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Adrian Taylor Mayer

Just a little over a day old and the cutest baby ever born.  Hey, I don't have kids of my own, so until I do, Adrian wins, hands down.




Well, throwing the baby out with the bath water is one thing, but sticking him in laundry?  Peuww.  Actually, he loves the "climb in the clean clothes game" and it looks like his dad got a great shot.




Ten-hut.  More like two-hut, really, and barely that.  Adrian's dad was a marine (retired not deceased) and I think that's where he got the idea.  Sweet little soldier, huh?




Lights, Camera, Action.

Taking a 2 year old and his eight month old little brother to the mall for photos is more of an adventure than I think I will be ready for for a long time.  However, we did get that really cute wagon picture...




Hey, balloons are really cool.  He isn't old enough to teach how to suck the helium in so he can talk like Mickey Mouse (or Mike Tyson), but hey, what's growing up all about, hm? 




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