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never said goodbye:Navigate
Good Lord I haven’t updated this site since 12-01-01. Geez…

All the links are up and working...

Well I’ve decided to start up the project again. It’s gonna be a little different musically, and more mature (hopefully anyway). In no way does this take away from Red Winter Dying (my other band if you don’t know) its just that I’ve found myself with a ton of free time recently and need something to feel that space. I may do a show or two, I wouldn’t promise anything though. I am going to try to record and release either en EP or full length in the near future (only have enough for an EP right now) either independently or I may check around w/ some local labels for some support, but that’s still a while in the future….feel free to email me at if you want any info or just to chat or to tell me who your favorite G.I. Joe was…

I guess that’s it for right now.