I am dreaming of my childhood's home, my home so far away.
And pleasant scenes that long have flown come back to me today.
I see the maples by the mill, the orchard and the lane.
The cherry trees upon the hill seem just to be the same.
Whene'er these blessed visions rise, as o'er life's sea I roam,
Tears come unbidden to my eyes when dreaming of my home.
Beside the hearth my mother sits, her face so calm and fair.
Her hands the selfsame stockings knit as when I last was there.
The rockers of her old armchair are making music sweet.
The kitten with its glossy hair is nestling at her feet.
Whene'er these blessed visions rise, as o'er life's sea I roam,
Tears come unbidden to my eyes when dreaming of my home.
And yet I know that many years have with their blessings fled.
And on a marble stone appears the name of mother dead!
Ah! yes, she sleeps, no throb of pain her loving breast can stir.
Our loss is her eternal gain. We need not weep for her.
Whene'er these blessed visions rise, as o'er life's sea I roam,
Tears come unbidden to my eyes when dreaming of my home.
Visions bright may come and go, pain and pleasure round me flow,
And the shining love of coming joys allure.
Yet my heart will ever yearn for the happy days' return,
When my heart was bounding innocent and pure.
In my home beside the sea, happy, light of heart and free,
In the years of childhood never more to come,
I have roamed the wood and plain that I ne'er shall tread again,
For I'm drawing near to my eternal home.
Fare thee well, bright scenes of childhood, scenes I shall no more behold,
How I prize thy recollection, none more tender, true and sweet were ever told.
At the early dawn of day, with the birds in song so gay,
I have chased the dewdrop from the opening flow'r.
I have listened to the song of the brook that flowed along
Through the meadows all the golden summer hours.
And within my ears shall ring songs the zephers used to sing
As they played among the tow'ring branches high.
And the memories so dear bathe my eyes with many a tear,
And my heart is filled, I cannot help but sigh.
Fare thee well, bright scenes of childhood, scenes I shall no more behold,
How I prize thy recollection, none more tender, true and sweet were ever told.
Now I'm growing old and gray, soon I shall have passed away,
Soon I'll be asleep within my narrow tomb.
Yet till death shall set me free, dearest home, I'll think of thee,
Yes, for thee within my heart there'll still be room.
Though the stranger's foot may tread o'er thy ground when I am dead,
Or the ivy vine may claim thee as its own,
Fare thee well, I can but say, nature's call I must obey,
For the years of joy and peace in thee have flown.
Fare thee well, bright scenes of childhood, scenes I shall no more behold,
How I prize thy recollection, none more tender, true and sweet were ever told.
In an album, old and faded, yellow with the many years,
That have o'er its pages wander'd, with their changes, smiles and tears;
I today, in idle searching, found a picture quaint and sweet,
Drawn by little childish fingers, though imperfect, incomplete.
Oh! what tender thoughts awaken, mem'ries' tears, how quick to start!
Pictures drawn by childish fingers leave their imprint on my heart.
As I gazed upon that picture, mem'ry with a blazing scroll,
'Rose with scenes so long forgotten, scenes to cheer my weary soul;
For it was my youthful fingers, drew that picture queer and old,
And my mother bending o'er me, did my youthful fingers hold.
Oh! what tender thoughts awaken, mem'ries' tears, how quick to start!
Pictures drawn by childish fingers leave their imprint on my heart.
When in childhood, tired of playing, with this album on my knee,
I would trace my childish fancies, with my mother helping me;
Now she sleeps forever sweetly, far from earthly cares away,
Yet this album and its pictures brings her back to me today.
Oh! what tender thoughts awaken, mem'ries' tears, how quick to start!
Pictures drawn by childish fingers leave their imprint on my heart.
On life's swiftly flowing river we are gliding like a dream,
And our many cares and sorrows are like ripples on the stream.
Let us sing away the moments, let us neither weep nor sigh.
Life is with its countless changes with the seasons going by,
Life is with its countless changes with the seasons going by.
With the seasons we are gliding, though we sorrow, though we sigh.
Life is with its joy abiding with the seasons going by.
From the cradle do we hasten to the deep and narrow home,
And the busy world cries "onward", onward then we ever roam.
Let us cherish then the moments. Let our ev'ry tear be dry,
For our life is like the roses, with the seasons going by,
For our life is like the roses, with the seasons going by.
With the seasons we are gliding, though we sorrow, though we sigh.
Life is with its joy abiding with the seasons going by.
Transient is all earthly beauty, only for a moment seen,
Then the curtain of the future will between us intervene.
Cheer them, many heavy ladened, nor the tread of time defy,
For our life is surely, swiftly, with the seasons going by,
For our life is surely, swiftly, with the seasons going by.
With the seasons we are gliding, though we sorrow, though we sigh.
Life is with its joy abiding with the seasons going by.
The shadows are falling, my darling, the night bird now sings to his mate.
All nature in sleep is reposing, while for thee with patience I wait.
Haste, darling, to meet me, the whippoorwill sings,
The echoing woods with his melody rings.
For you, love, tonight his best theme does he bring,
Then meet me, my darling, tonight.
Then meet me, oh, meet me, my darling, thy coming I wait in the dell.
Then tarry no longer, my darling, and my story of love I will tell.
The lullaby zephyrs are singing, come pillow your head on my breast.
And while they are whisp'ring around us, I'll tell thee, my darling, the rest.
The stars shine so brightly in heaven above,
Come list while I whisper sweet words of true love.
Oh, tarry no longer, my fairy-like dove,
But come to me, darling, tonight.
Then meet me, oh, meet me, my darling, thy coming I wait in the dell.
Then tarry no longer, my darling, and my story of love I will tell.
The years are creeping by, my darling, summers come and go.
Our feet are growing feeble, and our locks grow white as snow.
Our children all have left us, and we are now alone
To tread the weary path of life whose beauties all have flown.
O swiftly now the years are gliding to eternity, eternity away,
Yet we, in faith and hope abiding, will welcome in the golden day.
These many years we've trod life's pathway in both joy and pain.
But now the dawn is breaking to our everlasting gain.
And when our life is ended, we'll lay these bodies down
Beside the lov'd ones gone before, who wear the golden crown.
O swiftly now the years are gliding to eternity, eternity away,
Yet we in faith and hope abiding, will welcome in the golden day.
There is a land beyond the cloudrift, a port beyond the storm,
A clime of beauty, bright and vernal, a land of morning calm.
This is the land my soul is seeking, led by my Master's love,
Yes, 'tis the land for which I'm longing, my home, my rest above.
Oh! the land beyond the cloudrift,
Where "ten thousand times ten thousand" throng,
There I hope at last to drop my anchor,
In that happy land of song.
Sometimes I'm standing on the mountain, then in the vale of tears,
Sometimes the brightest hopes are beaming, sometimes I'm full of fears.
But oh! the land is sure and steadfast, and brighter gleams the sky,
So I keep ever pressing onward, I'll reach it bye and bye.
Oh! the land beyond the cloudrift,
Where "ten thousand times ten thousand" throng,
There I hope at last to drop my anchor,
In that happy land of song.
Amid the scenes of joy and sorrow, I still will sing this song,
For oh! my journey's end is nearer, it can't be very long.
Soon, robed in bright immortal beauty, I'll walk that golden shore,
And there with all the lov'd and lost ones, I'll dwell for evermore.
Oh! the land beyond the cloudrift,
Where "ten thousand times ten thousand" throng,
There I hope at last to drop my anchor,
In that happy land of song.
