H O M E   P A G E







M I S C .

Last updated

July 2003





Low prices on books

Magazine Articles

  • 'Spinning Web Tales', North and South, December 2001.

  • 'Weird, Wild, Wacky', North and South, October 2001, p.29.

  • 'Web Pets', North and South, August 2001, p.28.

  • 'List Lurkers', North and South, April 2001, p.29

  • 'Web Radio', North and South, March 2001, p.25

  • 'Unreal Estate', North and South, October, 2000, p.35


  • 'Gossip, Poison & Song', in the NZ Listener, November 1-7, 2003, p.35. This was a competition winning essay in their "The Greatest Dinner Party Ever Competition".

  • 'Just the Bright Stars', in Coastlines, prose and poetry from Wellington to Foxton, Selected by Dame Kate Harcourt, Greater Otaki Library Trust, December, 2001.

Textbook Essays

  • 'The Video recorder', and 'Fractal Theory and Benoit Mandelbrot', in Science and Its Times 1950-1999: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery, Vol. 7, Gale Group Publishers, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2000.

  • 'Lebesgue's Development of the Theory of Measure', and 'Wolfgang Pauli's Exclusion Principle' in Science and Its Times 1900-1949, Vol. 6, 2000.

  • 'The Phlogiston Theory of Fire', 'Genesis versus Geology', and 'Abraham Gottlob Werner's Neptunist Stratigraphy', in Science and Its Times 1700-1799, Vol. 4, 2000.

  • 'Newton's Principia', 'The Rise of the Phlogiston Theory' and the 'Introduction to the Mathematics Section', in Science and Its Times 1450-1699, Vol. 3, 2001.

  • 'The Rise of the European University', 'The Return of Mathematics to Europe', and the 'Introduction to the Mathematics Section', in Science and Its Times 700-1449:, Vol. 2, 2001.

  • 'The Origin of The Zero', 'Aristotle's Physics', and the 'Introduction to the Mathematics Section', in Science and Its Times 2000 B.C -699 A.D, Vol. 1, 2001.

  • 'Does Cold Fusion Exist?-No', 'Is Urbain Le Verrier the true discoverer of Neptune?-Yes', 'Did Life on Earth begin in "A Warm Little Pond"?-Yes', 'Is Flouridiation Harmful?-No', and 'Is the cost of High Energy Physics Research Justified?-Yes', in Science in Dispute, Vol.1, Gale Publishing, 2002

  • Introductory essays for "Will there be a viable alternative to the internal combustion engine within the next decade?" and "Are there Hidden Variables in Quantum Systems?", in Science in Dispute, Vol.1, Gale Publishing, 2002

  • 'Is catastrophe theory a major development in mathematics? YES', 'Are atoms real? Discuss Mach, Boltzmann, Einstein, et al. [Historic] NO', 'Can radioactive waste from fission reactors be safely stored? YES', 'Margaret Mead was naïve in her collection of anthropological materials and biased in her interpretation of her data. NO' for Science in Dispute, Vol.2, Gale Group, 2002.

  • Introductory essays for "Will the loss of privacy due to the digitization of medical records overshadow research advances that take advantage of such records?", and "Are arthroplasties (orthopedic implants) best anchored to the contiguous bone using acrylic bone cement?", for Science in Dispute, Vol.2, Gale Group, 2002.

  • Is light the wave motion of a medium, known as the aether? [Historical Dispute] (YES)for Science in Dispute, Vol.3, Gale Group, 2003.

  • Is the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics viable? (YES) for Science in Dispute, Vol.3, Gale Group, 2002.

  • In his classic debate with Albert Einstein, was Niels Bohr correct in his approach to interpreting the world in light of the newly discovered field of quantum mechanics? [Historical Dispute] (NO) for Science in Dispute, Vol.3, Gale Group, 2002.


  • Perez Zagorin's The English Revolution: Politics, Events, Ideas, in Parergon, Vol.18, No.2, 2001, pp.245-47.

  • 'Hilary Gatti's Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science', in Parergon, Vol. 17, No.2, 2000, pp.205-8.

  • 'Peter Ackroyd's The Life of Thomas More', in Parergon, Vol. 17, No. 1, February 2000, pp.187-90.

  • 'Railroad Tycoon II', History Computer Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, Fall 1999, pp.75-7.

  • 'Imperialism-The Fine Art of Conquering the World', in History Computer Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 1999, pp.96-8.

  • 'Eric Hobsbawm's On History', in Melbourne Historical Review, 1998, pp.134-5.

Biographical Entries

  • 'Thomas Young', in Science and Its Times 1800-1899, Vol. 5, Gale Group Publishers, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2000.

  • 'Ernest Rutherford', and 'Erwin Schrodinger', in Science and Its Times 1900-1949, Vol. 6, 2000.

