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毎日新聞 2004年4月6日

イラク主権移譲、延期の可能性も 米上院外交委員長
ワシントン(ロイター) 米上院外交委員会のルーガー委員長は4日、米ABCテレビとのインタビューで、緊張の高まるイラク情勢に懸念を示し、6月末に予定されるイラク側への主権移譲を延期する必要があるかもしれないと述べた。同委員会の民主党議員も同日、別のインタビューで、主権移譲を急げば内戦状態を招く恐れがあると述べた。

米軍、ファルージャを封鎖 武装勢力の掃討作戦を開始
2004.04.05- CNN
イラク・ファルージャ(CNN) 米民間人4人がイラク中部ファルージャで殺害され、住民が遺体を橋につるすなどした事件で、駐留米軍は5日、ファルージャへ通じるすべての道路を封鎖し、事件に関与した勢力に対する掃討作戦を開始した。

 【】2004 年 3 月 10 日

イスラエル、ハマスのヤシン師を殺害=目撃者 [ロイター]
2004 年 3 月 22 日
[ガザ 22日 ロイター] 複数の目撃者によると、イスラエルの武装ヘリコプターが22日未明、イスラム原理主義組織ハマスの創始者ヤシン師に向けてミサイルを発射し、同師を含む数人が死亡した。

2003年04月18日 朝日など各紙
イラクの大量破壊兵器「独力での発見困難」 米国防長官



2003年04月16日 朝日他


2003-4-16 AS

Sharon Calls Assad Dangerous, Urges U.S. Pressure
Tue April 15, 2003 01:17 PM ロイターより
JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, calling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dangerous and prone to risky mistakes, has urged the United States to turn up the heat on Damascus.
Sharon's fiery comments in a newspaper interview published on Tuesday were accompanied by a surge of violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in which three Palestinian gunmen, two Israeli civilians and an Israeli army officer were killed.
The bloodshed, including shootouts in a freight terminal on the Israel-Gaza border and at a hideout used by Hamas militants in the West Bank, cast a shadow on U.S. hopes of implementing a new plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace following the Iraq war.
"Bashar Assad is dangerous. His judgment is impaired," Sharon told the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, adding his voice to a chorus of U.S. allegations that Syria is harboring Iraqi leaders, developing chemical weapons and supporting terrorism.
"In the Iraq war (Assad) proved he was incapable of drawing conclusions from very obvious facts," Sharon said.

このデイリーYedioth Ahronoth でシャロンが吹いたアメリカへの「アサド攻撃」の圧力こそ、米英のイラク侵略の本質である。

At least 10 dead as US troops in firefight in northern Iraq
MOSUL, Iraq At least 10 people were killed and scores wounded in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul when US troops fired on a crowd angered by a speech by the new US-backed governor, witnesses reported.
The charges were denied by a US military spokesman in the city Tuesday, who said troops had first come under fire from at least two gunmen and fired back, without aiming at the crowd.
But the incident overshadowed the start of US-brokered talks aimed at sketching out the country's future leadership in the southern city of Nasiriyah, a Shiite Muslim bastion where 20,000 people marched through the city chanting "No to America, No to Saddam."
The firefight in Mosul broke out as the newly-appointed governor of the city was making a speech from the building housing his offices which listeners deemed was too pro-US, witnesses said.
"There were protesters outside, 100 to 150, there was fire, we returned fire," a US military spokesman said, adding the initial shots came from a roof opposite the building, about 75 metres (yards) away.
"We didn't fire at the crowd, but at the top of the building," the spokesman added. "There were at least two gunmen, I don't know if they were killed."
"The firing was not intensive but sporadic, and lasted up to two minutes," the spokesman said.
But witnesses charged that US troops fired into the crowd after it became increasingly hostile towards the new governor, Mashaan al-Juburi.
"They (the soldiers) climbed on top of the building and first fired at a building near the crowd, with the glass falling on the civilians. People started to throw stones, then the Americans fired at them," said Ayad Hassun, 37.
"Dozens of people fell," he said, his own shirt stained with blood.



Americans defend two untouchable ministries from the hordes of looters
14 April 2003 インデペンデントの一部。
US troops have sat back and allowed mobs to wreck and then burn the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Irrigation, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Information. 、、、、The Americans have, though, put hundreds of troops inside two Iraqi ministries that remain untouched ? and untouchable ? because tanks and armoured personnel carriers and Humvees have been placed inside and outside both institutions. And which ministries proved to be so important for the Americans? Why, the Ministry of Interior, of course ? with its vast wealth of intelligence information on Iraq ? and the Ministry of Oil. The archives and files of Iraq's most valuable asset ? its oilfields and, even more important, its massive reserves ? are safe and sound, sealed off from the mobs and looters, and safe to be shared, as Washington almost certainly intends, with American oil companies.、、、


旧日本軍の毒ガス物質か 茨城県神栖町でヒ素汚染

A strong warning to Syria
Saturday, April 12, 2003 ヘラルドトリビューンINより。
Perle, a Pentagon adviser, sees more preemption in future
PARIS Richard Perle, one of the chief U.S. ideologists behind the war to oust Saddam Hussein, warned Friday that the United States would be compelled to act if it discovered that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction have been concealed in Syria.
Perle said that if the Bush administration were to learn that Syria had taken possession of such Iraqi weapons, "I'm quite sure that we would have to respond to that.
"It would be an act of such foolishness on Syria's part," he continued, "that it would raise the question of whether Syria could be reasoned with. But I suppose our first approach would be to demand that the Syrians terminate that threat by turning over anything they have come to possess, and failing that I don't think anyone would rule out the use of any of our full range of capabilities."、、、、



BAGHDAD, 11 April 2003 アルジャジーラ
、、、The Americans may think they have “liberated” Baghdad after the most stage-managed photo-opportunity since Iwo Jima, but the tens of thousands of thieves ? they came in families and cruised the city in trucks and cars searching for booty ? seem to have a different idea of what liberation means. It also represented a serious breach of the Geneva Conventions. As the occupying power, the United States is responsible for protecting embassies and UN offices in their area of control, but yesterday their troops were driving past the German Embassy even as looters carted desks and chairs out of the front gate.
And already America’s army of “liberation” is beginning to look like an army of occupation. I watched hundreds of Iraqi civilians queuing to cross a motorway bridge at Doura yesterday morning, each man ordered by US soldiers to raise his shirt and lower his trousers ? in front of other civilians, including women ? to prove that they were not suicide bombers.

Following a gunbattle in the Adamiya area during the morning, an American Marine sniper sitting atop the palace gate wounded three civilians, including a little girl, in a car which failed to halt ? then shot and killed a man who had walked onto his balcony to discover the source of the firing. Within minutes, the sniper shot dead the driver of another car and wounded two more passengers in his vehicle, including a young woman.、、、、


US Intent on Regime Change in Syria
WASHINGTON, 9 April 2003 ? Conservatives within the Bush administration would like to see a change of government in Syria but want it to happen through peaceful means rather than US military action, according to current and former senior US officials.
On Sunday, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said, “There’s got to be a change in Syria,’’ which has been accused by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld of allowing war materials and Arab fighters to cross its border to help the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. “The Syrians need to know...they’ll be held accountable,’’ he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.’’
Wolfowitz and other officials have not spelled out how they expect a peaceful change of government in Syria would occur. But many are beginning to speak about a successful conclusion of the war in Iraq providing a possible springboard for change.
“I think a lot of countries, including Syria, will eventually get the message from this (Iraq war) that it’s much better to come to terms peacefully with the international community, to not acquire these weapons of mass destruction, to not use terrorism as an instrument of national policy,’’ Wolfowitz said.
Rumsfeld’s remarks, which included a warning to Iran to not permit armed Iraqi exiles in Iran to return to Iraq outside US control, encouraged other Bush administration supporters to speak out on the issue. R. James Woolsey, a former CIA director told an audience at UCLA last Wednesday that the “fascist’’ government in Syria had to be replaced.
The Syrian government considered Rumsfeld’s remarks a threat, triggering statements from other US officials aimed at easing Syria’s concerns. “Nobody in the American administration (has) talked about invading Iran or Syria,’’ Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said in an interview with London-based Arab daily Al-Hayat published on April 5.
Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Monday dismissed a report first mentioned last December by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that Iraq had shipped some of its chemical and biological weapons to Syria.
But Myers told reporters “there is no evidence’’ that weapons of mass destruction have been moved out of Iraq into another country.
Syria has been regularly listed in CIA reports as a country that possesses or is building chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles that can deliver them.
Richard Perle, a close adviser of Rumsfeld and major supporter of the Iraq war, said in an interview on Monday, “There are different ways to get people to change and I hope the example of Iraq after Afghanistan will prove persuasive.’’ There has been disagreement within US administrations for years over how to handle Syria, first under President Hafez Assad, and more recently under his son, Bashar Assad.
Although Syrian support of terrorist groups was always on the agenda, said one former diplomat with direct experience in the area, “Assad was a clever negotiator and insisted his country was not being used as base for operational activities.’’
In addition, he kept reminding the US that “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.’’ Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a new relationship has developed between the CIA and Syrian intelligence because Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network targeted the secular government in Damascus as well as the United States.
Rumsfeld’s recent statement that singled out Syria along with Iran for assisting Iraq surprised not only the White House but also the CIA, which had not reported any major flow of military equipment or fighters from Syria to Iraq. “It is clear that the policy group in the Defense Department is intent on eliminating the present Syrian government as a factor in the Arab-Israeli dispute,’’ said Walter P. “Pat’’ Lang, a former Defense Intelligence Agency specalist in Mideast affairs.
“I think it’s a good thing. I don’t think the benefit derived from their help against Al-Qaeda outweighs the bad things they do harboring Iraqi materiel or fostering problems in the Israeli-Arab dispute.’’