In that happy land of song, in that happy land of song.
Hark! I hear the angels singing as on wings they hover near,
Notes of glory sweetly bringing down to earth my heart to cheer.
O'er me do they fondly hover from their native golden strand,
Singing of my sainted mother gone before to glory land.
Hark! I hear the angels singing, singing of my mother dear,
Sweetest notes from glory bringing down to earth my heart to cheer.
Hark! the rustle of their pinions falls upon my list'ning ear,
Wafting o'er the mystic river thoughts of darling mother dear.
Mother to your little daughter send the angels down from thee.
I am lonely here without you, sighing with thee there to be.
Hark! I hear the angels singing, singing of my mother dear,
Sweetest notes from glory bringing down to earth my heart to cheer.
Hark! I hear the angels singing, and just yonder lies the shore
Where my mother's gone before me to allure my spirit o'er.
Oh, ye happy shining angels, soon I'll join your happy band.
There with mother dear forever I shall shine in glory land.
Hark! I hear the angels singing, singing of my mother dear,
Sweetest notes from glory bringing down to earth my heart to cheer.
There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
We will spread the everlasting light, with a willing heart and hand,
Giving God the glory evermore; we will follow His command,
Send the light, the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light! and let its radiant beams light the world forever more.
We have heard the Macedonian call today,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
And a golden off'ring at the cross we lay,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
We will spread the everlasting light, with a willing heart and hand,
Giving God the glory evermore; we will follow His command,
Send the light, the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light! and let its radiant beams light the world forever more.
Let us pray that grace may ev'rywhere abound,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
And a Christ-like spirit ev'rywhere be found,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
We will spread the everlasting light, with a willing heart and hand,
Giving God the glory evermore; we will follow His command,
Send the light, the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light! and let its radiant beams light the world forever more.
Let us not grow weary in the work of love,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
Let us gather jewels for a crown above,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
We will spread the everlasting light, with a willing heart and hand,
Giving God the glory evermore; we will follow His command,
Send the light, the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light! and let its radiant beams light the world forever more.
Covered over with glory they're sleeping,
Sleeping the years of their manhood away;
No more wearisome night-watches keeping,
No more the dirge nor the din of the fray;
Silent and lowly sleeping, they lie at rest,
Sleeping, sweetly, lowly sleeping,
Folded the weary hands o'er the brave, noble breast,
Sleeping the sleep no wars shall molest.
Covered over with glory they're sleeping,
No more to wake at the bugle alarms;
No artillery booming disturbs them,
No more for country and right bear they arms;
Over them shall the flag of their country wave,
While they're sleeping, lowly sleeping,
'Twas for that glorious banner they tempted the grave,
Fought, bled and died their country to save.
Covered over with glory they're sleeping,
Waiting the sound of the last reveille,
When the millions of sleepers, awakening,
Mingle together in unending day;
Radiant beauties now o'er your slumbers blend;
Sleeping, sweetly, lowly sleeping,
Parent or brother, sister, or lover, or friend,
Sleep till we meet you, world without end.
Decoration Day later became known as Memorial Day.
Where will you drop your anchor, brother, when your voyage at last is o'er?
You have a hope to reach some harbor, some faroff and unknown shore.
You're sailing without chart or compass, and the billows are wild and high,
The hidden rocks lie all around you, and dark is the stormy sky.
Where will you anchor, brother? Where will you anchor? Where?
Where will you drop your anchor, brother? Will it hold when the cables strain?
You cannot see the hidden dangers that lie in the treacherous main!
Without a Pilot's hand to guide you, you are drifting before the gale,
And when you reach the distant harbor, how can you with tides prevail?
Where will you anchor, brother? Where will you anchor? Where?
Anchor in Jesus, O my brother! There alone you may safely moor,
And though the billows dash around you, your anchor will hold secure!
You'll reach a harbor, then, in safety, with a Pilot to guide you in.
You'll furl the sail at home forever, and life everlasting win.
Where will you anchor, brother? Where will you anchor? Where?
On bended knee, I come to Thee, Almighty God and Lord.
O let me prove Thy tender love, according to Thy word.
Hast Thou not said, they shall be fed, who wholly trust in Thee?
Hast Thou not writ Thou wilt not quit, in stern adversity?
If Thou art mine, why should I pine for worldly dross below?
If Thou are near, why should I fear the depths of love to know?
My Heav'nly Guide, who else beside can cheer and solace me?
Thy name I'll take when all forsake, and comfort find with Thee.
O grant me grace to seek Thy face, to live each day in Thee,
And when I've done, my race quite run, forever dwell with Thee.
On Thee I'll rest, and fully blest, resigned forever, Lord.
So shall I prove Thy tender love, according to Thy word.
Hear the words of consolation, floating down the aisles of time,
Sounding 'mid earth's tribulations, like a sweet celestial chime.
'Tis the tender voice of Jesus bringing comfort sweet and true;
"In the house of many mansions I'll prepare a place for you."
I'll prepare a place for you, I'll prepare a place for you;
In the house of many mansions, I'll prepare a place for you.
What a blessed rest He giveth! rest from care and fear and sin;
Trust in Him who "ever liveth," peace, a welcome guest within.
Letting Jesus bear our burdens, while His promise rings anew;
"In the house of many mansions I'll prepare a place for you."
I'll prepare a place for you, I'll prepare a place for you;
In the house of many mansions, I'll prepare a place for you.
Take the precious consolation; come to Him and there abide;
Oh, the joy of His salvation, when we tarry at His side.
Still above the fleeting shadows, smiles the radiant, changeless blue;
"In the house of many mansions I'll prepare a place for you."
I'll prepare a place for you, I'll prepare a place for you;
In the house of many mansions, I'll prepare a place for you.
Beyond the purple shadows that round the sunset lie,
There shines a fairer glory whose radiance cannot die.
Its luster falls forever upon the streets of gold
And lights the walls of jasper with splendors never told.
Beyond the purple shadows that round the sunset lie,
There shines a fairer glory whose radiance cannot die.
Oft when we toil in sorrow or faint with burning heat,
Longing in heav'nly mansions to rest in Christ complete,
Afar those splendors cheer us, but only faith's clear eye
Can pierce the mystic shadows that round our pathway lie.
Beyond the purple shadows that round the sunset lie,
There shines a fairer glory whose radiance can not die.
Beyond death's silent river are pleasures evermore.
There rest in peace the loved ones who journeyed on before.
Our hearts reach out with longing to share their perfect day,
Beyond the drifting shadows that fill the twilight gray.
Beyond the purple shadows that round the sunset lie,
There shines a fairer glory whose radiance can not die.
When sitting in life's sunset, we chant our evening hymn,
When earthly sounds grow fainter, and earthly scenes wax dim.
Oh, may the wondrous brightness of heav'ns unclouded sky
Dispell the dark'ning shadows that in earth's twilight lie.
Beyond the purple shadows that round the sunset lie,
There shines a fairer glory whose radiance can not die.
Jesus' little ones are we, from all sin we would be free;
More like Him would daily be, for He loves us so.
Jesus is the Morning Star, we His little children are,
And He watches from afar, for He loves us so.
In the straight and narrow way He will lead us day by day,
Seek us when we go astray, for He loves us so.
Jesus is the Morning Star, we His little children are,
And He watches from afar, for He loves us so.
Though these little hands are frail, and their strength cannot avail,
Jesus' love will never fail, for He loves us so.
