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Artwork by Atmara Rebecca Cloe

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I began my work as a digital artist when I took a few computer classes in the Fall of 1995, studying Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXpress, and Pagemaker. It was not until the next spring, when I was able to get my own computer, that I really started learning and creating. From that point on, I pretty much taught myself. I took a few art classes in college, but never had much success working with traditional media. I had to wait until computer technology reached the level that it is at now, allowing me to find a medium through which I could truly express my talents. In the meantime, I was busy expressing my creativity as a music teacher; that, though, is a completely different story.

My inspiration comes from many sources, but ultimately from the Universe, the "all that is", that totality that we are all a part of. Sometimes I see something someone else has done, and take the kernel of the idea, letting it change and grow in whatever direction it wants. At other times, I have a vague idea of an image that I would like to create, and I take it from there, letting it grow. Generally, I feel that there is an energy, another dimensional "beingness", that wants to be expressed through me and given a form in this dimension. Sometimes it guides me very specifically as to what form to create, and other times it just develops organically over time. At its best, my work is a wonderful form of channeling. I feel so honored to be able to do it.

Most of my images start in Corel Bryce and move into Adobe Photoshop for special effects, filtering and compositing. I also use Poser and Infini-D, as well as, occasionally, Adobe Illustrator.

I am constantly delighted to watch as my art expands into new areas, such as magazine and book covers, cd's, videos, greeting cards, screen savers, mugs--whatever the Universe brings. I'd like to serve others in the New Age/Spiritual Growth/Holistic Healing world--by using my art, either online or in print, to help support others. Yet, on the other hand, I don't want to limit myself to just one market. One of the first things that happened when I put my first gallery online, was that I was contacted by a software firm that created custom software for the medical industry. It wanted to buy the rights to one of my pictures to use on a brochure. The people in that firm felt my work embodied the energy of that business and the direction in which they wanted it to go. It was a very New Age looking image with crystals and such, not the sort of thing I would expect the business world to embrace. You just never know, do you?

Creating this artwork is an ecstatic experience for me, and I hope that I can use it to help others manifest their dreams as well."

Atmara currently lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire were she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her.

Contact Information:

Atmara Rebecca Cloe
New World Creations
565 Laconia Road
Tilton, NH 03276

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