アメリカ侵略軍、アルジャジーラテレビのターレック・アイユーブ(Tariq Ayoub)記者等を虐殺
Al Jazeera correspondent killed in US attack
Tuesday 08, April, 2003 アルジャジーラ
Al-Jazeera correspondent Tariq Ayoub was killed on Tuesday when two US missiles struck the Baghdad offices of the Qatar-based channel.
Two more journalists died and four others were injured when a US tank round later hit the Palestine Hotel where at least 200 international correspondents, including Al-Jazeera reporters, are staying.
"We regret to inform you that our cameraman and correspondent Tariq Ayoub was killed this morning during the US missile strike on our Baghdad office," the Qatar-based channel said in a statement read out during its news bulletin.
Another cameraman, Zuheir Iraqi, was slightly wounded with shrapnel to his neck.

8 April: Killed: Taras Protsyuk, a Ukrainian cameraman working for Reuters, and Spanish Telecinco cameraman Jose Couso died after a US tank fired on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, which is used as a base by the foreign media. At least three other journalists were wounded.
8 April: Killed: The Arab network Al-Jazeera says one of its journalists has been killed in Baghdad. Tareq Ayoub was seriously wounded when the network's office on the bank of the Tigris River was struck by a U-S bomb. He later died. Al-Jazeera says another member of its Baghdad crew is missing. It says the Abu Dhabi T-V office in Baghdad was also bombed.
8 April: Killed: Taras Protsyuk, a Ukrainian cameraman working for Reuters, and Spanish Telecinco cameraman Jose Couso died after a US tank fired on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, which is used as a base by the foreign media. At least three other journalists were wounded.
 奥に引っ込んだ直後に大爆発。「医者だ、医者を呼べ」。記者たちが叫んだ。あたりは血の海。ロイターの記者が倒れていた。「彼らはこのホテルが報道陣の拠点なのを知っている。なぜ報道陣を狙うのか」とチェーター記者は声を詰まらせた。アメリカの爆撃で片腕を失った少年を撮影したロイター通信のイラク人カメラマンのFaleh Kheiberも、パレスチナホテルへの米軍による意図的・計画的なな砲撃で負傷していた。(朝日、共同など)

April 7, 2003、 テヘランタイムスより。
Post-War Iraq Could Force OPEC's Collapse: Analysts
VIENNA -- A post-war Iraq could kill off the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) if it were to leave the cartel in a bid to produce as much oil as it can outside its quota system, analysts warn, AFP reported.
"If the Iraqi oil industry is privatized, forget about OPEC, it is dead," said Leo Drollas of London's Center for Global Energy Studies (CGES).
He said a post-war Iraq was likely to demand to be allowed to export the same amount of oil as neighboring Iran, like it did before it was kicked out of the cartel in 1990 for invading Kuwait.

The Iraqi Army has shot down 11 aircraft and 14 helicopters and destroyed 165 tanks and armored vehicles of the invading forces, killing 450 and wounding 730, said a high-ranking Iranian military spokesman on Sunday, quoting sources in Iraq.


Paul Wolfowitz on Fox News Sunday
Sunday, April 06, 2003

SNOW: There are reports that some key leaders have been fleeing Baghdad in various directions. Some may be headed toward Iran. Are we permitting them simply to filter out? Is the government happy to see them go away? Or is it important to apprehend them?
WOLFOWITZ: Oh, no, we want to get as many of these people as we can. But obviously, it's a big country. It's -- the border you mentioned is a wild one. I don't think, frankly, though, they are going to flee to Iran as much as they might go in a different direction.
SNOW: Like Syria?
SNOW: What do you make of the Syrians right now?
WOLFOWITZ: They should understand that it's time to do the right thing.
SNOW: In other words, stop shipping weapons, close their borders, no longer permit fighters to make their way into Iraq?
WOLFOWITZ: All of the above.
SNOW: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made the same point about a week ago. Has it made any difference?
WOLFOWITZ: I wouldn't -- you know, it's hard -- we're trying to observe things, I guess you could say, through a glass darkly. Intelligence sources don't suggest a change of behavior yet, no.
SNOW: And you think that may have ramifications elsewhere, such as Syria and Iran?
WOLFOWITZ: It can have ramifications everywhere. There's a sort of silly notion that there's a kind of domino theory, and it goes from one country to the next country. That's not how it works.
But, you know, in a funny way, if you go back and look at Asia, you will discover that the example of Japan, even in countries that had bitter memories of the Japanese, inspired many countries in East Asia to realize that they could master a free-market economy, that they could master democracy. It spread to the Philippines, it spread to Korea, it spread to Taiwan. Democracy's on the march in Asia, and it'd be nice to see it -- a slow march. I mean, it's not going to happen overnight. It's been 20 years, actually, since the Philippines joined Japan as the second democracy in East Asia.



戦後暫定統治のイラク石油 米が採掘権取得方針
4月5日 産経他
英、難色 調整難航は必至




2003 年 4 月 02 日 NikkanGendaiの一部より



極悪なタヌキが正体を現わした。フセイン政権打倒後の暫定政権構想について、内閣の首班と23省庁の閣僚をすべてアメリカが独占する計画の主導者はあのウォルフィッツである。破廉恥極まりないイラク人亡命者の最大組織、イラク国民会議(INC)のチャラビ議長を手足に使ってイラクをどのようにしようとしているかが透けて見え始めた。Paul Wolfowitzが遠くない将来に描く新しいイラクは「オペックの分断、無効化」を通して樹立される「イスラエル容認国家」である。いずれヤドカリの全容が姿を現わすだろう。イラク市民は元より、米英の兵士たちがどれほど死のうが、世界の反戦の波がどれほど激しかろうが全く意に介さない鉄の理由が存在するのである。

US draws up secret plan to impose regime on Iraq
Tuesday April 1, 2003
A disagreement has broken out at a senior level within the Bush administration over a new government that the US is secretly planning in Kuwait to rule Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
Under the plan, the government will consist of 23 ministries, each headed by an American. Every ministry will also have four Iraqi advisers appointed by the Americans, the Guardian has learned.
The government will take over Iraq city by city. Areas declared "liberated" by General Tommy Franks will be transferred to the temporary government under the overall control of Jay Garner, the former US general appointed to head a military occupation of Iraq.
In anticipation of the Baghdad regime's fall, members of this interim government have begun arriving in Kuwait.
Decisions on the government's composition appear to be entirely in US hands, particularly those of Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defence. This has annoyed Gen Garner, who is officially in charge but who, according to sources close to the planning of the government has had to accept a number of controversial Iraqis in advisory roles.
The most controversial of Mr Wolfowitz's proposed appointees is Ahmed Chalabi, the head of the opposition Iraqi National Congress, together with his close associates, including his nephew. During his years in exile, Mr Chalabi has cultivated links with Congress to raise funds, and has become the Pentagon's darling among the Iraqi opposition. The defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, is one of his strongest supporters. The state department and the CIA, on the other hand, regard him with deep suspicion.
He has not lived in Iraq since 1956, apart from a short period organising resistance in the Kurdish north in the 1990s, and is thought to have little support in the country.
Mr Chalabi had envisaged becoming prime minister in an interim government, and is disappointed that no such post is included in the US plan. Instead, the former banker will be offered an advisory job at the finance ministry.
A senior INC official said last night that Mr Chalabi would not countenance a purely advisory position. The official added: "It is certainly not the INC's intention to advise any US ministers in Iraq. Our position is that no Americans should run Iraqi ministries. The US is talking about an interim Iraqi authority taking over, but we are calling for a provisional government."
The revelation about direct rule is likely to cause intense political discomfort for Tony Blair, who has been pressing for UN and international involvement in Iraq's reconstruction to overcome opposition in Britain as well as heal divisions across Europe.
The Foreign Office said last night that a "relatively fluid" number of British officials had been seconded to the planning team.
Last week Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, told Congress that immediately after the fall of President Saddam's regime, the US military would take control of the Iraqi government.
His only concession was that this would be done with the "full understanding" of the international community and with "the UN presence in the form of a special coordinator".


