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JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH is an International Journal published from India since 1992. The journal covers all topics of "Animal Science"  catering to the needs of the scientist engaged in quality research work.

Only unpublished, original and recent works of highest standard are accepted for publication. The "International Editorial Board" takes care that the highest standards are maintained at all times. For the widest possible coverage & penetration the language of the journal has been kept as simple "International English."

Over a period of time, JAAR (as the Journal is known in its abbreviated form) has got the loving patronage and undivided support of the scientific community. Each issue is looked forward with most eagerness & interest by the leading scientists as well as the research scholars to remain abreast of the latest researches. Hundreds of e-mails & letters which we receive every month are but a small indicator of the love of our community.

We promise that the highest standards shall be maintained & JAAR shall continue to serve the community issue after issue and year after year.

COPYRIGHT © Garuda Scientific Publications, India


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The journal is registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. Consent may be obtained from the above address for copying by paying appropriate fee by quoting the code number mentioned in the abstract.

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