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Others can stop you temporarily,
but only you can do it permanently.
Success is getting up one more time.
[ author unknown ]

I am responsible for myself.
©1993 Angela Dawn Christie

I am responsible
for living my own life.

I am responsible
for tending to my own
spiritual, emotional, physical,
and financial well-being.

I am responsible
for identifying and fulfilling
my own needs, wants and desires.

I am responsible for
living according to
my own values and standards.

I am responsible for
knowing and defending
my own boundaries.

I am responsible for
solving my own problems
and for living with those
I cannot solve.

I am responsible for
making up my own mind,
even when this means
disagreeing with others.

I am responsible for
reevaluating a situation
and changing my mind
when appropriate.

I am responsible for
setting my own priorities
and for achieving my own goals.

I am responsible for
my own decisions,
and their outcomes.

I am responsible for
whom I love
and for how I choose
to express that love.

I am responsible for
what I do to others
and for what I allow others
to do to me.

I am not expected to be perfect.

I am not expected to foresee
every consequence
of every action.

I am not expected to be
responsible for random events.

I am not expected to do
more than my fair share.

I am not expected to be
responsible for other people's
actions, feelings, needs,
or problems
except when I so choose.

All of me,
every aspect of my being,
is important.

I count for something.

I matter.

My feelings are valid.

My thoughts are appropriate.

I trust and believe in myself.

I value my wants and needs.

I have rights
and I am expected to
stand up for those rights.

I do not deserve,
and will not tolerate,
abuse or constant mistreatment.

The decisions I make
and the way I conduct myself
will reflect my high self-esteem.

I am unique and special.

Within me is infinite value.

I am me.

L  O  V  E     I S . . .
  [ author unknown ]

There is a risk involved in everything:
Every time you share a smile,
Every time you shed a tear,
You are opening yourself up to hurt.

Some people tread slowly through life,
Avoiding the closeness risk brings,
Sidestepping the things they can't understand,
Turning away from those who care too much --
Those who care too long,
Those who hold too tightly.

There is never an easy way to love.
You cannot approach it cautiously.
It will not wait for you to arm yourself.
It does not care if you turn away.
It is everywhere, it is everything.

Love is the greatest of all risks.
It is not reliable, it is not cautious,
It is not athetic
It is unprejudiced and unmerciless.
It strikes the strongest of mind,
And brings them to their knees in one blow.

Even in the best of times, love hurts.
It hurts to need, it hurts to belong,
It hurts to be the other part of someone else,
Without either of your consent.
But, from the moment it overtakes you,
It hurts worse to be all alone.

The risk of love never depletes;
It grows stronger and more dangerous with time.
But, it's in the total surrender of all defense,
That we, no matter weak or strong,
No matter willing or captive,
No matter what, we truly experience love.

Despite the many things love is not,
Outweighing it all are the things that love is.
Love is surrender without a loss.
It is a gift without the cost.
It consumes your every thought & desire,
Every breath you take.
It is the fire that fuels you
To do more than pass through life;
It urges you, instead, to live.

No matter the outcome, having felt love,
You will never be the same.
It may scar your heart & soul
And leave you only memories of forever.
Or, it may cause every day of your life
To feel like there is no need for tomorrow.
But, love is worth it. It is worth the risk ...
For in all of life,
Love is truly the only risk worth taking.

Don't Look Back ~
You're Not Going That Way
[ author unknown ]

As you travel through life
there are always those times
when decisions just
have to be made;
when the choices are hard,
and solutions seem scarce,
and the rain seems
to soak your parade!

There are some situations
where all you can do
is to simply let go and move on;
gather courage together
and choose a direction
that carries you toward
a new dawn.

So pack up your troubles
and take a step forward.
The process of change
can be tough
but think about all the
excitement ahead
if you can be stalwart enough!

There could be adventures
you never imagined
just waiting around
the next bend;
and wishes and dreams
just about to come true
in ways you can't
yet comprehend!

Perhaps you'll find friendships
that spring from new interests
as you challenge your
status quo;
and learn there are so many
options in life
and so many ways
you can grow!