Apr 2 2003 ミラー
Decisive showdown for capital 'is imminent' Troops cross red line around Saddam fortress
From Bob Roberts At Us Central Command, Qatar
THE defining land battle of Gulf War Two was said to be "imminent" last night as ground forces moved on Baghdad.
Sources at US Central Command reported that the push against Republican Guards dug in around Saddam Hussein's powerbase had begun.
Initial raids by Allied troops were thought to have been made last night and the major advance will begin within 48 hours, it was claimed.
Round-the-clock bombing raids have been made on Republican Guard positions south of the capital. And a reporter with the US Third Infantry said: "It seems the operational pause in our sector is over. We have swung from passivity to activity quite quickly."

Taking On Saddam's Best
April 1, 2003 CBSニュース
U.S. forces battled Republican Guard troops Tuesday around the holy city of Karbala, the first major ground fighting with Saddam Hussein's top forces and a possible prelude to an assault on Baghdad. 、、、Defense officials said Army units attacked elements of the Medina Division of the Republican Guard in the clash near Karbala, 50 miles from the capital, hitting an Iraqi force weakened by heavy air bombardment over several days.



NBC, MSNBC terminate Arnett
March 31 MSNBCニュースから
NBC and MSNBC on Monday said they had terminated their relationship with Peter Arnett after the journalist told state-run Iraqi TV that the U.S.-led coalition’s initial war plan had failed and that reports from Baghdad about civilian casualties had helped antiwar protesters undermine the Bush administration’s strategy.“IT WAS wrong for Mr. Arnett to grant an interview to state controlled Iraqi TVー especially at a time of warー and it was wrong for him to discuss his personal observations and opinions in that interview,” NBC News President Neal Shapiro said in a statement. “Therefore, Peter Arnett will no longer be reporting for NBC News and MSNBC.”
Arnett, who won a Pulitzer Prize reporting in Vietnam for The Associated Press, appeared on NBC’s “Today” show Monday to apologize for his statements.

ブッシュの戦争を批判した女性3人のカントリーバンド「デキシー・チックス」のCDをトラクターで潰すデモンストレーションをしたり、戦争支持のデモを組織したのはやっぱり、ブッシュ一家の利権に繋がるClear Channel Communicationsというラジオ放送網だった。ブッシュがテキサスレンジャーを売却した時からの繋がり。日本で言えば週刊金曜日などを叩くのに動員された有事法利権の国粋勢力たちということになろうか。
Channels of Influence
March 25 ニューヨークタイムスのコラムの一部
、、、、Who has been organizing those pro-war rallies? The answer, it turns out, is that they are being promoted by key players in the radio industry ・with close links to the Bush administration.
The CD-smashing rally was organized by KRMD, part of Cumulus Media, a radio chain that has banned the Dixie Chicks from its playlists. Most of the pro-war demonstrations around the country have, however, been organized by stations owned by Clear Channel Communications, a behemoth based in San Antonio that controls more than 1,200 stations and increasingly dominates the airwaves. 、、、、Or perhaps the quid pro quo is more narrowly focused. Experienced Bushologists let out a collective "Aha!" when Clear Channel was revealed to be behind the pro-war rallies, because the company's top management has a history with George W. Bush. The vice chairman of Clear Channel is Tom Hicks, whose name may be familiar to readers of this column. When Mr. Bush was governor of Texas, Mr. Hicks was chairman of the University of Texas Investment Management Company, called Utimco, and Clear Channel's chairman, Lowry Mays, was on its board. Under Mr. Hicks, Utimco placed much of the university's endowment under the management of companies with strong Republican Party or Bush family ties. In 1998 Mr. Hicks purchased the Texas Rangers in a deal that made Mr. Bush a multimillionaire.


このタンパはアメリカ中央軍の本拠地である。ウォレス中将が「戦争ゲームじゃない」と記者会見で怒ったが、このSt. Petersburg Timesの社説を読むと辞任したパールが米軍は四万人もいれば十分と言っていたことや、チェイニーがイラク国民は米軍を解放軍として歓迎すると甘い見通しを繰り返していた事が分かる。重要なのはこの論説のソースは頭に来ているタンパの中央軍の中枢から出ているということだ。ブッシュ政権内部の亀裂は相当深い、近い内政権を揺るがす動きがあるかもしれない。

Ignoring the generals
Civilian ideologues in the Bush administration made optimistic assumptions about the war in Iraq that may have endangered our troops on the ground.

March 26, 2003
Richard Perle is the guru of the civilian ideologues who are the architects of the Bush administration's Iraqi war plans. In the months leading up to war, Perle and his allies in the administration pressed for military action by painting a vividly optimistic scenario. Vice President Dick Cheney, a longtime associate of Perle, said American soldiers would be "greeted as liberators" by the people of Iraq. And Perle said most of Saddam Hussein's troops would surrender rather than fight, while Iraqi opponents of Hussein would lead an armed uprising to topple his regime with little or no help from U.S. forces.

Perle, who serves as chairman of the Pentagon's advisory Defense Policy Board, envisioned before the war that U.S. forces would make "a much more modest effort" than in the 1991 Gulf War, needed only to "assist Iraqis in freeing their country." At times, Perle predicted that no U.S. ground forces would be required. At most, he said, only about 40,000 U.S. ground troops would be needed.

Our political and military leaders say the early days of the ground war are going according to plan, but events clearly are not playing out as Perle and his civilian proteges predicted. U.S. forces have met stiff resistance in their advance toward Baghdad, and the civilian reaction to our troops' presence has been mixed at best. Meanwhile, the anticipated anti-Saddam insurgency within Iraq has not yet materialized on a significant scale.

As a result, our ground forces have been left more vulnerable than necessary. Several of the military commanders of the first Gulf War say the current U.S. invasion force of a single heavy division is too small. "In my judgment," said retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who commanded the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division during the 1991 war, "there should have been a minimum of two heavy divisions and an armored cavalry regiment on the ground."

Other veteran Gulf War commanders agree with McCaffrey, and their views are not mere second-guessing. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded U.S. forces in the 1991 war, said months ago that he was "somewhat nervous at some of the pronouncements (Defense Secretary Donald) Rumsfeld has made." Schwarzkopf said he feared that Rumsfeld and his civilian advisers had "disregard(ed) the Army" in establishing their quick-strike plans.

A cornerstone of American democracy is our tradition of civilian control over our armed forces. President Bush and other members of his administration, with the advice and consent of congressional leaders, are ultimately responsible for determining when and how our military forces will be deployed. That is as it should be.

However, the lives of American soldiers are put at risk if our battlefield plans are based on the political assumptions of civilian ideologues instead of the expertise of our military leaders. Some of those ideologues within and outside the White House painted a scenario of an easy military victory in Iraq because it fit their broader political goals. Our military planning needs to be based on more clear-eyed calculations.


Mar 29 2003 ミラーの記事
ANGRY relatives last night slammed a pitiful attempt by the Government to apologise for Tony Blair's claim that two soldiers who died in combat in Iraq were "executed".
Armed Forces minister Adam Ingram would only say: "If there's hurt from the language used, we regret that. It was never the intention." No 10 said: "We have nothing more to add."
Outraged, the family of Sapper Luke Allsopp - who say they were repeatedly told by his sergeant that he died fighting - hit back: "We're disgusted by Blair.
"The last few days have been hell for us. Our boy died with honour. We accept the Army's word, not Blair's." Mr Blair appalled relatives with his shocking claim after the bloodied bodies of heroes Luke, 24, and Staff Sergeant Simon Cullingworth, 36, were pictured on Arab Al Jazeera TV.



