This webpage was designed by Cyndalla
I am 36 years old and from the Pittsburgh, PA area. I am a PA State Trooper, a husband, and father of three beautiful daughters, aged 10, 8, and 5. I have a wonderful, understanding wife who puts up with me for all my faults, and there are many: my work schedule, my addiction to the net and sports, and the fact that I am a slob. I am sure she could list many many more. I am very involved in Girl Scouts and the PTA. I am not afraid to admit that I am a registered adult GIRL SCOUT...and help out with my three daughter's in Juniors, one in Brownies, and one in Daisies. I also help the wife and girls with their collections of Precious Moments, Longaberger Baskets, and Beanie Babies..... Kinda boring stuff, I know. I love baseball and football, particularly my Pirates and Steelers. I collect sports collectibles, especially from Pittsburgh teams.
My best asset, other than being a good father, is my sense of humor. I love to make people laugh. I often say: "Laugh with me, laugh at me....Just laugh. My motto has always been: "DON'T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY, YOU AIN'T GONNA COME OUT OF IT ALIVE ANYWAY!!"
I also love to chat and have a bunch of wonderful on line friends. I used to chat at the Alter-Zone, but since it has gone down I can't find any place I like as much. I chat in the Park on occasion. I also love my ICQ. I am also a PEPSI addict. And my girls want me to tell everybody that we have a mini zoo at our house...A Terrier-Poodle named Honus(actually pocaHONUS wagner), a shepherd-collie named Sox, a cat named Lucky Mitten (because I saved his life and that of his siblings one night while on patrol--almost killing myself because of my extreme allergy, an endless supply of hermit crabs for as long as they live and a huge acquarium of tropical fish, shrimp, and miniature dwarf frogs.
I also love TV. My absolute favorite show is Drew Carey's Whose Line Is It Anyway and here is my top ten must see list: NYPD Blue, Friends, The Practice, Drew Carey Show, E.R., All My Children, Spin City, Will and Grace, and Boy Meets World (for my girls).
People I would invite to a Bar-B-Que if I could invite anyone: Roberto Clemente, Vince Lombardi, Bob Johnston, Elvis, and my late father.
My on-line friends, in no particular order: Red Riding Hood, Sweetthing, Juli, Buddha, Grace, Faith, Hot Lips, Tara, and Pony Girl, Casi, Krista, Hot Tamale, Michelle, Pack Rat, Eagle Eye, and Marjorie......hmmmmmmm...all women, interesting.......
I also love to play acro and go there under name AnimalGabe.
Thank you for stopping in at ANIMAL'S HOUSE. Hope you enjoyed your stay. PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK so I know who has visited ANIMAL'S HOUSE.
Thanks so much to my friend Red Riding Hood {click to visit} for helping me with this page !
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