Jesus is the Morning Star, we His little children are,
And He watches from afar, for He loves us so.
Little branches of the Vine, Jesus, we are truly Thine;
May we ever fruitful be, giving glory unto Thee.
Little branches of the Vine, blessed Jesus, we are Thine.
Little branches, but we cling to the Vine, our Lord and King;
In His love may we abide, living meekly at His side.
Little branches of the Vine, blessed Jesus, we are Thine.
Little branches grow in strength, bearing precious fruit at length;
Happy all the day are we, growing, Savior dear, for Thee.
Little branches of the Vine, blessed Jesus, we are Thine.
Hear the blessed Savior saying, "Let the children come to me!"
Joyfully He will receive them, and their friend forever be.
"Let them come unto me," hear the blessed Savior say;
Sweet the call unto all, may we heed it and obey.
Yes, the gracious invitation's to the young, as well as old;
And the lambs are ever welcome to the loving Shepherd's fold.
"Let them come unto me," hear the blessed Savior say;
Sweet the call unto all, may we heed it and obey.
Let us try to be like Jesus, love and serve Him ev'ry day;
Then we'll have a home in heaven when from Earth we pass away.
"Let them come unto me," hear the blessed Savior say;
Sweet the call unto all, may we heed it and obey.
There's a land of wondrous beauty, love and joy and peace untold.
Soon its scenes of matchless spendor will my raptured eyes behold.
And among the saints immortal, clad in garments bright and fair,
With their crowns and palms of vict'ry, oh, my friend, will you be there?
Come and make your title perfect, make your hope and trust secure.
In the harbor of salvation cast your anchor firm and sure.
Lo! the days are waning, waning, for the moments swiftly fly.
Oh! arise and go to meet Him, for the Bridegroom passeth by.
There the mansions of my Father lift their glitt'ring tow'rs on high,
And I know my house is builded 'neath an ever cloudless sky.
When I cross the shining portals and my Lord and Master see,
Will you be among the ransomed waiting there to welcome me?
Come and make your title perfect, make your hope and trust secure.
In the harbor of salvation cast your anchor firm and sure.
Lo! the days are waning, waning, for the moments swiftly fly.
Oh! arise and go to meet Him, for the Bridegroom passeth by.
In that land of life immortal, Christ, my Savior, waits for me.
He is calling, waiting, longing, lovingly to welcome thee.
Do not longer disappoint Him, loit'ring idly on the way.
He is coming out to greet you. Oh! go forth to Him today!
Come and make your title perfect, make your hope and trust secure.
In the harbor of salvation cast your anchor firm and sure.
Lo! the days are waning, waning, for the moments swiftly fly.
Oh! arise and go to meet Him, for the Bridegroom passeth by.
There will be singing and great rejoicing yonder in glory, by and by;
Sweet anthems ringing, in gladness voicing salvation's sweet story, by and by.
By and by, by and by, singing and praising by and by;
By and by, by and by, singing and praising by and by.
There will be wailing, sad lamentations, bitterest weeping, by and by;
Grief unavailing, vain supplication, and sorrowful reaping, by and by.
By and by, by and by, weeping and wailing by and by;
By and by, by and by, weeping and wailing by and by.
In heaven's morrow shall we be chanting praise and thanksgiving, by and by,
Or, in our sorrow, be there lamenting o'er prodigal living, by and by.
By and by, by and by, gladness and sorrow by and by;
By and by, by and by, gladness and sorrow by and by.
Grant us, O Father, that not with sadness our souls shall meet Thee, by and by,
But, rather, with joy and gladness haste onward to greet Thee by and by.
By and by, by and by, our souls shall meet Thee by and by.
By and by, by and by, our souls shall meet Thee by and by.
I've looked my life over and counted my store,
And oh, what a trifle it seems!
The life I have lived shall entice me no more,
So full of unrealized dreams.
Since Jesus, in mercy, has opened my eyes,
My guilty condition I see,
My spirit within me in bitterness cries,
Lord Jesus, have mercy on me!
I will leave the old ship that is stranded,
And cling, blessed Life-boat, to Thee,
For 'tis wonderful love and compassion
That saves a lost sinner like me.
If one in ten thousand of all my life's sins
Were brought into judgment with me,
How should I confess all the vileness within
To any, dear Savior, but Thee!
But since Thou art ready and waiting to hear,
Thy mercy I freely embrace;
O speak the glad tidings and banish my fear,
And make me a child of Thy grace.
I will leave the old ship that is stranded,
And cling, blessed Life-boat, to Thee,
For 'tis wonderful love and compassion
That saves a lost sinner like me.
Too long I have wandered away from the fold,
And gone where my fancy has led;
Too long into bondage to sin I was sold
To hunger and famish for bread,
But here at the cross, where I humble my soul,
The blood has been sprinkled for me,
And Thou, while the years of eternity roll,
Forever my portion shall be.
I will leave the old ship that is stranded,
And cling, blessed Life-boat, to Thee,
For 'tis wonderful love and compassion
That saves a lost sinner like me.
"Let not your heart be troubled," oh, words of comfort sweet!
We bow, O blessed Savior, adoring at Thy feet;
Thy cheering words so tender, our hearts would gladly heed;
Our willing feet would follow where'er our Lord shall lead.
Let not your heart be troubled, let not your heart be troubled,
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
"Let not your heart be troubled," though dark the way may be;
Cast all thy care upon Him, and He will care for thee.
His wisdom still will guide thee. His loving hand uphold;
His mercy keep thee ever, safe, safe within His fold.
Let not your heart be troubled, let not your heart be troubled,
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
"Let not your heart be troubled," for to His glorious home,
The place He is preparing, His own at last shall come.
Oh, teach us, loving Savior, to walk the narrow way;
And all along the journey, still may we hear Thee say:
Let not your heart be troubled, let not your heart be troubled,
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
As ye believe in the Father, believe in me.
By Thy birth, and by Thy tears, by Thy human griefs and fears,
By Thy conflict in the hour of the subtile tempter's pow'r,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy triumph o'er the grave, by Thy pow'r the lost to save,
By Thy high majestic throne, by the empire all Thine own,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy tenderness that wept o'er the grave where Laz'rus slept,
By the bitter tears that flow'd over Salem's lost abode,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy triumph o'er the grave, by Thy pow'r the lost to save,
By Thy high majestic throne, by the empire all Thine own,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy lonely hour of pray'r, by the fearful conflict there,
By Thy cross and dying cries, by Thy one great sacrifice,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy triumph o'er the grave, by Thy pow'r the lost to save,
By Thy high majestic throne, by the empire all Thine own,
Savior, look with pitying eye, Savior, help me, or I die.
Dark is the night, and the waves run high,
Steady, brothers, steady.
Hid are the stars, and the stormclouds fly,
Be ready, my brothers, be ready.
Captains have we who deliv'rance will bring,
Darkness and daylight are one to our King.
He will deliver, so joyfully sing,
All glory to Jesus, our Savior.
Steady, steady, steady, fear ye not the billows rolling high.
Steady, steady, steady, there's a star illumes the darkest sky.
Storms will soon be past, the harbor gained at last.
All glory be to Jesus, our Savior.
Swift on the wings of the roaring wind,
Steady, steady, steady.
Fly through the night and the daylight find,
Be ready, my brothers, be ready.
Daylight shall open her windows of gold,
Safety and Paradise we shall behold.
Shout ye for gladness, oh, hearts, true and bold,
All glory to Jesus, our Savior.