パリ 27日 ロイター


<イラク戦争>米政権強硬派に誤算 反戦派からの批判必至


U.S. Forces Prepare for Fierce Baghdad Battle
Thu March 27, 2003 11:30 PM  ロイターの記事の一部
、、、ECHOES OF VIETNAM Lexington Institute analyst Loren Thompson said the U.S. military has not engaged in a major urban ground battle since the month-long struggle to retake Vietnam's northern provincial city of Hue during the 1968 Tet offensive.
"Although it was a victory for us, it didn't feel like one at the time. The city was devastated and the amount of civilian suffering was extensive," Thompson said.
In Hue, about 2,500 U.S. Marines defeated more than 10,000 entrenched enemy troops to take the city of 140,000 people.
The scale of an assault on Baghdad would dwarf that fight. Baghdad is a city of about 5 million people, and it could have tens of thousands of entrenched defenders.Thompson said Republican Guard forces may make a stand against the U.S. invasion force on the road to Baghdad this weekend, and predicted that these defenders would be "largely wiped out" in part because of the unfettered ability of U.S. forces to hit them from the air. Thompson said Iraqi forces may try to use chemical weapons in this battle.

フエの攻防戦は、1カ月2500人の米軍が、1万人以上のベトナム軍を敗った、 フエの人口は14万人だったが、バグダッドの人口は、約500万人



バグダッドの住宅地で26日午前11時半(日本時間同日午後5時半)ごろ、大規模な爆発があり、多数の死傷者が出た。現場から中継したロイターテレビ記者によると、少なくとも15人以上の遺体が収容された。イラク情報省当局者は「米英軍のミサイルが少なくとも2発、着弾した」とAFP通信に語った。米英軍の爆撃と確認されれば、民間人を巻き込む攻撃に批判が高まりそうだ。  AFP通信によると、負傷者は30人以上。AP通信は、イラク国防当局筋の話として、巡航ミサイル2発が着弾したと報じた。
 カタールの米中央軍当局者は「米英軍によるものかは分からない。調査中だ」と語った。フーン英国防相は、民間施設を標的にすることはあり得ないとしつつ、「調べたうえで民間被害を最小限にする方策を検討する」と英議会で語った。 「狂気に駆られ、ヒステリックに爆弾を使っている」――イラクのサハフ情報相は、米英軍がバグダッドの住宅地と市場を空爆したことに対し、こう声を荒らげた。カタールの衛星テレビ・アルジャジーラによると、この攻撃で市民29人が死亡した。

U.S.-British Air Raids Kill 29 Iraqis In Baghdad
Death and destruction caused by the Anglo-American raids
BAGHDAD, March 26 イスラムオンラインより
Some 29 Iraqis were killed and dozens others were injured when the U.S.-led forces pounded Baghdad and its outskirts on Wednesday, March 26.
At least 15 bodies stretched to the ground in a capital street close to three buildings heavily damaged by the raids, Al-Jazeera satellite channel reported.
Fire was set to a number of cars nearby and plumes of fire are still rising up from them, foreign reporters in the Iraqi capital said.

Civilians Killed
Wed March 26, 2003 06:38 PM ロイター通信の一部
、、、at least 15 Iraqi civilians were killed in a Baghdad street during another intense bombardment.
The United States denied that it had intentionally targeted the Shaab residential district of Baghdad, where Iraqi witnesses spoke of a twin American missile strike, but the Pentagon left open the possibility that a missile or bomb had gone astray.Reuters correspondents counted 15 scorched corpses lying amid blackened, mangled cars and rubble from broken buildings in the Shaab area of Baghdad. Flames poured from an oil truck. Yelling residents pulled a man with a bloody head from rubble and said a pregnant woman was among the dead.
On a day in which confused reports emerged of heavy fighting around the southern city of Basra as well as closer to Baghdad, President Bush said the United States wanted to protect Iraqi civilians. But he warned President Saddam Hussein that his day of reckoning was near.


Resistance by Militia Is Delaying Baghdad Battle, Officers Say
March 26, 2003 ニューヨークタイムスより
Allied forces have shifted the focus of their land campaign in Iraq to concentrate on defeating the fedayeen and other militias serving Saddam Hussein in the south before beginning the battle for Baghdad, senior officers said tonight.
The American strategy had been to bypass Iraq's southern cities and drive toward the capital to take on the Republican Guard and ultimately topple Mr. Hussein's government.
But the resistance from the militia groups to the rear of the advancing allies has been so stiff that commanders have concluded that this Iraqi threat has to be addressed first.
The attack on the Republican Guard will be delayed while American and British forces fight in and around Iraq's southern cities.



3月26日 YOMIURI他

[ワシントン 25日 ] 米国防総省は、イラク南部のナジャフで、イラク軍と米軍が交戦し、最大300人のイラク兵が死亡したと発表した。


不当逮捕訴え、補償請求も アフガン人18人が釈放
3月26日 共同など






クウェート 26日  衛星テレビ放送のアルジャズィーラは、イラク南部の都市バスラで民衆蜂起の兆候はない、と報じた。これより先、英軍は、民衆蜂起が始まった可能性がある、との認識を示していた。




イラク戦争後の復興支援をめぐって、ベーカー駐日米国大使が与党3幹事長に対して、日本は自衛隊を派遣して現地の治安維持に貢献するなどの役割を果たすべきだとの考えを伝えていたことが25日、分かった。大使は戦後復興に関する国連安保理決議案についても、仏独両国などの支持を得やすくするため、米側との調整を踏まえて日本が起草するよう要請。さらに米国とアラブ諸国との関係改善のために日本が「パイプ役」を務めるよう求めた。 03/26 03:07 ASAHIから


03/26、 01:27の朝日従軍記者の記事は生々しい。
従軍部隊は米海兵隊・第1海兵師団第1連隊。25日朝(日本時間同日午後)、ナーシリヤ南方から町に入った。主要道路を北上する海兵隊のトラック。いきなり激しい銃撃を浴びた。海兵隊が応戦しながら、町の北側に抜けた。燃え上がる民家、転がる死体……悲惨な市街戦がそこに展開されていた。米軍はほとんど町を制圧できていない。攻撃してきたのは民兵組織「サダム殉教者軍団」とみられる。 何とか町を抜けて15キロ近く進んだ地点で、再び待ち伏せ攻撃。ライフル銃、ロケット砲などで攻撃された。海兵隊の応戦も激しく、銃弾が頭上を飛び交い続ける。 砂嵐で視界は約50メートル。死傷者がどれだけいるのかよく分からない。時間が長く感じた。4時間以上、身を潜めて戦闘はようやく終息した。

AFP通信によると、米軍の攻撃用ヘリコプター計2機が25日、イラク南部のナーシリヤ付近で行方不明になった。米陸軍第3歩兵師団飛行中隊の話として伝えた。イラク全土を襲った砂嵐に巻き込まれたらしい。 2機は、「アパッチ」と「ブラックホーク」。

2003/03/25−22:37 時事の記事

Tuesday March 25, 11:52 PM のAFP通信
、、、More than 100 Iraqi bodies were left littering the road north from Nasiriyah after the six-day standoff and the odour of burnt flesh filled the air.
、、、Already US and British officials have been surprised at the determined fight put up in both Umm Qasr and Nasiriyah.
It took the coalition troops six days to capture Umm Qasr, as small numbers of Iraqi soldiers using guerrilla tactics embarrassed the might and technology of the world's superpower and its military ally.、、、、、

イラク戦争:激戦続く イラク情報相「米英軍の死者62人」  





ワシントン 24日 ロイター] 複数の米当局者は、イラク首脳がバグダッド周辺に定めた「境界線」を米軍が越えた場合、共和国防衛隊に化学兵器使用の権限が与えられていることを明らかにした。米CBSテレビが報じた。

Saddam defiant as US heads for Baghdad
Monday March 24, 2003
Saddam Hussein today pledged victory over the "enemies of God" and urged Iraqis to "hit the enemies hard" in an address broadcast on Iraqi state television.
Billed as a "historic" address, it was not known whether the speech was pre-recorded, or if it really was the Iraqi leader. Against a backdrop of the Iraqi flag and the national eagle ensign, he read from a notepad.
He said: "Iraqis will strike the necks as God has commanded you. Strike them, and strike evil so that evil will be defeated.
"We are witnessing the bravery of brave Iraqis, all the glorious armed forces and holy believers. All the infidels will be defeated. We will be victorious over the enemies of God."
President Saddam said: "We made a lot of sacrifices to avert war." He praised the "valiant" contribution of the Iraqi military.



