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This website is a dream come true for me but, what makes it so special is the outstanding work of the visionary artists whose drawings, paintings and collages grace its pages. These artists have allowed me to use their work to illustrate the many forms of the Goddess, in a truly beautiful way, for not only have they allowed me to use their work, but they were amazingly gracious about it. Indeed, what they have given me are gifts created from beauty, light and a small piece of each of their souls. I feel greatly blessed.

In the following pages, I will introduce you to the artists whose work has been showcased throughout this Website. I hope you will appreciate their work as much as I do, and visit them at their websites, so you might have the chance to explore more of their amazing visions. I am sure the Goddess would be pleased. I know She is proud of their work, for who but She could have given them such great talent, and by using these artists' work to celebrate the Goddess, the circle once again becomes complete. What a wonderful and magickal thing that is!

A Special Thank You is given to Abby Willowroot and The Goddess 2000 Project for use of their Graphics now in the "Poetry for the Unborn Soul" Section and at a prior time in several other sections, as well as the Buttons that are used throughout this website. The Goddess 2000 Project is important for everyone, please support it.

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