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Family and Friends Photo Pages

Yup...That's me all dressed up in a pumpkin suit.  It was my first Halloween, and I don't rememeber it, but my grandma there does, and that' what's important.


Welcome to my family and friends picture pages.  Hope you'll take a look and get to know those that I've got photos of (some just won't send 'em).





Wanna See My Godson?

Click here to go see the VERY FEW pictures I've got of my gorgeous and adorable godson.  (Hey, gimme a break.  I'm only going to be able to call him cutsey names for so long, you know)




And these are my babies

Yeah, I'm the kind of person who would take their pets to see Santa Claus.  What of it?  I don't do horrible things like dress them up in sweaters or anything.  Click here to meet Dax, Monty, Mim and Merlin, and to see our one good photo of the dearly departed Havoc.




Embarassing shots: How can you not want to come see these?

My husband (who I am sure is thrilled I am sharing these with you all) as a munchkin.  C'mon, you know you want to see these.  There's even bad high school shots.




Crystal's Wedding

One of my dearest friends from highschool got married 4/28/05, and these are the shots. There's also pics of me, 6 months pregnant, in a plum bridesmaid's dress. You gotta go look, you know.

My husband's FONT>

My husband's cousin and his beautiful

Jason and April's Wedding

My husband's cousin and his beautiful new bride in San Diego, Ca in June 2005.

My husband's cousin and his beautiful new bride in San Diego, Ca in June 2005.

My husband's cousin and his beautiful new bride in San Diego, Ca in June 2005.

Thomas Coffee's Graduation

My buddy from highschool (and his signifigant other) at their MIT graduation, June 2005. He's 19, for heaven's sake! (You look great, Thomas!)

My husband's cousin and his beautiful new bride in San Diego, Ca in June 2005.

Gwendolyn Griffin

My former high school teacher (and sort-of-adopted dad) and his baby....

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