「ブッシュよ恥を知れ」 ムーア監督、痛烈批判
03/24 ABC放送、朝日他より


Documentary winner Bowling for Columbine is Moore's alternately hilarious and horrifying examination of gun violence in America.
Moore, a harsh critic of the Bush administration, received a standing ovation. He invited his fellow documentary nominees on stage, saying they were there in "solidarity with me, because we like non-fiction, and we are living in fictitious times. … We live in a time where we have a man who's sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
"We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you," Moore said, amid a mix of boos and applause from the crowd.


米機のミサイルがバス直撃 シリア人5人死亡










イラク「歓迎」は幻か 米英軍のメディア操作批判 米テレビ




U.S. Confirms Deaths, Wounded At Nasiriyah, Resistance Continues
AS-SALIYAH, Qatar, March 23 ( & News Agencies) ・U.S. commanders Sunday, March 23, confirmed that a number of their troops were killed and wounded in heavy fighting in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah.
Lieutenant General John Abizaid, the deputy commander of the Central Command, told a briefing that other U.S. troops were wounded and 12 missing after a separate ambush near Nasiriyah, Agence France-Presse (AFP).
Brigadier General Vince Brooks told reporters at the Centcom forward command post here that the 12 were believed to be in Iraqi custody.
"It's a tough day of fighting for the coalition," Brooks said.
Abizaid said that U.S. forces seeking to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had run into resistance in several locations, notably a battle in Nasiriyah that was "the sharpest engagement of the war."

77 Civilians Killed In Basra, 366 Wounded: Iraq
BAGHDAD, March 23 ( & News Agencies) - Seventy-seven civilians were killed and 366 others injured by U.S. air strikes on the southern Iraqi city of Basra, Information Minister Mohammad Said al-Sahhaf said Sunday, March 23.
The dead and the injured were victims of cluster bombs, he told a press conference in Baghdad, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Under U.S. Orders, Italy, Jordan, Australia Expel Iraqi Diplomats
CAPITALS, March 23 ( & News Agencies) ・While most countries around the world rejected the call made on Thursday, March 20, by the United States to expel Iraqi diplomats, some countries bowed to the orders.
Italy expelled four Iraqi diplomats, the Italian news agency ANSA reported, citing foreign ministry sources in Rome, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).
The four unidentified diplomats were asked to leave as soon as possible and had already left the country, the news agency said, citing the sources.




Americans suffer the colossal losses
21.3.2003, 15:05 ロシアDni.Ruより
According to the existing/available information, this morning, during the approach in the south of Iraq, the column of American troops, after moving to 15 kilometers from the boundary, fell under the impact/shock of the army of Iraq and sustained the most serious losses.Practically all helicopters of combat support were destroyed.The administration of the



First combat death as 250 Iraqis surrender
March 22 2003 シドニーモーニングヘラルドより
United States tank convoys are racing through the southern Iraqi desert towards Baghdad, with an old-fashioned ground assault taking precedence over the much-vaunted "shock and awe" aerial blitz flagged by Washington. Meanwhile, a US marine was killed in combat and 250 Iraqis surrendered to the advancing forces.
'Dead bodies are everywhere' ... Saddam's first martyrs lost
March 22 2003
Herald Correspondent Lindsay Murdoch, travelling with a Marines artillery unit, reports on one of the war's first battles on the Iraq-Kuwait border.
There was little initial resistance as the United States Marines swept into southern Iraq early yesterday. One of the first encounters of the ground war was more like a massacre than a fight.
The Iraqi gunners fired first, soon after United States President George Bush announced the attack on Saddam Hussein was under way.

Surrenders by Iraqi Forces ・ 2 Marines Die in Fighting
March 22, 2003 ニューヨークタイムスから
In a blaze of heavy bombing, American air power devastated parts of Baghdad tonight, including several government buildings and palaces built by Saddam Hussein, as waves of fresh ground forces swarmed into Iraq from the south.
The troops crossing the border from Kuwait to Iraq followed rapidly advancing armies whose vanguard of tanks had penetrated as much as 100 miles northward, about a third of the way to the capital, Baghdad.

This is the attack that Pentagon officials have talked about for months: a strike that would be concentrated and devastating. More than 1,300 cruise missiles and bombs were used, and most of the targets were in and around Baghdad.

Massive firestorm targets Iraqi leadership
March 21, 2003(日本時間22日AM4)CNN
Rumsfeld: Saddam 'starting to lose control'
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The U.S.-led coation will hit "several hundred" targets in its ongoing air campaign against Iraq, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday afternoon as huge explosions in Baghdad filled the skies with smoke and fire.
Air Force Gen. Richard Myers also said that coalition ground forces already have traveled 100 miles inside Iraq from Kuwait and coalition warplanes have flown more than 1,000 sorties against Iraqi targets.

Last Sunset In Baghdad Before The U.S. War
Before the United States unleashed war against Iraq on Thursday, March 20, life here has been marked by a mixture of normal rhythm of lifestyle and beautiful scenes of magnificent nature.
Amid a group of these pictures in light of looming strikes many Iraqis are fully engaged to prepare for, I kept asking how the city would look like after this expected massive attack by the world's only superpower? How people would deal with horrendous chapters of destruction, massacre and death they have long feared down a 12 years?
Obsessed with these nagging questions, I decided to take the chance only one day before war for registering daily life, clear sky, innocent children and bridges and what was seemed to be the last sun-set before a long period of dark clouds.
To see exclusive pictures shot in Iraq one day before the Thursday aggression unleashed after U.S. President delivered a four minute speech announcing the beginning of war,


Russia Challenges War Legality With U.N.
March 21 モスクワ発イスラムオンラインニュースより
In the first concrete act of protest by a leading anti-war nation, Russia stressed Friday, March 21, it would challenge the legality of the U.S.-led war on Iraq with the United Nations, as President Vladimir Putin warned that the conflict could spill over into other regions.
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Russia and other countries would ask the international agency to rule if the U.S. war violated international law, Agence France-Presse (AFP) said. "With other states, we will put this question before the U.N.'s legal department. It is very important that these arguments (about the legality of U.S. actions) are confirmed," he told the State Duma lower house of parliament.
"This is the only way that we can use them as a strong weapon," Ivanov underlined.
"If the U.N. Security Council describes the U.S. actions as an aggression, appropriate measures will be taken. But if you or I describe them as aggression it won't achieve anything," the foreign minister said.




英全土で数万人、仏などで市民約4万人反戦デモ 石油が目的の戦争と批判

US Anti-War Protests Flare, More Than 1,000 Arrests
Thu March 20, 2003 08:32 PM  ロイターの記事
SAN FRANCISCO - Police arrested more than 1,000 people in San Francisco on Thursday -- the most demonstrators taken into custody on a single day in the city in 22 years -- as tens of thousands protested across America against the U.S. war in Iraq.
"If this was happening in every city, there would either be martial law or an end to war," said one Berkeley student who chained himself to 16 others on a major San Francisco street.
Protests took place in other cities across the United States as well as in European capitals.
During morning rush hour in the Washington D.C., more than 100 demonstrators temporarily shut down the Key Bridge, a major route from Virginia into Washington's Georgetown neighborhood and three were arrested.
About 100 protesters later gathered in pouring rain on the streets near the White House, and about 350 demonstrators blocked evening rush hour traffic on a main Washington thoroughfare.

2003年03月21日 朝日他各紙


Anti-War Protests Swell After Iraq Attack
ロスアンジェルスタイムス(Associated Press WriterAP通信)より
Mar 20, 9:39 PM EST
Galvanized by the American attack on Iraq, anti-war activists around the country set off their own barrage of street protests, chaining themselves together, blocking workers and traffic, walking out of classes, and parading in mock chemical suits. Hundreds were arrested from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.
But the anti-war groundswell brought out thousands of counterdemonstrators. One in Mississippi carried a sign saying, "Support the U.S. or keep your mouth shut."
Thursday was one of the heaviest days of anti-government protesting in years.
"This is no ordinary day," said Jason Mark, a San Francisco activist. "America is different today: We've just launched an unprovoked, unjust war."