Perhaps you'll go places
you never expected
and see things that
you've never seen;
or travel to fabulous,
faraway worlds
and wonderful spots
in between!

Perhaps you'll find warmth
and affection and caring-
a "somebody special"
who's there
to help you stay centered
and listen with interest
to stories and
feelings you share.

Perhaps you'll find comfort
in knowing your friends are
supportive of all that you do,
and believe that whatever
decisions you make,
they'll be the right
choices for you!

So keep putting one foot
in front of the other
and taking your life
day by day.

There's a brighter tomorrow
that's just down the road.
Don't look back-
You're Not Going That Way!

A New Beginning
by Maggie Smith

My world has changed, he said goodbye.
I am bewildered and want to cry.
Lord, give me strength to see me through
This shock, this change, what should I do?
The world out there is strange and wide.
Should I try or should I hide
From hurt and failure when I start?
What caused my life to fall apart?
I must begin again, I know
I must forget what hurts me so
And get on with life to start anew.
There's hope, I know - a new love, too?
I feel I must begin to set
A goal to reach, I mustn't let
My spirits drag me down so far
That I can't reach that shining star.
Success is there outside this door,
I know and hope that there is more
Of Happiness that I have known
Inside these walls that I call home.
Excitement builds within my chest
I know that I can't pause or rest
Until my life has reached a goal
And I feel peace within my soul.

When the pressures of living
are starting to mount
Take a good look around you
at the things that really count

Warm summer days
the sweet smile of your child
Seeing family and friends
from across the miles

Life can't just be rainbows
as most of us know
But with each new experience
we strengthen and grow

Since most of our days
don't go exactly as planned
Take the good with the bad
and do the best that you can
-- author unknown --

©2001 /
Reproduction other than for personal use
is prohibited by copyright laws.

In time and times over life, I watched so many anguish over unrequited love
From the times of innocent childhood to hormone-raged teen years to adult
Many never knowing the difference between chemical attraction and real love
Their bodies reacting to their unrequited desire, almost destroying themselves
Thinking, “If only this person would love me back all the world would be mine”
And yet, for a thousand reasons never seen or felt, it was never destined to be

Most moved on to new loves, some unrequited once again and others fulfilled
As I watched, and experienced some of these things myself, I came to see a truth
In each of these overwhelming loves that was not to be, there was never a real loss
The loss one felt was only in not getting what you thought you wanted at the time
Yet...You loved. Oh how you loved, or thought you did. Oh, the majesty of it all
Romantic visions of self-sacrificing ones all for love forever danced in the mind

Do you remember the ultimate joy in just loving, even though it was not returned
Walking both on clouds of wondrous light and in storms of mythical darkness
Your heart sang its magical tune of love and desire only you and the angels heard
Never stopping to even consider where the love so deeply felt was coming from
Or even why it was there if it was not to be, you only knew that it surely was there
Even if that other person would never love you, you would love them until forever

Then one day another took your fancy and that all consuming love faded away
And the cycle repeated itself until the time someone you loved then loved you
More cautious now however, you hold back your full love seeking not to be hurt
Waiting to see, does the other one love me, is it OK now for me to love them
Seeking to have, to feel the unconditional love you once gave, given now to you
Never seeing, never feeling, where the love you treasured so much had come from

If the other person simply did not love you, did not care even if you loved them
then how could they make you feel all the love you were so sure was overflowing
You were in love. Your body, your soul sang wondrous songs of romantic love
Could it be, the love you felt was caused by another was actually caused by YOU
Could it be, you have inside you the power, the joy to just love, to give out love
Even when you don't get it back, it surrounds you, embraces you in its mists

When you finally come to know this.........then love
Rather than making you its prisoner.......will set you forever free.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile
because it takes only a smile
to make a dark day seem bright.
-- author unknown --


Lady Snow's Ice Castle --Poetry for the Soul
Healing Words for the Wounded Heart

This poet has remarkable insight into the heart, mind soul.

Who I Am
Who We Really Are -- Our Inner Self

Advice for the Broken Heart
Salve for Wounded Hearts




~ Website designed by Donna ~