious Moments, Longaberger Baskets, and Beanie Babies..... Kinda boring stuff, I know. I love baseball and football, particularly my Pirates and Steelers. I collect sports collectibles, especially from Pittsburgh teams.

My best asset, other than being a good father, is my sense of humor. I love to make people laugh. I often say: "Laugh with me, laugh at me....Just laugh. My motto has always been: "DON'T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY, YOU AIN'T GONNA COME OUT OF IT ALIVE ANYWAY!!"

I also love to chat and have a bunch of wonderful on line friends. I used to chat at the Alter-Zone, but since it has gone down I can't find any place I like as much. I chat in the Park on occasion. I also love my ICQ. I am also a PEPSI addict. And my girls want me to tell everybody that we have a mini zoo at our house...A Terrier-Poodle named Honus(actually pocaHONUS wagner), a shepherd-collie named Sox, a cat named Lucky Mitten (because I saved his life and that of his siblings one night while on patrol--almost killing myself because of my extreme allergy, an endless supply of hermit crabs for as long as they live and a huge acquarium of tropical fish, shrimp, and miniature dwarf frogs.

I also love TV. My absolute favorite show is Drew Carey's Whose Line Is It Anyway and here is my top ten must see list: NYPD Blue, Friends, The Practice, Drew Carey Show, E.R., All My Children, Spin City, Will and Grace, and Boy Meets World (for my girls).

People I would invite to a Bar-B-Que if I could invite anyone: Roberto Clemente, Vince Lombardi, Bob Johnston, Elvis, and my late father.

My on-line friends, in no particular order: Red Riding Hood, Sweetthing, Juli, Buddha, Grace, Faith, Hot Lips, Tara, and Pony Girl, Casi, Krista, Hot Tamale, Michelle, Pack Rat, Eagle Eye, and Marjorie......hmmmmmmm...all women, interesting.......

I also love to play acro and go there under name AnimalGabe.

Learn More About the "Burgh"
Real Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Live
Tour The "Burgh"
Pittsburgh Zoo
Carnegie Science Fair
Pittsburgh Aviary
Kennywood Park
Idlewild Park
Gateway Clipper
Animals Favorite Links
PA State Police
The Park Chat
DVE Rocks the Burgh
My Alma Mater
Please visit my other pages
Brothers in Arms Police Page
Animal's Black and Gold Tribute
Animal's Poetry Page
Animal's Memorial to my Dad
Animal's Friends Pages
Cyndalla Kennel- a friends page
Some special links
Death of an Innocent - a very touching poem
Things you should never say to a Cop
Jokes4u List Jokeaday List
Awards this page has won

Thank you for stopping in at ANIMAL'S HOUSE. Hope you enjoyed your stay. PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK so I know who has visited ANIMAL'S HOUSE.

Thanks so much to my friend Red Riding Hood {click to visit} for helping me with this page !


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This page has been visited since June 1, 1999.