![]() | All of the information contained within this site is copyrighted. Absolutely no part of this site may be duplicated or reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.Copyright 07/29/00 FB STAFF ![]() ![]() ![]() Page 5 ![]() Just after two short months of being on AOL I met my so-called online love, Jim. I had just started going into forties and fifties chat rooms. Once in a while I would take an instant message from some of the men if they seemed nice and was not wanting to have cybersex. Imagine how flattered I felt when a man from my area was getting interested in me. We were close to the same age, I thought we were both single, I thought he was a Corporate Attorney for a very large company in Cincinnati, and I thought he was crazy about me. ![]() ENTRY FROM OUR GUESTBOOK: ![]() I have a short tale to tell too. It all started in a chat room where a man played a song I liked, and myself and several others ask him to please send ... we are such wav beggars. He sent it. I responded with a thanks with an email and a more public thanks in the chat room. They both were a simple "thanks for the wav". We did speak a couple of times during our stay in the chat room that night. Later on I received an email with another song with a note saying "since you liked that wav so well, thought you might like this one too". I did and again said my thanks. The next time I went in to the chat room, he was there and we spoke. He played what he said was "our" song. We talked more ... then he IMed me. He was so fun and so nice. I ask him about his marital status. He said he was married. I thought oh well, what the heck ... we're after all just friends. We chatted for a long time via IM and this went on for a long time. He would call me at home, then at work. I would call him too at his job. He did not try to cyber with me, but over the weeks we got closer. You know the drill ~ I am unhappy at home ... yada yada yada. He spoke of taking me to meet his family in Minnesota. I said, "What?!!! What do you mean?" He said, "Well, you are going to be my wife. You think I plan to keep you a secret?" I said, "Whoa. What about wife?" He said, "Honey, I told you that relationship is over. I need to get her settled in the house, the necessary repairs made, the remodeling done I have started, and then I'm gone." I was happy we had gotten so close. He was going to come to my house for a weekend. He never came ... an illness of a close family friend. I said I understood. Then Thanksgiving came and he did not call as he said he would. ![]() As always, give any relationship time to grow; time is always on our side because a liar can only keep up the deception for a limited length of time. It never hurts to stay alert; we have to keep reminding ourselves that some people think it isn't "real" because they use a computer to play their games. Well, real hearts get broken and real people get hurt by these unscrupulous players (male or female). That kind of people have been with us for a very long time and no matter the medium used, they will not change because they get their joy by hurting others. At least with the "Fighting Back" web site, we have a chance of hearing about some of the scum. A big THANKS to the staff who has the courage to let us know about some of the online sleazes. ![]() DR JEKYL / MR HYDE STORIES Well, here I am with my story! I went through all the ups and downs of online "relationships". Made some lasting friends and got a hold of some that were less than desirable! I weeded through them all and then one afternoon I was online, did not go into a chat room but was looking at who was chatting in the room when I saw a name that I thought surely belonged to a long-time friend of mine...same first name, same last initial, and the numbers at the end..58 which I thought had to mean his age. My friend was 58. I did not look first at the profile; I just IM'ed this guy and said "Hey, how are you?" He said "Fine, and who are you?" I said "This is Marcy! How in the world have you been; how's the family?" He said "I think you have the wrong man". At that point I figured he must be joking or something. I mean the name was the same for goodness sakes! Anyway I checked the profile and it was NOT my friend. I felt like a total fool! I apologized and we chatted for a brief few moments and I said good-bye. He later IMed me and said "Hey, my turn...lol" He was charming and fun and never ever said a foul word or wanted to cyber...a perfect gentleman all the way. We talked for a long time that night. Then on many occasions we talked often the following weeks and months. First through emails and IM's, then over the phone. He told me where he worked, gave me all the phone numbers where he could be reached, his family's numbers, (they all were correct I might add), sent me roses and cards all the time. I thought 'wow' this guy is great! We later decided it was time to meet. He bought me round trip airfare to his home. I went to see him and then I married this man. Two months into our marriage I am ready to leave. It seems the only thing he was after is a wife that would work, clean house, and enable him to go to court to get custody of his kids, which he has 3 of, all minors of course. Ladies, he is NOTHING like he was in the beginning! I am now saving money (without him knowing) to leave here and go back home which is 1,400 miles away. Please, I know you think you know them, I certainly did, but be careful -- they can change! That morning, he kissed me on the forehead, covered me and went to work. That afternoon, just weeks after my major abdominal surgery, I prepared the typical perfect, beautiful, diabetic meal for my husband. He came home, we ate, everything was fine. I took two pain pills and retired on the sofa to watch TV. There was a knock at the door. It was a server with divorce papers and a protection order ~ based on a lie ... pure hearsay-trickery. (He has a "system" ... he used this on prior wife too ... exactly the same way). I slumped into a chair in shock. I was removed by ambulance since I could not drive. I got out of emergency that night at midnight with no car, no clothes, no money, and no place to go. I was new in town. I met this monster on the Internet and a year later, moved to Arizona to marry him. This involves a man, (Ed who says he's from Virginia -- don't know if Ed is his real first name or not as he used a phony last name), who scammed a divorced friend in Florida. She met him in a chat room; he told her he was a millionaire and that he was getting a divorce. In a couple of weeks he wanted to marry her ASAP. She invited him to visit her in Florida. He came sans money, claimed that his wife had all his credit cards tied up and that he could not use them. He is a computer hack, got into all her files while she was at work and left leaving only a good-bye note. He used information from her accounts to have her money transferred into a bank account under his phony name. By the time she found out, he had already withdrew all the money, closing the account, and disappeared without a trace. Be careful out there. I moved my whole life to Washington to marry this man I met on line. I thought knowing him for a year was enough. I moved my kids with me. In short, we attended his sentencing for domestic violence assault. He beat me. The kids and I are homeless and destitute and have no money to get home. This man has ruined my life. He is stalking me to this day. And has violated the "no contact" order, but the police leave him alone. He pleaded guilty by the way. ![]() I am surprised at some of the different ways people will drop their basic human qualities to hurt others for the sake of playing with minds and feelings of others for kicks, or some control effort they seek because they are not getting what they need offline. But they are here all over the place ... in disguise. Sad isn't it? Thanks for making this web site. It's a good one! ![]() I wrote this after watching chats for quite some time now. It may not be a popular point of view, but it's FACT and I believe it needs to be said. Since I've heard so much lately about online players and male scam artists, I've been paying special attention to the behavior in chat rooms. I've observed women responding to such lines as "anyone want to cyber, IM me" and even the lowest of the low, "any hot babes here?" ![]() THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN My story is slightly different, however, I feel a need to share it. Has anyone ever wondered why some of these married men "suddenly disappear"? I can answer that for one of them. Because he was my spouse, I caught him, and grounds for reconciliation were that he give up these "other women" on AOL. |