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Remote Sensing

Aerial Reconnaissance: the imaging of phenomena from a distance, primarily through airborne and satellite imaging.

traditional forms:
-vertical images from balloons and aircraft
-oblique images from aircraft (angular photos)

non-traditional forms:
-infrared spectrum (visible/non-visible spectra of light)
-thermography (thermal prospection - temperatures of land)
-radar mapping
-satellite/space shuttle images

Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeology - look at images!.

Ground-based Reconnaissance:
variety of methods for identifying individual archeological sites, including consultation of documentary sources, place-name evidence, local folklore, and legend, but primarily actual field work.

Subsurface Detection (geophysical) - variety of remote sensing techniques operating at ground level, and including both invasive techniques and non-invasive techniques.

Active Forms:
-seismic and acoustic (sonar)
-electromagnetic (radio pulses)
-electrical resistivity (resistance)

Passive Forms:
-magnetometry (magnetic survey)
-metal detectors
-dowsing (questionable technique)

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