Protests Flare Across Globe as U.S. Strikes Iraq
Thu March 20, 2003 12:28 PM ロイター
LONDON - Tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators staged huge marches across the world on Thursday, often clashing with police as they converged on heavily guarded U.S. embassies.
Barely three hours after the first cruise missiles slammed into Baghdad, a wave of demonstrations started in Asia and Australia and rolled swiftly across Europe and the Middle East toward the United States, where anti-war activists planned hundreds of protests later on Thursday.
In the Arab world, thousands of protesters vented their fury at the start of the war to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, with demonstrators in Egypt and Syria demanding the expulsion of U.S. ambassadors.
In Cairo, the Arab world's biggest city, riot police used water cannon and batons against hundreds of rock-throwing protesters who tried to storm toward the U.S. embassy.
"This war is a sin," said 43-year-old Cairo taxi driver Youssef, as religious music blared from his car radio. "It's a sin because ordinary Iraqis will suffer. It's not a sin because of Saddam, who was too stubborn. He's got a head of stone."


「今度はハーグを攻撃か」 国連会議で米批判が続出
2003年3月20日 共同

トルコ・アンカラ(CNN) トルコ国会は20日、米軍機などがイラク攻撃のために同国領空を通過することを認める政府案を、332対202の多数で可決した。トルコで取材しているCNNのハリス・ウィットベック記者は「今回の結果は、米軍にとってはよいニュースだ」と話している。

正義演出 ブッシュ政権のメディア戦略





Marine Chopper Crash Kills 16 in Kuwait
Mar 20, 10:41 PM EST
(デイリーインディペンデント)Daily Independent より
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A U.S. Marine helicopter crashed in Kuwait Thursday, killing all 16 American and British soldiers aboard, military officials said.
The crash of the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter killed 12 British and four U.S. soldiers, officials said. The helicopter was assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.
The helicopter crashed at 7:37 p.m. EST - Friday morning in Kuwait - about 9 miles away from the border with Iraq, military officials said. The cause of the crash is under investigation, the officials said, adding that hostile fire had not been reported in the area.
The Marines use the Sea Knight, a bus-like helicopter with two large rotors, to fly troops from ships at sea or base camps to forward positions.
The Navy and Marines grounded all 291 Sea Knight helicopters in August after an inspection of one helicopter in North Carolina found a crack in a rotor assembly. A Marine Corps CH-46 crashed in 2001, killing three Marines and injuring two.

イラク国境から9マイルのクウェートでCH-46 Sea Knight helicopterが墜落、英軍12人米軍4人の兵士が死亡

CH-46 Sea Knight

Defiant Saddam broadcasts poetic vow to crush the enemy
The Guardian のこの分析記事はどうよ?
Friday March 21, 2003
Looking tired and puffy-faced, his moustache a little greyer than usual, Saddam Hussein appeared on television early yesterday to dispel any idea that he was killed in the American assassination attempt.
But the footage raised more questions than it answered, and its authenticity immediately came under scrutiny.
US officials said the message did not prove conclusively that the Iraqi president, who often uses doubles, was alive.
Initial investigations had suggested that the figure was indeed Saddam, the officials said, but voice analysis was yet to be completed. Assem el-Kersh, London bureau chief of the Egyptian newspaper al-Ahram was in no doubt.
"It's definitely him - his voice can't be falsified," he said. "The only thing that seemed strange was the way he was reading. Normally he uses a teleprompter or improvises."
Dressed in military uniform with a black beret and large, dark-rimmed spectacles, President Saddam read his speech from a notepad, which suggests that was written in haste.
His surroundings were unusually modest, Mr Kersh noted. The president spoke with a single Iraqi flag at his side and a blue curtain behind him. To show that the message had not been recorded in advance, the Iraqi leader began with the date: "At the time of dawn prayers on this day, 20 March, 2003."
He did not refer to the night's bombings.
"The reckless criminal little Bush and his accomplices committed his crime, with which he had threatened Iraq and humanity," he continued.
Addressing the Iraqi people, he said: "I pledge to you ... that Iraq will carry out jihad with the heroic army in the Iraq of civilisation, history and belief.
"Iraq will be victorious ... Long live Iraq and Palestine. Long live our glorious nation and the lovers of peace ... Long live jihad. Long live Palestine."
The speech was not well-written or well-organised, Mr Kersh said. "I think Saddam personally wrote it."
More curiously, it included 16 lines of verse, written in the style of a classical Arabic ode but with several jarring non-classical words.
Literary experts were trying to discover whether it was a quotation from a published work or the creation of the Iraqi leader himself.
Two novels supposedly written by Saddam have become bestsellers in Iraq during the past couple of years.
Riyad abu Awad, a Palestinian literary critic, suggested that Saddam might have written the poem "to show that he is a cultured leader who can use impressive and classical types of writing".
Abd al-Muna'im Ramadan, an Egyptian poet, said that it was more likely to have been composed by Abd al-Razik abd al-Wahid, an Iraqi poet and former newspaper editor, who is a supporter of the Baghdad regime.
But the feigned elegance of his verse was not matched by the Iraqi leader's new spectacles, which aroused a mixture of curiosity and amusement.
"He's a man of very poor taste," said a London optician.
The frames are known in the trade as "heavy library" and would cost between £30 and £50 in Britain, depending on the quality, he added.

ワシントン(CNN) 米当局者は、米英軍による20日朝の空爆第1波で、複数のイラク政府高官が死亡したのではないかとの見方を明らかにした。米国は、バグダッドの政府施設などを目標とした今回の攻撃を「斬首」攻撃と称し、イラク・フセイン大統領の殺害を狙ったとしているが、死亡したのが同大統領かどうかはわかっていない。

US forces poised for shattering attack to bring down Saddam Hussein swiftly
Thursday March 20, 11:01 AM AFPより
WASHINGTON - US forces took positions for a sudden shattering attack that commanders hope will put Iraqi defenders to flight and swiftly bring down the regime of President Saddam Hussein.
Even before a US deadline was up for the Iraqi leader to leave, US and British warplanes ranged across southern and western Iraq, bombing long-range artillery, a surface-to surface missile system and elements of the Iraqi air defenses that pose a threat to US forces, US defense officials said.
The strikes targeted 10 artillery systems that had been moved last week into range of US and British forces massing in Kuwait, a US defense official said.


Iraq Accuses US of Acting Like a 'Terrorist State'
Thu March 20, 2003 08:43 PM
ロイター通信 Evelyn Leopoldの記事より。
UNITED NATIONS - Iraq said on Thursday it would ask the U.N. Security Council to condemn the United States for acting like a "terrorist state" by launching a war in violation of international law.
In its first statement since military action began, Iraq's mission to the United Nations said Washington should be held accountable for its actions before international tribunals
"The United States acted as a terrorist state by attempting to assassinate the leadership of a member state of the United Nations," the Iraqi statement said. "This war will not be a picnic as some American officials like to portray."
Iraq accused President Bush of using "a bunch of lies" to justify the war, saying Baghdad was no threat to the United States, 6000 miles away.
It also said while Bush maintains he wants to free Iraqis "it has been clear to all the world that he wants to free the Iraqi oil wells from the control of the Iraqi people."
Iraq's U.N. ambassador, Mohammed Aldouri, who said he was only able to communicate once with Baghdad on Thursday, was unsure when he would ask, through Syria, a council member, for a council meeting. Indonesia also wants a council debate and if this fails, will ask the 191-member U.N. General Assembly to involve itself in the crisis, an Indonesian diplomat said.
Also on Thursday, the United States gave its official reasons for invading Iraq in a letter to the Security Council saying Baghdad had violated a cease-fire resolution adopted after the 1991 Gulf War.
U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte, in his letter, said military action was an "appropriate response" and "necessary step to defend the United States and the international community from the threat posed by Iraq and to restore international peace and security in the area."
Britain and Australia, the other two nations in the U.S.-led coalition, wrote similar, shorter, letters. None of the letters mentioned "regime change," an aim of the invasion but never authorized in any Security Council resolution.
The war has touched off a torrent of international protests that has bitterly divided the 15-member Security Council, with France, Russia, Germany and China as well as Syria publicly opposing military action and six other nations clearly uneasy about the war.
"France regrets this action taken without the approval of the United Nations," President Jacques Chirac said in a televised address. "No matter how long this conflict lasts, it will have serious consequences for the future."
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Iraq presented no danger. The war was a "big political error" that flouted world opinion and international law, he said.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan lamented the division in the council and said his thoughts with "with the Iraqi people, who face yet another ordeal" in their third war in 25 years.
"Perhaps if we had persevered a little longer Iraq could have been disarmed peacefully, or, if not, the world could have taken action to solve this problem by a collective decision endowing it with greater legitimacy and therefore commanding wider support than is the case now,"' Annan said.
In a letter, Annan asked the Security Council to let him take over running Iraq's oil-for-food humanitarian program.
The program, which uses money from oil sales to pay for food, medicine and a host of other goods, is now jointly controlled by the Iraqi government and the United Nations.
The United States and Britain have are drawing up a draft resolution, which would make adjustments to the oil-for-food program, suspended this week when U.N. staff were withdrawn because of the pending war. Some 60 percent of Iraqis depend on the program for the basic needs.


