Photos (and videos) taken in January of 2009
In the pool with her grandparents
Modeling the shirt Mama made for her cousin, Adah
Feeding goats at Little Farm
Hugs for Mama
The train at Tilden Park...
Papa was Rory's age the last time he was on it
Tea party with Batman
Tea party
Batman in a truck
Playing with Jules
She picked the fire-truck
"This truck helps people!"
Motorcycles are rad, too
Don't let his expression fool you, he had a great time
Sarah Palin hair
"Like this, Rory!"
Atta girl!!
First trip to the dentist
Park day
Look at how well they play!
"Where did he go, Mama?"
January 20, 2009
Obama cookies
Beating Papa at Wii Boxing
Reading Blancanieves y los siete enanos
Working on her name
Tree climbing marathon
Look how cute
Out for a st/roll
Hugs for Mama
She chased this poor hen around asking "Are you my mother?"
Hugging random girl at park
Feeding cows...
And goats
The Waddle and Swaddle Crew on its last day open
Rory helped Mama make a piggy cake
For the other Rory's 3rd birthday
Two Rorys?
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