Steady, steady, steady, fear ye not the billows rolling high.
Steady, steady, steady, there's a star illumes the darkest sky.
Storms will soon be past, the harbor gained at last.
All glory be to Jesus, our Savior.
Steer by the chart, and no harm can come,
Steady, steady, steady.
Sail though the storm and we'll all reach home,
Be ready, my brothers, be ready.
Comrades have we, who are safe on the shore,
Comrades awaiting to greet us once more,
Comrades from whom we will part nevermore,
All glory to Jesus, our Savior.
Steady, steady, steady, fear ye not the billows rolling high.
Steady, steady, steady, there's a star illumes the darkest sky.
Storms will soon be past, the harbor gained at last.
All glory be to Jesus, our Savior.
Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior,
There is glory in my soul!
Since by faith I sought and obtained God's favor,
There is glory in my soul!
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
Ev'ry day brighter grows, and I conquer all my foes;
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
There is glory in my soul!
Since He cleansed my heart, gave me sight for blindness,
There is glory in my soul!
Since He touched and healed me in loving kindness,
There is glory in my soul!
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
Ev'ry day brighter grows, and I conquer all my foes;
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
There is glory in my soul!
Since with God I've walked, having sweet communion,
There is glory in my soul!
Brighter grows each day in this heav'nly union,
There is glory in my soul!
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
Ev'ry day brighter grows, and I conquer all my foes;
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
There is glory in my soul!
Since I entered Canaan on my way to heaven,
There is glory in my soul!
Since the day my life to the Lord was given,
There is glory in my soul!
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
Ev'ry day brighter grows, and I conquer all my foes;
There is glory, glory, there is glory in my soul!
There is glory in my soul!
The King and the kingdom are coming, though long has the waiting time seemed,
And oft, to the eye of the watcher, a light in the distance has gleamed,
But only to go out in darkness, and leave the heart sad as before.
Be patient a little while longer. The waiting time soon will be o'er.
The waiting time soon will be o'er, the light will soon break on that shore,
The King and the kingdom are coming, the waiting time soon will be o'er.
The crown is a thing of the future, the glory will yet be revealed,
The royal gift has not gone by thee, nor Jesus His promise repealed.
Be faithful a little while longer. The night must give place to the day.
The King and the kingdom are coming, and for their arrival we pray.
The waiting time soon will be o'er, the light will soon break on that shore,
The King and the kingdom are coming, the waiting time soon will be o'er.
Our pray'r is the pray'r of the ages, which Jesus Himself taught to men,
And thus He is pledged to performance without telling where, how, or when.
So, praying and hoping and working, in faith to each other we cry.
The King and the kingdom are coming. Keep heart, for the Lord draweth nigh.
The waiting time soon will be o'er, the light will soon break on that shore,
The King and the kingdom are coming, the waiting time soon will be o'er.
He's my Shepherd, why should I worry lest I starve and die,
Lest green pastures fail to grow, and the water-brooks to flow?
He cares for me, He bears with me, my Shepherd, Father, Savior, Friend.
He's my Father, and His smile is above me all the while;
On His word I rest secure, for His promises are sure.
He cares for me, He bears with me, my Shepherd, Father, Savior, Friend.
He's my Savior, 'twas His love brought Him from the courts above
Down to earth to die in shame, me, a sinner, to reclaim.
He cares for me, He bears with me, my Shepherd, Father, Savior, Friend.
He's my Friend, He helps me bear ev'ry burden, ev'ry care;
All my secret faults He knows, yet His love to me o'erflows.
He cares for me, He bears with me, my Shepherd, Father, Savior, Friend.
Do you fear the foe will in the conflict win?
Is it dark without you, darker still within?
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Let a little sunshine in, let a little sunshine in;
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Does your faith grow fainter in the cause you love?
Are your prayers unanswered by your God above?
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Let a little sunshine in, let a little sunshine in;
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Would you go rejoicing in the upward way,
Knowing naught of darkness, dwelling in the day?
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Let a little sunshine in, let a little sunshine in;
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door, let a little sunshine in.
Jesus, be not as a stranger, or a mere wayfaring guest.
Make my heart thy home forever. Then shall I be truly blest.
Blessed Jesus, tarry with me. Leave me not by night or day.
Be my constant strength and comfort. Guide and keep me all the way.
Tarry with us, blessed Jesus. Tell us of Thy love and grace.
Till our hearts shall burn within us, fill'd with love and joy and praise.
I am sinful, Thou art holy. I am blindness, Thou art sight.
I am weakness, Thou art power. I am darkness, Thou art light.
Blessed Jesus, tarry with me. All my wants Thou canst supply,
Light and strength and perfect cleansing, tarry with me till I die.
Tarry with us, blessed Jesus. Tell us of Thy love and grace.
Till our hearts shall burn within us, fill'd with love and joy and praise.
Shouldst Thou count the furnace needful nature's dross to purge away,
In the flames, though dumb with anguish, still my heart shall ever pray,
Blessed Jesus, tarry with me. Much I may not understand.
This I know that naught can harm me while I hold my Savior's hand.
Tarry with us, blessed Jesus. Tell us of Thy love and grace.
Till our hearts shall burn within us, fill'd with love and joy and praise.
What can we give to Jesus that He would prize the most,
That would, when known in heaven, rejoice the angel host?
Not gold, nor precious jewels, could such an off'ring be;
These were a gift unworthy of such a friend as He.
We'll give our hearts to Jesus; no gift that we could bring
Would be a better present for Christ, the children's King.
We may not govern riches, our talents may be few,
Yet surely there is something that we for Him may do.
He owns the lovely flowers, the Earth, and heav'n above;
He asks us not for riches — He only wants our love.
We'll give our hearts to Jesus; no gift that we could bring
Would be a better present for Christ, the children's King.
We know that He will take us, for He has told us so;
He'll purify and cleanse us, and wash us white as snow.
He'll always dwell within us, and make us sweet and mild,
Just like the gentle Savior, the sinless, holy Child.
We'll give our hearts to Jesus; no gift that we could bring
Would be a better present for Christ, the children's King.
On the battlefield of life, be a hero!
In its turmoil and its strife, be a hero!
Show your colors in the fight,
And with sword and armor bright,
Strike out bravely for the right, be a hero!
Be a hero! Trust in God and never fear!
Be a hero! He will help you, He is near;
On ye soldiers to the fray,
Hear the great Commander say,
"We shall surely gain the day," be a hero!
There are giants in the land, be a hero!
In the strength of Jesus stand, be a hero!
In the darkness and the light,
Fight like David for the right,
Stay the tempter in his might, be a hero!
Be a hero! Trust in God and never fear!
Be a hero! He will help you, He is near;
On ye soldiers to the fray,
Hear the great Commander say,
"We shall surely gain the day," be a hero!
When you see a brother fall, be a hero!
Lend a helping hand to all, be a hero!
In the name of Christ draw near,
Speak a word of hope and cheer,
Do what good you can while here, be a hero!
Be a hero! Trust in God and never fear!
Be a hero! He will help you, He is near;
On ye soldiers to the fray,
Hear the great Commander say,
"We shall surely gain the day," be a hero!
"Tis chill on the mountain of sin tonight,
The winds make a dreary moan;
The gathering storm-clouds shut out the light,
Thou'rt weary and all alone.
The darkness grows deeper and deeper still,
It covers the outline of vale and hill;
But list! 'tis a voice "Come, and follow me;
God's mansions are open to thee."
