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February 2009

Photos (and videos) taken in February of 2009

Walking to the bus on her first day of "real" school

Big bus

Loving the bus-ride

The wheels on the bus

"Where do I go now?"

Papa takes her upstairs

And "Yellow Softie Blankie" goes in the cubby

Goofing off before the Chinese New Year parade

On Papa's back


Rory loves the horses


So, she sees these guys and yells:

"That one is me! It is Rory!"

It has pigtails!


Pretty cool

Mornings before the bus with Papa

Valentine's photos

Making Valentines for her grandparents and godparents

Valentine from Andy

(he made it on the computer)

Card from Andy and Totoro from Mama and Papa

Andy's Valentine from the Oakland Fire Department

A brand new red wheelchair, brought over Valentine's morning by PJ, one of the crew

Rory's Valentine for the "fire guys"

Rory loves the Wii Fit. The problem?

Parenting advice from Nintendo

Tumble and Tea is changing its name

New sweater from Grandpa and Seti

Doing Liz's buttons

Trees with Papa

Swing with Mama and Boy-o

Happy girl

New favorite hair-do

Itsy bitsy spider

Portland PDX Loves Baby Sign Language Signing Time Academy ASL Babies Tiny Hands Talkers Learning Early

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