  • Twelve biographical entries, in Science and Its Times 1900-1949, Vol. 6, 2000. Torres Quevedo, Leonardo; Ladd-Franklin, Christine; Wright, Almroth Edward; Willstatter, Richard; Welson, Walter Frank Raphael; Twort, Frederick William; Spemann, Hans; Keilin, David; Lotka, Alfred James; Lucas, Keith; Magnus, Rudolf; Kurchatov, Igor Vasilevich.

  • 'Francis Bacon', in Science and Its Times 1450-1699, Vol. 3, 2001.

  • Twenty short biographical entries, in Science and Its Times 1450-1699, Vol. 3, 2001. Bruno, Giordarno; della Porta, Giambattista; Dominis, Marko [Marco]Antonije [Antonio] de; Scaliger, Julius Caesar; Stahl, Georg Ernst; Beaune, Floimund de; Briggs, Henry; Cocker, Edward; Collins, John; de Bessy, Bernard Frenicle; Dee, John; Paul [Habakkuk] Guldin; Gunter, Edward; Maurolico [Marul, Marol], Francesco; Mengoli, Pietro; Mohr, Georg; Mydorge, Claude; Neile, William; Pacioli [Paciuolo], Luca [Lucus]; Peurbach, George [Georg]; Roberval, Gilles Pesonne de; Schickard, Wilhelm; Tunstall, Cuthbert; Widmann, Johann; Wilkins, John.

  • Twenty-seven short biographical entries, in Science and Its Times 700-1449 AD, Vol. 2, 2001. Arnald of Villanova; Dondi, Giacomo; al-Farghani [Alfraganus]; Gerard of Brussels; John of Sacrobosco; Lully, Raymond; al-Masudi; al-Rhazes; Scot, Michael; Shen Kua; Theodoric of Freibourg; Theophilus the Monk; William of St. Cloud; Witelo; Gerard of Cremona; al-Kazin; al-Karki; al-Kuhi; al-Mahani; Mahavira; Plato of Tivoli; Richard of Wallingford; Samaw'al; Savasorda; Abraham bar Hiyya; Shudja; Abu Kamil; Sridhara; Yusif, Ahmad Ibn.

  • 'Plato', in Science and Its Times 2000 BC-699 AD, Vol. 1, 2001.

  • Eighteen short biographical entries in Science and Its Times 2000 BC -699 AD: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery, Vol. 1. Menelaus of Alexandria; Oenopides of Chios; Pappus of Alexandria; Ptolemy; Thales of Miletus; Theon of Alexandria; Xenocrates of Chalcedon; Zenodorous; Anaximenes of Miletus; Andronikos of Kyrrhestes; Aristotle; Boethius; Eratosthenes of Cyrene; Eudoxus of Cnidus; Plotinus; Socrates; Sosigenes; Zeno of Elea.

  • 'William E. Castle', in World of Genetics, Vol.1, 2001.

  • 'Charles Naudin', in World of Genetics, Vol.2, 2001.

  • 'Wilhelm I of Prussia' (p.392) and 'Helmuth von Moltke' (p.257) in Jeffery A. Bell (ed.), Industrialization and Imperialism, 1800-1914: A Biographical Dictionary, Greenwood Press, Wesport, Connecticut, 2002

  • 'Paul Nurse', for World of Physiology and Anatomy, Gale Publishing, 2002

  • 'Frederick Vine', 'Drummond Matthews', 'Lawrence Morley', 'William Smith', 'Nicholas Steno', and 'Abraham Gottlob Werner', for World of Earth Science, Gale Publishing, 2003.


  • 'Sidebar: The Abacus versus the Electronic Calculator', in Science and Its Times 2000 BC-699 AD, Vol. 1, 2001.

  • 'Sidebar: Kepler's Mother's Witch Trial', in Science and Its Times 1450-1699, Vol. 3, 2001.

  • Sidebars: 'Power lines, cancer, and the media' and 'The N Ray Affair', in Science in Dispute, Vol.1, Gale Publishing, 2002

  • Writing History Essays booklet. An internal university publication for the History Department of Victoria University of Wellington. First published in 1998, it has been reprinted twice a year since.

  • Occasional article writer for Salient, a student newspaper. Articles almost all concerning the diabolical internal politics and management of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

  • Various scripts for New Zealand comic books, including material in Desperate INK, Pistake, and UFO#1. Strips included Straightjacket Ninja and Roy Columbus and the Invaders, which also appeared in the Phlogiston fanzine.

Fiction (forthcoming)

  • 'Giving it a shot', School Journal (New Zealand), Leading Media. They have bought the story, but I have no idea when it will be printed.

Textbook Essays (forthcoming)

  • 'Systolic Arrays' and 'Participatory Design', in World of Computing, Gale Group, 2003.

  • 'Sex-for-secrets scandal'; 'The Berlin Wall', 'Black Chamber', 'Colussus I', Explosive coal', and 'Noise generators', all for the Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security, Gale Group, 2003?

Currently Working On

  • Various short stories (as a kind of holiday).

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