God's mansions are open to thee tonight,
God's mansions are open to thee;
There's death on the mountain of sin tonight,
But God's mansions are open to thee.
There's death on the mountain of sin tonight,
Thou surely must perish there;
Thou surely must sink, with no guiding light,
In numbness and chill despair.
The lightnings of conscience but show Thy soul,
'Tis lost in the wild where the storm-winds roll;
Then list to the voice! "Come, and follow me;
God's mansions are open to thee."
God's mansions are open to thee tonight,
God's mansions are open to thee;
There's death on the mountain of sin tonight,
But God's mansions are open to thee.
There's many a sin-stricken soul tonight,
Far out on the mountain path;
With nothing but drearness and death in sight,
And spent with the storm's fierce wrath.
O wanderer, saved in the Father's home,
Forget not the lost ones who blindly roam;
Go, echo the call! "Come, and follow me;
God's mansions are open to thee."
God's mansions are open to thee tonight, '
God's mansions are open to thee;
There's death on the mountain of sin tonight,
But God's mansions are open to thee.
Out of my darkness into Thy light, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my weakness unto Thy might, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Thou who restorest sight to the blind, Thou who art ever wondrously kind,
Rest from my load of sorrow to find, Jesus, I come to Thee.
Jesus, I come to Thee, Jesus, I come to Thee!
From Thy safe keeping to nevermore stray, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my starving into Thy wealth, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my sickness into Thy health, Jesus, I come to Thee!
All we can ask Thou freely dost give, biddest the soul, in dying, to live;
Pardon and grace from Thee to receive, Jesus, I come to Thee.
Jesus, I come to Thee, Jesus, I come to Thee!
From Thy safe keeping to nevermore stray, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my sorrow into Thy peace, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Knowing my joy will daily increase, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my toiling into Thy rest, here with Thy saints securely I'm blest;
With Thy great gift so richly possessed, Jesus, I come to Thee.
Jesus, I come to Thee, Jesus, I come to Thee!
From Thy safe keeping to nevermore stray, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Looking unto Jesus, as I run the Christian race;
Looking unto Jesus for supplies of daily grace;
Looking unto Jesus as I read His holy word;
Looking unto Jesus, my Redeemer and my Lord.
Looking unto Jesus, looking ev'ry day;
Looking unto Jesus, to Him who is the way,
Looking unto Jesus in the conflict and the strife,
Looking unto Jesus ev'ry moment of my life.
Looking unto Jesus when I feel the sting of sin;
Looking unto Jesus for His cleansing pow'r within;
Looking unto Jesus for a peace without alloy,
Looking unto Jesus for a never ending joy.
Looking unto Jesus, looking ev'ry day;
Looking unto Jesus, to Him who is the way,
Looking unto Jesus in the conflict and the strife,
Looking unto Jesus ev'ry moment of my life.
Looking unto Jesus, singing sweetly as I go;
Looking unto Jesus till I quit this vale below;
Looking unto Jesus when immortal I shall rise,
Looking unto Jesus for a home beyond the skies.
Looking unto Jesus, looking ev'ry day;
Looking unto Jesus, to Him who is the way,
Looking unto Jesus in the conflict and the strife,
Looking unto Jesus ev'ry moment of my life.
O sweet is the story of Jesus, the wonderful Savior of men,
Who suffered and died for the sinner,— I'll tell it again and again!
O wonderful, wonderful story, the dearest that ever was told;
I'll repeat it in glory, the wonderful story, where I shall His beauty behold.
He came from the brightest of glory; His blood as a ransom He gave,
To purchase eternal redemption; and, O He is mighty to save!
O wonderful, wonderful story, the dearest that ever was told;
I'll repeat it in glory, the wonderful story, where I shall His beauty behold.
His mercy flows like a river; His love is unmeasured and free;
His grace is forever sufficient, it reaches and purifies me.
O wonderful, wonderful story, the dearest that ever was told;
I'll repeat it in glory, the wonderful story, where I shall His beauty behold.
Happy in the Savior we are marching on to glory,
Singing hallelujah to the Lamb of Calvary!
All along the way to others, telling out the story
"Jesus lives, He lives! behold the year of jubilee."
Praise Him! Praise Him! Beautiful strains of music bring;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Love and adore the King!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Let the redeemed of Zion sing
Until all the world shall know and love the Lord.
Clouds and darkness, sin and error — see them disappearing,
As the hosts of Israel advance in proud array;
Hark! the bugle notes of the millennium is nearing,
Glory hallelujah! let us watch, and fight, and pray!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Beautiful strains of music bring;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Love and adore the King!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Let the redeemed of Zion sing
Until all the world shall know and love the Lord.
Faith will bring the victory! rejoice the day is breaking;
Floods of golden glory now illuminate the sky!
Mighty songs of triumph from the Babel din awaking,
Herald now the glory that is coming by and by.
Praise Him! Praise Him! Beautiful strains of music bring;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Love and adore the King!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Let the redeemed of Zion sing
Until all the world shall know and love the Lord.
I'm pressing on the upward way,
New heights I'm gaining ev'ry day;
Still praying as I onward bound,
"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."
Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
By faith, on heaven's table-land;
A higher plane than I have found.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where these abound,
My prayer, my aim is higher ground.
Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
By faith, on heaven's table-land;
A higher plane than I have found.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
I want to live above the world,
Though Satan's darts are at me hurled.
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.
Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
By faith, on heaven's table-land;
A higher plane than I have found.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found,
"Lord, lead me on to higher ground."
Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
By faith, on heaven's table-land;
A higher plane than I have found.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
"Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand" was changed to
"Lord, lift me up and let me stand" in later printings.
I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully He proffers me;
I tremble to know that for me He was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, He suffered, He bled and died.
Oh, it is wonderful that He should care for me,
Enough to die for me! Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
I marvel that He would descend from His throne divine,
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine;
That He should extend His great love unto such as I,
Sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify.
Oh, it is wonderful that He should care for me,
Enough to die for me! Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
I think of His hands, peirced and bleeding, to pay the debt!
Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy-seat,
Until at the glorified throne I kneel at His feet.
Oh, it is wonderful that He should care for me,
Enough to die for me! Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
How sad the night, how drear the way that darkly led to Calvary;
For hope and faith remained no room,
And trusting hearts were wrapt in gloom,
For Jesus lay within the tomb, He, crucified on Calvary:
For Jesus lay within the tomb, He, crucified on Calvary.
On Calvary, on Calvary, He, crucified on Calvary!
For Jesus lay within the tomb, He, crucified on Calvary.
Behold, a light more fair than day shines brightly forth from Calvary;
The terrors of the grave are past,
Death could not hold the Savior fast!
He lives, the King of Death at last, and glorifies dark Calvary;
He lives, the King of Death at last, and glorifies dark Calvary.
Dark Calvary, dark Calvary, He glorifies dark Calvary!
He lives, the King of Death at last, and glorifies dark Calvary.
Aglow with light shall ever be the way that leads to Calvary;
Upon the thorns sweet flow'rs repose,
And faith and hope their joy disclose!
Since Jesus from the dead arose, how blessed is our Calvary;
Since Jesus from the dead arose, how blessed is our Calvary.
Our Calvary, our Calvery, how blessed is our Calvary!
Since Jesus from the dead arose, how blessed is our Calvary.
That is how the Father gave — freely, freely, freely;
That's how Jesus came to save — freely, freely, freely.
'Twas His mercy took us in; dark indeed our lot had been,
Had He not atoned for sin — freely, freely, freely.