<イラク反戦>米軍岩国基地前でシュプレヒコール 中四国行動委


「戦争反対」を連呼 米大使館前で抗議続く

反戦派も「臨戦態勢」 全米で抗議集会計画
 「ANSWER」によると、開戦当日の午後5時、ワシントンではホワイトハウス前で、ニューヨークではタイムズスクエアでなど、各都市の中心地でいっせいに緊急抗議集会を開く。翌日、賛同者が職場や学校を休んで反戦ビラを市民に配布し、正午にはそれぞれの市庁舎前で集会を開催する。  他の組織も独自に行動計画を決定した。


Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said the motion would not allow U.S. planes entering Turkish airspace to use airbases during any Iraq war, including for refuelling.
Wednesday March 19, 06:13 PM
ANKARA からロイター
"No, none of those are in it," the Anatolian news agency quoted him as saying.
Erdogan made no mention of U.S. planes already based at the Incirlik base for patrols of a no-fly zone over northern Iraq, but it appeared likely that the draft motion would say their mandate for operations could not be expanded to include a wider war on Iraq.
The United States could attack Iraq as early as Wednesday night, when President George W. Bush's deadline for Saddam Hussein and his sons to leave the country or face war expires.But it would not allow a 'northern front' via Turkey's southern border which might have accelerated victory over Baghdad and lessened U.S. casualties. It might also raise the hazard of local conflicts in northern Iraq -- an area beyond Baghdad's control and run by Kurdish groups since 1991.

米大統領を「戦争犯罪人」 イラク外相が激しく非難
2003年03月19日 朝日

Tue March 18, 2003、APの記事より。
Iraq's foreign minister Naji Sabri later told reporters that it was "Bush who should go into exile, because it is Mr. Bush who is endangering the whole world."
"This war, in short, is tantamount to genocide," said Mohammed Al-Douri, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations.

午前5時半起床。朝一番にキリスト教の説教集をひもとく。室内マシンでの約5キロのランニング。聖書研究会。就寝は午後10時前。これがブッシュ米大統領の日課だ。開戦の日も、就寝が遅くなった以外は、格別変更された様子はない。 「私を支えているのは信仰だ」と大統領はよく言う。今年2月、宗教関係者との朝食会では「神の摂理に自信を持とう。すべての背景には目的がある。それは神の手によって定められ、揺らぐことはない」と語った。

「イラク反戦」、516議会採択 全国自治体
2003年03月19日 Asahi

「断じて容認できない」 秋葉市長が米批判
'03/3/19 中国新聞

明らかに国際法違反 広島市立大・太田助教授
'03/3/19 中国新聞
 新たな国連決議のないままイラクへの武力行使に踏み出そうとする米国の対応について、広島市立大国際学部の太田いく子助教授 (41)=国際法=は「明らかに国際法違反」と指摘する。問題点を聞いた。

 [ロンドン 18日 ロイター] 英国議会は、対イラク戦争に反対する動議を、396対217で否決した。これにより、ブレア首相は武力行使に関して議会の承認を得たことになる。

「開戦」で抗議活動参加呼びかけ 県内市民団体

「国連憲章に違反」と批判 連合、都内で反対集会


米、支持の30カ国発表 ほかの15カ国内々に支持
2003年03月19日 新聞各紙
 パウエル米国務長官は18日、イラクに最後通告を出した米国を支持すると表明した国が、日本、英国、韓国、オーストラリアなど30カ国に上ったことを明らかにした。支持の内容は派兵から基地の提供、領土領空の通過の承認、生物・化学兵器対策など多岐にわたる。国務省は、日本を特に名指しして、軍事行動ではなくイラクの戦後復興で協力すると発表した。このほか内々に15カ国が支持を伝えているという。 日本については、バウチャー国務省報道官が会見で、「いくつかの国は紛争後の平和維持活動や復興に協力を約束している。日本はこのグループに入る」「日本のような国々はおそらく紛争後の援助だけに関心を持っている」と説明した。

30 Governments Back U.S. Stance on Iraq
Tue March 18, 2003 ロイターの一部
、、、A U.S. official earlier included Bulgaria, which supported Washington in its quest for a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing war, but Bulgaria is not on the final list.
Japan qualified its support by saying it was willing only to help with post-conflict peacekeeping and reconstruction.
"In addition to these countries, there are actually another 15 or so that we know of, probably more than 15, that are cooperating with us and the coalition, are perhaps offering defensive assets in the event that Saddam resorts to the use of weapons of mass destruction," the spokesman added.
He gave no explanation for their silence but some Arab governments, sensitive to public opinion, have done more behind the scenes than they have discussed in public, officials say. Israel, Washington's closest ally in the Middle East, is assumed to be cooperating but it too is not on the list.
Asked what countries like Ethiopia and Afghanistan could contribute in practice, Boucher said: "They may just be allowing access, overflight or other participation in that way, or they may have just decided they want to be publicly associated with the effort to disarm Iraq."
"That's the fundamental of this, that these are countries who have all stood up and said it's time to disarm Iraq, and if Iraq doesn't do that peacefully, we need to be prepared to do it by whatever means are necessary," he added.(笑

Schroeder, Chirac: 'No Justification' for U.S. War on Iraq
March 19, 2003 テヘランタイムスより。
PARIS -- French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder Tuesday stood firm in their opposition to U.S. plans to attack Iraq, calling the unilateral use of force unjustified and warning Washington not to flout the will of the international community.
"There is no justification for a unilateral decision to resort to war," Chirac said after U.S. President George W. Bush told Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his sons to leave the country within 48 hours or face military action. "Iraq today does not represent an immediate threat that justifies an immediate war," Chirac said, while acknowledging that disarming Iraq was "necessary" and a change in the government in Baghdad would be "desirable."
Chirac's statement to the press, recorded at the Elysee Presidential Palace, came after diplomatic efforts to resolve the Iraqi crisis broke down within the UN Security Council, prompting Washington to threaten to go it alone in Iraq.
Schroeder also said that the threat posed by Iraq did not justify a war that would lead to the "certain death" of thousands of innocent people.
In a nationally televised statement from his office, he said Iraq was under comprehensive control, UN inspections were working and there was no reason to break the disarmament process.
But after months of fierce opposition to military action, Schroeder seemed resigned to an inevitable conflict.
"I doubt whether peace still has a chance in the next few hours," he said.
His statement came after U.S. President George W. Bush late Monday gave Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to leave the country, a speech seen on television in Germany by an unusually high 1.2 million viewers despite its 2:00 A.M. (0100 GMT) start.

「米は重い責任負う」 仏大統領が警告(共同通信)
2003 年 3 月 18 日 共同
 シラク大統領は「イラクは今日、直ちに戦争することを正当化するような差し迫った脅威ではない」と指摘。「イラクの武装解除が進行中で、(国連)査察団は査察が武装解除の信頼できる選択肢であることを証明した」と述べた。 さらに「この(戦争)決定は、将来の大量破壊兵器の拡散に関連した危機の平和解決の方法も損ないかねない」と批判した。

France Says Could Aid Coalition Against Iraq
Tue March 18, 2003 ロイターの記事
By Paul Carrel
PARIS - France said on Tuesday it could help a U.S.-led military coalition if Iraq used biological or chemical weapons, despite blasting Washington's war ultimatum to Baghdad as unjustified.The Foreign Ministry said in a short statement there was no change in France's anti-war stance, but added:
"In the event that American forces or those allied to them should face a new situation such as a chemical or biological attack, France would assess the measures of assistance to take in a spirit of friendship and solidarity."
Earlier, President Jacques Chirac made no mention of such an option in a televised address. He denounced Washington's war ultimatum to Iraq as unjustified and warned it put world stability and the future of the Middle East at stake.
Chirac, the strongest anti-war voice in the West, insisted world opinion was against war and argued the United States' unilateral approach could exacerbate future crises.


