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Gwendolyn Griffin (and her parents)

My 12th grade English teacher (as well as great friend and substitute dad) was just blessed with his first child. Mind you, he's 43, so he's getting kind of a late start here (and he could conceivably be MY dad), but it seems to me that Gwen was the best thing that could have happened to him.



Name: Gwendolyn Elizabeth Griffin

Mother: Wendy Walsh (whom I will have pictures of eventually)

Father: Charles Griffin III

Date of Birth: April 30th, 2005 at 1:53AM

Length: 21 inches

Weight: 8lbs, 2 oz




These pictures were taken outside Wendy and Charles' apartment on July 10th, 2005. Ain't my baby sister/aunt the cutest thing ever? Enjoy it while you can, August you end up the 2nd cutest baby in the world...

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