So to Him ourselves we give — freely, freely, freely;
For His sake henceforth to live — freely, freely, freely.
Lord, our selfishness destroy! Time, and strength, and wealth, and joy,
For Thy cause will we employ — freely, freely, freely.
Let the living waters flow — freely, freely, freely;
Let the gospel message go — freely, freely, freely.
That's a glorious work to do, to the Great Commission true;
Give as He has given you — freely, freely, freely.
While across the sunset portals, glowing in the radiant west,
Twilight draw her purple curtain, and the world seeks peace and rest,
While the stars are faintly twinkling, one by one in heaven's dome,
Sing, oh friend of mine, to cheer me, sing me songs of rest and home.
Songs of rest, songs of home, when in exile far we roam,
Songs of all that cheer and gladden,
Are the songs of rest and home, sweet home.
Weary is my heart with longing for the joys I may not share,
And my fettered soul is restless, 'neath its chains of grief and care,
But upon the breath of evening, soft are wafted though the gloom,
Low and sweet, like heav'nly echoes, tender songs of rest and home.
Songs of rest, songs of home, when in exile far we roam,
Songs of all that cheer and gladden,
Are the songs of rest and home, sweet home.
Then my fainting soul grows stronger, drooping hope revives again,
I can praise the loving Father, for the ministry of pain,
And I find my sad heart dreaming, of a brighter day to come,
As I listen in the twilight, to those songs of rest and home.
Songs of rest, songs of home, when in exile far we roam,
Songs of all that cheer and gladden,
Are the songs of rest and home, sweet home.
When life's sunset shadows lengthen slowly into silent night,
When from bonds of earth escaping, wings my soul its homeward flight,
When the last faint ray is fading, may I 'mid death's gath'ring gloom,
Hear the angel voices singing, welcome songs of rest and home.
Songs of rest, songs of home, when in exile far we roam,
Songs of all that cheer and gladden,
Are the songs of rest and home, sweet home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home,
Prepare us dear Savior, for home, sweet, sweet home.
When all my labors and trials are o'er,
And I am safe on that beautiful shore,
Just to be near the dear Lord I adore,
Will through the ages be glory for me.
O that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory for me.
When, by the gift of His infinite grace,
I am accorded in heaven a place,
Just to be there and to look on His face,
Will through the ages be glory for me.
O that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory for me.
Friends will be there I have lost long ago;
Joy like a river around me will flow;
Yet, just a smile from my Savior, I know,
Will through the ages be glory for me.
O that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory for me.
So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my King,
His praise all the day long with rapture I sing;
To Him in my weakness for strength I can cling,
For He is so precious to me.
For He is so precious to me, for He is so precious to me;
'Tis heaven below My Redeemer to know, for He is so precious to me.
He stood at my heart's door 'mid sunshine and rain,
And patiently waited an entrance to gain;
What shame that so long He entreated in vain,
For He is so precious to me.
For He is so precious to me, for He is so precious to me;
'Tis heaven below My Redeemer to know, for He is so precious to me.
I stand on the mountain of blessing at last,
No cloud in the heavens a shadow to cast;
His smile is upon me, the valley is past,
For He is so precious to me.
For He is so precious to me, for He is so precious to me;
'Tis heaven below My Redeemer to know, for He is so precious to me.
I praise Him because He appointed a place
Where, some day, through faith in His wonderful grace,
I know I shall see Him — shall look on His face,
For He is so precious to me.
For He is so precious to me, for He is so precious to me;
'Tis heaven below My Redeemer to know, for He is so precious to me.
We may lighten toil and care, or a heavy burden share,
With a word, a kindly word, or sunny smile;
We may girdle day and night with a halo of delight,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
Keep the heart singing all the while;
Make the world brighter with a smile;
Keep the song ringing! lonely hours we may beguile,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
If His love is in the soul, and we yield to His control,
Sweetest music will the lonely hours beguile;
We may drive the clouds away, cheer and bless the darkest day,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
Keep the heart singing all the while;
Make the world brighter with a smile;
Keep the song ringing! lonely hours we may beguile,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
How a word of love will cheer, kindle hope, and banish fear,
Soothe a pain, or take away the sting of guile;
Oh, how much we all may do, in the world we travel through,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
Keep the heart singing all the while;
Make the world brighter with a smile;
Keep the song ringing! lonely hours we may beguile,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
I think God gives the children, as through the land they go,
The most delightful mission that anyone can know;
He wants us to be sunbeams of love, and hope, and cheer,
To brighten up the shadows that often gather here.
O we are little sunbeams, sent down from God to man;
In all life's shady places we shine as best we can.
The clouds may hide the sunshine of heaven from our sight,
And life have much of sorrow to mar the heart's delight;
But if like faithful sunbeams, we children do our part,
We'll bring a ray of brightness to ev'ry shadowed heart.
O we are little sunbeams, sent down from God to man;
In all life's shady places we shine as best we can.
The let us live our mission of sunbeams day by day,
And scatter joy and brightness about us all the way;
Let's chase away life's shadows with loving thought and deed,
And be the sunshine-makers of which the world has need.
O we are little sunbeams, sent down from God to man;
In all life's shady places we shine as best we can.
You ask me how I gave my heart to Christ? O yes, I know!
There came a yearning in my soul for Him, so long ago.
I found earth's fairest flow'rs would fade and die;
I wept for something that would satisfy;
And in my grief, somehow, I seemed to dare
To lift my broken heart to Him in prayer.
O yes, I know! And I can tell you how;
I know, I know He is my Savior now.
You ask me when I gave my heart to Christ? Yes, I can tell!
The day, and just the hour, indeed, I now remember well.
It was when I was struggling all alone,
The light of His forgiving Spirit shone
Into my heart all clouded o'er with sin,
That I unlocked the door and let Him in.
O yes, I know! And I can tell you when;
I know, I know He is so dear since then.
You ask me where I gave my heart to Christ? Yes, I can say!
That sacred place can never fade from sight, as yesterday.
Perhaps He thought it better I should not
Forget the place, for I should love the spot;
And until I behold Him face to face,
'Twill be to me, on earth, the dearest place.
O yes, I know! And I can tell you where;
I know, I know He came and blessed me there.
In a manger a Baby slept, while the angels a vigil kept
O'er the Child that was heaven-born, born to Earth that Christmas morn.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, do not weep;
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Nowhere else for Him room was found! There He lay, while about, around,
Surging, noisy, the people swept, all the while this Baby slept.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, do not weep;
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Who was He? 'twas the Lord of all, born to Earth in a lonely stall!
Holy angels a lullaby sang unto Him from on high.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, do not weep;
Sleep, sleep, sleep, angels keep
Watch on high; bye o bye, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Awake! awake! and sing the blessed story;
Awake! awake! and let your song of praise arise:
Awake! awake! the earth is full of glory,
And light is beaming from the radiant skies;
The rocks and rills, the vales and hills resound with gladness,
All nature joins to sing the triumph song.
The Lord Jehovah reigns and sin is backward hurled!
Rejoice! rejoice! lift heart and voice, Jehovah reigns!
Proclaim His sov'reign pow'r to all the world,
And let His glorious banner be unfurled!
Jehovah reigns! Rejoice! rejoice! rejoice! Jehovah reigns!
Ring out! ring out! O bells of joy and gladness!
Repeat! repeat! anew the story o'er again,
Till all the earth shall lose its weight of sadness,
And shout anew the glorious refrain;
With angels in the heights sing of the great salvation
He wrested from the hand of sin and death.
