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August 10, 2002

Dr Samuel M. Johnson
39 Harvard Lane
Concord, New Jersey 14045

Dear Dr Johnson,

Thank you for your continued interest in the Natural Sunlight Lamp. This letter is in response to our recent phone coversation on July 31, 2002. You seemed to be concerned that the product you are currently using manufactured by our competitor has proven inaffective in treating your patients suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. I want to assure you that the Natural Sunlight Lamp is just what you are looking for.

The Natural Sunlight Lamp works in two ways. It can be used as an alarm clock and as a regular lamp. If used as an alarm clock, it will wake your patients gradually to brightening light which simulates sunrise. An additional feature the Natural Sunlight Lamp includes is instead of waking to a loud buzzer, it wakes you to the soothing sounds of ocean waves, a mountain stream, or morning birds. An added bonus with this product is its capability to be used as a lamp. Just by turning it on it will emit enough light to simulate being outdoors. The lamp includes a 10,000 lux bulb and a diffusing filter so the light is gentle on the eyes.

Dr Johnson, we feel this product is just what you are looking for. Please feel free to contact me at 971-8900 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Business Manager


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