"Saddam Defies U.S. Demand to Leave Iraq"
2003/03/18 IraqNet、Associated Press(AP) から
Saddam Hussein defied a U.S. ultimatum to leave Iraq with his sons or face war, appearing on television Tuesday in military uniform for the first time since the 1991 Gulf War and warning his commanders to prepare for battle.
Mobilized by a televised appeal, thousands of demonstrators swept into the streets of the Iraqi capital to show their support for Saddam Hussein. Waving pictures of Saddam, the protesters promised to give Saddam, their "blood and souls."
The United Nations pulled its weapons inspectors out of the country, ending the second effort in about dozen years to verify that Iraq had ended his programs to build weapons of mass destruction. The effort began after Iraq's defeat in the Gulf War.
In a televised speech Monday night, U.S. President George W. Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to step down or face war, and promised "the tyrant will soon be gone." Nearly 300,000 U.S. and British troops are in the region poised to strike.
But Saddam indicated he wasn't going anywhere. After chairing a meeting of Iraqi regime's highest executive body ? Revolution Command Council ? the leader condemned Bush and his dictates.
Iraqi regime's foreign minister Naji Sabri later told reporters that it was "Bush who should go into exile, because it is Mr. Bush who is endangering the whole world."


Bush gives Saddam and his sons 48 hours to leave Iraq
Tuesday March 18, 2003、ガーデイアンのJulian Borgerが Washingtonから。
President George Bush last night gave Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to give up power and go into exile or face invasion by more than a quarter of a million US and British troops massed on Iraq's borders.
In a televised address to the nation, Mr Bush urged Iraqi soldiers not to fight for a "dying regime" and said they would be given instructions on what to do to avoid being "attacked and destroyed".
The Iraqi regime quickly rejected the ultimatum, a response the US administration said it had expected. In effect, the president's 15-minute televised address to the nation from the White House was a declaration of war, which could come any time after tomorrow night.
"Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing," the president said. He warned foreigners, including journalists and weapons inspectors, to leave immediately.

Axis of Evil and Declaring War on World
March 18, 2003 Tehrantimes(テヘランタイムス)のParviz Esmaeili の記事の一部
TEHRAN -- Twenty-four hours after the Azores Summit, the U.S., Britain, and Spain withdrew their proposed resolution to the United Nations Security Council and virtually declared war against the international community.
This decision was not unexpected because U.S. President George W. Bush told reporters in the Azores that they would give the Security Council only 24 hours to decide about Iraq and threatened that if the Security Council did not make the decision that the U.S. wanted, he would even change the United Nations system.
The silence of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and other UN officials also seems to confirm the idea that the UN has been stripped of its authority to decide about the world, which has actually been transferred to a real axis of evil with Bush as its head. While Hans Blix, the head of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, maintains that there is still hope for inspections, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said that he "had been advised by U.S. officials to order inspectors to leave Iraq."

Israeli special forces join 'secret front' in Jordan
March 17, 2003 TheTimesの記事の一部
By Ian Cobain and Stephen Farrell
AS HUNDREDS of thousands of men and machines mass in Kuwait, a highly secretive military build-up is also under way on President Saddam Hussein’s western flank.
Special forces from the United States and Britain have begun to conduct long-range reconnaissance missions from their bases along the 113-mile border between Iraq and Jordan, military sources have told The Times. Remarkably, Israeli forces are also said to be involved.
Jordan is highly sensitive about military activity in a swath of land 50 miles deep along its border with Iraq, where residents talk of the rumble of transport aircraft landing at remote airstrips. 、、、、In return for its political gamble, Washington has promised Jordan an economic aid package worth hundreds of millions of dollars or more, according to one official source in Amman.

これはポール・ウォルフォウィッツ国防副長官(DeputySecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz )の戦争である、、彼を動かす者たちの。

The President- Meeting
Baghdad, Mar.17, Ina Iraqnewsイラク国営通信より
President Saddam Hussein met on Sunday a group of army officers.
His Excellency stressed that ''evil is inevitably defeated, and the enemies has no place in Iraq''.
The president said that one objective of the aggression was to cover up their big lie about the altered mess destruction weapons in Iraq.
His Excellency stressed once again that there had been no mass destruction weapons in Iraq.
The socialist party ABSP Iraq's command Qusai Saddam Hussein and defence minister general sultan Hashim Ahmed.

<対イラク>武力行使が秒読みに 「人間の盾」日本人なお10人


単独開戦に賛成43%、反対54% 米誌世論調査

Bracing for aggression, Iraq divided into four military zones
Baghdad, March 16, INA 、Iraqdailyより。
Iraq's Revolution Command Council (RCC) has issued a decree to divide the country into four military zones, each under the command of a leading official, to face the expected US-British offensive.
The decree was signed by President Saddam Hussein, who is also RCC Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
According to the decree, the Northern Zone, including Nineveh, Tameem (cap. Kirkuk )as well as provinces of Dohuk, Erbil and Suleimaniya, is put under the command of RCC Vice-Chairman Izzat Ibrahim.
The Southern Zone, including Basra, Dhi-Qar and Meisan, is put under the command of RCC member Gen. Ali Hassan Al-Majeed.
The Eastern Zone, including Kerbala, Najafi, AI-Methanna and AI-Qadisiya, is put under the command of RCC member Mizban Khidher Hadi.

The Central Zone, including the capital Baghdad, Salahaddin, Anbar, Wasit and Diyala, is put under the command of a member of Iraq's Arab Baath Socialist Party (ABSP), Qusay Saddam Hussein, who is in charge of the Republican Guards.
The decree also decided that each of the above zones be prepared to face any foreign aggression and to mobilize the masses to share in the confrontation to defend Iraq's sovereignty and its national integrity.
It also decided to put all the other para-military forces, such as Fida'ee Saddam (Saddam's commandos) as well as the Air Force, the Air Defense, the Army Air Force, Surface-to-Air and Surface-to-Surface Missiles, under the command of President Saddam Hussein in person.
According to the presidential decree, the use of jet fighters and surface-to-surface missiles will be mandated only by President Hussein.
All the Party branches officials would be committed to be under the Zone’s military commander while each of those commanders would be assisted by two or three high level military commanders.
Armed forces and their weaponry, funds would be under the Zones’ commanders.


独伊による反乱軍支援が開始され、独のJu52輸送機によって本土に空輸された反乱軍は、北部の反乱軍と呼応してマドリードを南北から挟撃し攻略するという作戦を行うが、1936年末には頓挫し戦線は膠着状態。政府軍側には、ソ連から軍事顧問団、兵員とともに戦闘機、戦車・火砲などが送られ、さらに世界各国からの義勇兵で編成された国際旅団が加わった。反乱軍側には、ドイツからコンドル部隊(空軍義勇兵部隊)と戦車部隊、イタリアからも空軍部隊と陸軍部隊(正規部隊)が派遣された。 マドリード攻略に固執するフランコは、イタリア軍4個師団でグアダラハラ方面から攻撃をかけるが、大損害を出して敗退。そこで、北部地方への攻勢に作戦を変更した反乱軍は、コンドル部隊の本格的航空支援のもとに大規模な攻撃を開始する。1937年10月にはバスク地方を含む北部全域を制圧する。この時反乱軍がバスク地方のゲルニカを爆撃し、一般市民を大量虐殺したゲルニカ爆撃は世界に衝撃を与えた。 1939年1月には反乱軍はカタルーニャ地方攻略のための大規模な攻勢を開始し、政府軍を次々に撃破していった。バルセロナもまもなく陥落し、2月にはフランス国境に到達してカタルーニャ地方を完全に制圧した。政府側は、これによって戦意を喪失し、ついに3月末、ファシスト・フランコはマドリードに入城し、4月1日には内乱終結宣言を行った。
「ぼくが死んだら/ついでにギターを埋めてくれ/砂 に深く/ぼくが死んだら/オレンジと/薄荷の茂みのさ かいに」(覚え書)
 1936年8月、グラナダの地でフェデリコ・ガルシ ア・ロルカの詩とギターは封印される。スペイン内戦勃発のその年、ロルカはファシストによってオリーブの樹 の傍らに自らの墓穴を掘らされ、銃殺されて埋められた 。予感通り、詩人は樹木の下に埋められはしたが、ファ シストはギターを一緒に埋めることはしなかった。