The Lord Jehovah reigns and sin is backward hurled!
Rejoice! rejoice! lift heart and voice, Jehovah reigns!
Proclaim His sov'reign pow'r to all the world,
And let His glorious banner be unfurled!
Jehovah reigns! Rejoice! rejoice! rejoice! Jehovah reigns!
In loving kindness Jesus came, my soul in mercy to reclaim,
And from the depths of sin and shame through grace He lifted me.
From sinking sand He lifted me, with tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light, O praise His name, He lifted me!
He called me long before I heard, before my sinful heart was stirred,
But when I took Him at His word, forgiv'n He lifted me.
From sinking sand He lifted me, with tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light, O praise His name, He lifted me!
His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn,
When from my guilt and grief, forlorn, in love He lifted me.
From sinking sand He lifted me, with tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light, O praise His name, He lifted me!
Now on a higher plane I dwell, and with my soul I know 'tis well;
Yet how or why, I cannot tell, He should have lifted me.
From sinking sand He lifted me, with tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light, O praise His name, He lifted me!
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely and long for Heav'n and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free,
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
"Let not your heart be troubled," His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears:
Though by the path He leadeth but one step I may see:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free,
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Whenever I am tempted, whenever doubts arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He cares for me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He cares for me.
I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free,
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean.
How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! how wonderful is my Savior's love for me!
For me it was in the garden He prayed: "Not My will, but Thine;"
He had no tears for His own griefs, but sweat-drops of blood for mine.
How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! how wonderful is my Savior's love for me!
In pity angels beheld Him, and came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows He bore for my soul that night.
How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! how wonderful is my Savior's love for me!
He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calv'ry, and suffered, and died alone.
How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! how wonderful is my Savior's love for me!
When with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see,
'Twill be my joy through the ages to sing of His love for me.
How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! how wonderful is my Savior's love for me!
Growing up for Jesus, in His vineyard fair,
Ever watched and tended by His loving care.
Tender little branches, growing up for Thee;
Fruitful vines, dear Master, we would like to be.
Keep us free, dear Jesus, from sin's hurtful weeds;
Prune us, Lord, and train us, care for all our needs!
Tender little branches, growing up for Thee;
Fruitful vines, dear Master, we would like to be.
Gentle, kind, and loving, Savior, may we be;
Thou alone canst help us bear "much fruit" for Thee.
Tender little branches, growing up for Thee;
Fruitful vines, dear Master, we would like to be.
"Hosanna!" sang the children in Zion long ago,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
And still we come rejoicing, and sing with hearts aglow,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna in the highest! exultant notes we raise
Amid the bloom and brightness of all our golden days;
O let the air re-echo with ringing songs of praise,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Not words alone we offer to please the Lord above,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
Our lives shall swell the chorus with melodies of love,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
And while life's early morning is sparkling with the dew,
And joy's bright blossoms open beneath the sunny blue,
We'll seek the blessed Master, His gracious steps pursue;
Hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna in the highest, upon this joyful day,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
The palms of faithful service before Him we will lay,
Hosanna to our Savior King!
The flow'rs we freely scatter, love-ministries will be;
Wherever is the needy, the Master's face we see;
To happy fields of labor He calleth you and me;
Hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to our Savior King!
Behold! One cometh in the way, in humble garments clad;
The poorest of the poor is He, no pillow for His head.
The hungry, weary, sick and sad in crowds about Him press, —
To ev'ry one He gives relief, — What manner of man is this?
It is Jesus, it is Jesus, the Man of Galilee;
It is Jesus, blessed Jesus, Who died on Calvary.
What words of truth and grace He speaks, ne'er heard on earth before;
The burdened sinner hears that voice, and feels his sins no more.
He calls the dead to life again, bids winds and billows cease, —
None other man such works hath done, — What manner of man is this?
It is Jesus, it is Jesus, the Man of Galilee;
It is Jesus, blessed Jesus, Who died on Calvary.
They lead Him forth to Calvary, — O see Him bleed and die!
His parched lips are pleading now for those who crucify!
His head is bowed, the cup has passed, His Spirit finds release. —
He suffered thus for you and me, — What manner of man is this?
It is Jesus, it is Jesus, the Man of Galilee;
It is Jesus, blessed Jesus, Who died on Calvary.
But lo! what wondrous thing is done? The grave has lost its dead!
To weeping ones He reappears, when all their hopes had fled.
He lingers but a little while, to comfort and to bless;
The Heav'ns receive Him from their sight, — What manner of man is this?
It is Jesus, it is Jesus, the Man of Galilee;
It is Jesus, blessed Jesus, Who died on Calvary.
When the joyous spring-time fills the earth and air,
And its breath of perfume scatters gloom and care,
From their earth-beds waking, 'neath the sun and dew,
Pure, sweet thoughts of heaven the lilies bring to you.
Lilies, lilies, pure and white, lilies, lilies, fair and bright,
Lilies, lilies, precious sight, teaching love and duty;
Lilies, lilies, fair to greet, lilies, lilies, fragrant, sweet,
Lilies, lilies, so complete, blooming in their beauty.
When the golden sunbeams fall with kisses sweet,
And the birds of spring-time notes of love repeat,
Then the graceful lilies, stately, rare and tall,
Come with tender greeting in answer to their call.
Lilies, lilies, pure and white, lilies, lilies, fair and bright,
Lilies, lilies, precious sight, teaching love and duty;
Lilies, lilies, fair to greet, lilies, lilies, fragrant, sweet,
Lilies, lilies, so complete, blooming in their beauty.
When each bud and blossom lifts its smiling face,
And the slender blossoms twine with gentle grace,
Then the snowy lilies tell of hope and love
In their fragrant message brought down from heav'n above.
Lilies, lilies, pure and white, lilies, lilies, fair and bright,
Lilies, lilies, precious sight, teaching love and duty;
Lilies, lilies, fair to greet, lilies, lilies, fragrant, sweet,
Lilies, lilies, so complete, blooming in their beauty.
We are soldiers, little soldiers, fighting for our King and Lord;
Ev'ry time we win a battle, He has promised a reward;
He has promised ev'ry soldier, if they dare the right to do,
Promised them a crown of glory, if they fight the battle through.
So we march, march away, not a moment's delay,
'Neath our banner bright, for God and right, we're sure to win the day.
We are soldiers, little soldiers, bravely fighting ev'ry sin;
With our Savior for our Captain we shall all our battles win;
He has promised, if we ask Him, He will help us day by day;
So we'll bravely march to battle, praying, singing all the way.
So we march, march away, not a moment's delay,
'Neath our banner bright, for God and right, we're sure to win the day.
When at last the fight is over, and we've reached the heav'nly shore,
We shall hear our Savior saying, "Rest, my soldiers, evermore;
You have bravely fought my battles, bravely fought and nobly won,
Enter into joys eternal, soldiers of the Lord, well done!"
So we march, march away, not a moment's delay,
'Neath our banner bright, for God and right, we're sure to win the day.
I must needs go home by the way of the cross,
There's no other way but this;
I shall ne'er get sight of the Gates of Light,
If the way of the cross I miss.
The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home;
It is sweet to know, as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.
I must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way,
The path that the Savior trod,
If I ever climb to the heights sublime,
Where the soul is at home with God.
The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home;
It is sweet to know, as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.
Then I bid farewell to the way of the world,
To walk in it never more;
For my Lord says "Come," and I seek my home,
Where He waits at the open door.
