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Copyrighted 07/29/05 LAST UPDATE 07/05         FB STAFF

IMPORTANT: If the author is known of any of these poems or prose listed as "author unknown", please advise us so we can give the author the rightful credit. It would mean a great deal to these authors ... and to us.

One of the best things
we can do in our lives is this:
begin again.
< author unknown >

The brightest future will always be based on
a forgotten past;
You can't go on well in life until you let go
of your past failures and heartaches.
< author unknown >

I Am Responsible
~ Walter Anderson ~

Although I may not be able to prevent
the worst from happening,
I am responsible for my attitude toward the
inevitable misfortunes that darken life.
Bad things do happen;
how I respond to them defines my character
and the quality of my life.
I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness,
immobilized by the gravity of my loss,
or I can choose to rise from the pain
and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

You have to want to mend your broken heart;
You have to want to let it heal;
You can choose to lock it deep inside,
Or allow it once again to feel.
< author unknown >

~ S T R E N G T H ~
~Author unknown~
Compliments of LadeLade of
"The Publication"

We don't always have to be strong to be strong.
Sometimes our strength is expressed in being vulnerable.
Sometimes we need to fall apart to regroup and stay on track.

We all have days when we cannot push any harder,
cannot hold back self-doubt,
cannot stop focusing on fear,
cannot be strong.

There are days when we cannot focus on being responsible.
Occasionally, we don't want to get out of our pajamas.
Sometimes we cry in front of people.
We expose our tiredness, irritability, or anger.
Those days are okay. They are just okay.

Part of taking care of ourselves means
we give ourselves permission to "fall apart" when we need to.
We do not need to be perpetual towers of strength.
We ARE strong.
We have proven that.

Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves
the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable
when we need to experience those feelings.

Today, help me to know that is it okay
to allow myself to be human.
Help me not to feel guilty or punish myself
when I need to "fall apart".

Love comes to those who still hope
although they've been disappointed,
To those who still believe
although they've been betrayed,
To those who still need to love
although they've been hurt before
And to those who have the courage
and faith to build trust again
< author unknown >

©1999 Written by:
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

Your life is made up of a series of experiences.
Each one will make you stronger, even though sometimes it will be hard for you to realize it.
Life is your classroom in which you are being tested, tried, and passed.

Always try to stay in the midst of life and activity.
Don't isolate yourself from the action.
Be among people and things, among troubles, difficulties and obstacles.
Your character develops itself in the stream of life.

Life expects you to make progress in reasonable time.
That's why they make those grade school chairs so small.

Learn quickly that the setbacks and griefs you endure actually help you in your march forward to success.
The world was built to develop your character.

To love is to risk not being loved in return.
But risks must be taken
because the greatest hazard in life is:
to risk nothing
The person who risks nothing,
does nothing, has nothing ..... is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they cannot learn .... grow .... live.
< from Leo Buscaglia's book, "Love" >

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust, and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

And sometimes things happen to you; and at the time they may seem horrible, painful and unfair; but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles, you never would have realized your potential strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Let yourself fall in love again, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself --- for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.
< author unknown >

The Victim Is Gone
©2000 JackiePA

Her spirit broken, she feels alone
dead inside, a silent moan,
He ruled her life with a heart of stone
this is the lowest point she's known.

Not aware of a strength deep inside
left untapped, she never tried,
Accepted abuse and bold face lies
let him control, afraid to rise.

Strength comes when in need
for deep inside erupts a seed,
It's filled with hope, the mind it feeds
and heals the heart and soul that bleeds.

At the darkest moment the seed will grow
hope takes root and courage shows,
Strength is found, and this I know
after the storm, soft winds blow.

Believe in yourself, stand don't flee
a victim or victor, which will you be,
The choice is yours, can't you see
you have the power to set yourself free.

Stand up for yourself, women are strong
do what is right, know he was wrong,
Let strength be heard in a triumphant song
I am the victor, the victim is gone.

© Cynthia Moore
Author of the Book "From Pain To Purpose"

Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize what a gold mine you are, doesn't mean you shine any less.

Just because no one has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped, doesn't stop you from being the best.

Just because no one has come along to share your life, doesn't mean that day isn't coming.

Just because no one has made this race worth while, doesn't give you permission to stop running.

Just because no one has realized how much of a woman you are, doesn't mean they can affect your femininity.

Just because no one has come to take the loneliness away, doesn't mean you have to settle for a lower quality.

Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.

Just because you deserve the very best there is, doesn't mean that life is always fair.

Just because God is still preparing your king, doesn't mean that you're not already a queen.

Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now, doesn't mean you need to change a thing.

Keep shining,
Keep running,
Keep hoping,
Keep praying,

Keep being exactly what you are already ....


"Yesterday's Tears"
By K. Augus

Yesterday's tears build a river,
Washing the soul of its pain...
Cleansing the heart and mind,
Like a gentle sweet spring rain.

When you feel you have cried your river
And the throat aches from tears shed
And the mind is exhausted from feeling
Or the heart feels it is now dead...

Raise your eyes to the skies and recall
How beautiful a full moon can be.
See the stars shining gently on us all,
And remember how good friends can be.

Call that friend you know is there,
Waiting to help you escape your pain,
The one who does not judge, but listens,
So you may one day love again!

By Jason J. Boys

There is courage in allowing your heart to hurt and grieve
But there is a greater courage in knowing it will be scarred
But stronger as time goes on.
For whoever caused those scars
has made your life better in some way
And will make you a better person when you marry
Because of what the scars taught you.

Losing the person who meant the most in your life
is a humbling experience,
Yet it is even more humbling if you allow it to run your life
And forsake all you have been blessed with
When you feel like you have lost your world.

Remember how many people depend on you
and who you are the world to.
There is fortitude in holding on for another chance...

~ author unknown ~

That's what I was feeling
Unsure about tomorrow
As I watched you walk out the door
Never coming back
Thinking I would never love again,

Then something happen
And it took me by surprise.
I found the strength inside
Searched my soul within
And I became stronger
Knowing if I knew how to love
I would be loved
So today I learned
The greatest lesson
That if I believe in who I am
I would make it
Without you...

So go
Walk out the door
Never look back
Because you see
It wasn't me that lost
I found the strength within
And when you see the tears
It's because I made it
When I found the strength
To welcome your goodbye,

I'm gonna love again
Just you wait and see
Someone is out there
Waiting for me
And this time
I will be loved
And I will give all of me
Without the pain
I know I will survive
I found the strength within...

Never again
Will I doubt who I am
I will make it
Just you wait and see.
So when you ask to return
It will be your loss
The same door you walked out of
Is now closed.
There is no coming back,

This time I am stronger
And the love I once felt
Will be a thing of the past.
You put me through the final test
And it was me who won
I am better off without you
And I learned how to survive...

So good-bye
I have no sadness now
Because you showed me
Unless I love myself
I could never give love
So thank you
For walking out that door
And making me see
I will survive
I found the strength within...

It hurts to love someone
and not be loved in return.
But maybe God wants us to
meet a few wrong people
before meeting the right one,
so that when we finally meet the right person,
we will appreciate them all the more.
< author unknown >





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