
. Qamaits A goddess of the heavens whose visits to earth cause sickness and death. ”She is described as a great warrior.” The Bella Coola Indians, British Columbia

Qawaneca The deity who created the earth. The Athapascan Indians, Oregon

Qebehsenuf Egyptian god who protected the intestines of the deceased. One of the four sons of Horus.

Qetesh Egyptian goddess of love, nature, and beauty. She was depicted as a beautiful nude woman, standing or riding upon a lion, holding flowers, a mirror, or snakes. She is generally shown full-face, which is unusual in Egyptian artwork. She can be invoked for matters of the heart, fertility, beauty, and self-esteem.

Qoluncotun The supreme being and creator of the universe and animals. The Sinkaietk or southern Okanagan Indians, Washington

Quaoar Their only god who ”came down from heaven; and, after reducing chaos to order, out the world on the back of seven giants. He then created the lower animals,” and then mankind. Los Angeles County Indians, California

Quawteaht The creator of the earth and its features and also the animals. The Ahts, the Nootka, Vancouver Islands, British Columbia

Quetzalcóatl As a son of Ometéotl and one of the four cosmic forces, he, with Huitzilopochtli, was commissioned to give form and organization to the world. They created the sun and fire, the earth and waters, mankind to people the earth, corn to feed them, the segments of time, and the land of the dead with the gods of hell, and thirteen levels of heaven. He is the god of the wind, sea breeze, and life breath. He is identified with the planet Venus. He was considered a good god, as he required only one human sacrifice a year. Long ago, there was a race of people who lived in southern Mexico called the Toltecs. Quetzalcóatl, who left his home in the land of the Sunrise to help the Toltecs build a strong and prosperous nation, ruled them. While he ruled, everyone was happy and industrious. Everything grew in abundance, and the people learned many practical arts, even how to make ornaments and beautiful clothing. They were dutiful but had plenty of leisure time. To the Toltecs, this was a Golden Age. But neighboring peoples were savage and barbaric and very jealous of the happy Toltecs. Warlike and fierce gods ruled them. Tezcatlipoca, the chief of these savage gods, disguised himself as an old man and went to Quetzalcóatl, who was very sick. Tezcatlipoca fooled the god into drinking excessive amounts of wine by saying it was medicine, knowing Quetzalcóatl had never tasted wine. Soon he was very intoxicated. Tezcatlipoca took advantage of this opportunity and to bring merciless misery to the vulnerable Toltecs. He brought down plagues and disasters; strife and destruction. When Quetzalcóatl became sober, he was angry to find that all his hard work had been undone. Furious, he destroyed the gifts he had given the people and left for his own country. The Mexicans believe that, as said in legend, the good god will one day return and bring them back to the enchantment of the Golden Age.


Gods and Goddess

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