The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home;
It is sweet to know, as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.
How sweet is the love of my Savior! 'Tis boundless and deep as the sea;
And best of it all, it is daily growing sweeter and sweeter to me.
Sweeter and sweeter to me, dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior, growing dearer each step of my way!
I know He is ever beside me! Eternity only will prove
The height and the depth of His mercy, and the breadth of His infinite love.
Sweeter and sweeter to me, dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior, growing dearer each step of my way!
Wherever He leads I will follow, through sorrow, or shadow, or sun;
And though I be tried in the furnace, I can say, "Lord, Thy will be it done."
Sweeter and sweeter to me, dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior, growing dearer each step of my way!
Some day face to face I shall see Him, and oh, what a joy it will be
To know that His love, now so precious, will forever grow sweeter to me!
Sweeter and sweeter to me, dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior, growing dearer each step of my way!
Hear the tramp, tramp, tramp of the Sunday-School Brigade,
Whether rain or shine we are always on parade;
By our Savior led, in the sunshine of His love,
We are marching on to the land of joy above.
Marching on, on, on, on to glory, making known the blessed story;
There is joy, joy, joy for each girl and boy, in the Sunday-School Brigade.
With the cross held high in the blessed gospel light,
Eyes aglow with love, as the sun our banner bright;
Dreading not the storm, fearing not the waiting foe,
Singing songs of praise, on and on with Christ we go.
Marching on, on, on, on to glory, making known the blessed story;
There is joy, joy, joy for each girl and boy, in the Sunday-School Brigade.
Hear the tramp, tramp, tramp of the Sunday-School Brigade,
We would win that crown which will never, never fade;
We will trust our King, wheresoever be the way,
We will follow Him to the realm of endless day.
Marching on, on, on, on to glory, making known the blessed story;
There is joy, joy, joy for each girl and boy, in the Sunday-School Brigade.
Little bells of Christmas, hear us gaily ring,
Chiming out the story of the Baby King;
Coming through the starlight to a manger low,
While the world lay sleeping 'neath the moon's pale glow.
Ring, ring, ring, yes, with joy we gladly ring;
Hail! all hail! to the little Infant King;
Chime, chime, chime, in a merry song we chime;
"Wake up, little people, 'tis the Christmas time."
Little bells of Christmas through the whole long year
Should be ever ready with their notes of cheer;
Little bits of gladness from the angel song,
Lifting Earth to heaven, making weak hearts strong.
Ring, ring, ring, yes, with joy we gladly ring;
Hail! all hail! to the little Infant King;
Chime, chime, chime, in a merry song we chime;
"Wake up, little people, 'tis the Christmas time."
Little bells of Christmas pealing in His name,
Who to bless and save us, to this old world came,
Ringing happy praises as the days go by,
"Glory without ceasing, unto God most high.
Ring, ring, ring, yes, with joy we gladly ring;
Hail! all hail! to the little Infant King;
Chime, chime, chime, in a merry song we chime;
"Wake up, little people, 'tis the Christmas time."
Three colors has the nation's flag our hearts delight to see,
The Red, and White, and starry Blue, our pledge of liberty.
O Red, White, and Blue, our colors so true,
An emblem fair of heav'nly things, to help us on our way;
O Red, White, and Blue, the old and the new,
Our banner of gladness, we hail it today!
Red speaks to us of Jesus' blood for all the whole world shed,
That we might rise to life and light, through Him who once was dead.
O Red, White, and Blue, our colors so true,
An emblem fair of heav'nly things, to help us on our way;
O Red, White, and Blue, the old and the new,
Our banner of gladness, we hail it today!
White tells of those who, pure in heart, shall see the Savior's face,
And in His likeness daily grow, in heaven's holy place.
O Red, White, and Blue, our colors so true,
An emblem fair of heav'nly things, to help us on our way;
O Red, White, and Blue, the old and the new,
Our banner of gladness, we hail it today!
Blue tells us of the faithful ones who like the stars shall be,
Bright jewels in the Victor's crown, through all eternity.
O Red, White, and Blue, our colors so true,
An emblem fair of heav'nly things, to help us on our way;
O Red, White, and Blue, the old and the new,
Our banner of gladness, we hail it today!
What is sweeter, tell me, than a pretty rose?
Fragrant in its beauty, loveliest flow'r that grows.
Rose, rose, rose, prettiest flow'r that grows,
Emblem of love that came from heaven,
Through which a Savior, Christ, was given;
Rose, rose, rose, not till the whole world knows
Of my dear Savior King, will I cease to sing,
Sweet rose, rose, rose.
If a rose could whisper, could it, think you, tell
Of that blessed country where the angels dwell?
Rose, rose, rose, prettiest flow'r that grows,
Emblem of love that came from heaven,
Through which a Savior, Christ, was given;
Rose, rose, rose, not till the whole world knows
Of my dear Savior King, will I cease to sing,
Sweet rose, rose, rose.
Jesus, keep me ever like unto this flow'r,
Pure and sweet and modest, ev'ry day and hour.
Rose, rose, rose, prettiest flow'r that grows,
Emblem of love that came from heaven,
Through which a Savior, Christ, was given;
Rose, rose, rose, not till the whole world knows
Of my dear Savior King, will I cease to sing,
Sweet rose, rose, rose.
At the set of sun, when the work is done,
With all its tangled web;
When the clouds drift low, and the stream runs slow,
And our life is at its ebb;
As we near the goal, when the golden bowl
Shall be broken at its fount;
With the sweetest thought shall the hour be fraught;
What the dearest shall we count?
At the set of sun, when the work is done,
With all its tangled web;
When the clouds drift low, and the stream runs slow,
And our life is at its ebb.
Not the flame of sword, nor the wealth we've stored
In fading things of Earth;
Not the way we've trod, nor the learning broad —
Though that were of precious worth, —
Nor the gain achieved through the hearts we've grieved,
And left helpless by the way;
Nor the wreath of fame, when, for such acclaim,
We have toiled amid the fray.
At the set of sun, when the work is done,
With all its tangled web;
When the clouds drift low, and the stream runs slow,
And our life is at its ebb.
Ah! it is not these giveth us heart's-ease,
When life sinks in the west,
But the passing thought of the good we've wrought,
Or a saddened life we've blest.
And the love we've won now is beck'ning on
From His islands far and dim;
Love, the beacon light, shining into night,
Is the lamp that leads to Him.
At the set of sun, when the work is done,
With all its tangled web;
When the clouds drift low, and the stream runs slow,
And our life is at its ebb.
Upon a wide and stormy sea,
Thou'rt sailing to eternity,
And thy great Adm'ral orders thee: "Sail on! sail on! sail on!"
Sail on! sail on! the storms will soon be past,
The darkness will not always last:
Sail on! sail on! God lives and He commands: "Sail on! sail on!"
Art far from shore, and weary-worn,
The sky o'ercast, thy canvas torn?
Hark ye! a voice to thee is borne: "Sail on! sail on! sail on!"
Sail on! sail on! the storms will soon be past,
The darkness will not always last:
Sail on! sail on! God lives and He commands: "Sail on! sail on!"
Do comrades tremble and refuse
To further dare the taunting hues?
No other course is thine to choose, sail on! sail on! sail on!
Sail on! sail on! the storms will soon be past,
The darkness will not always last:
Sail on! sail on! God lives and He commands: "Sail on! sail on!"
Do snarling waves thy craft assail?
Art pow'rless, drifting with the gale?
Take heart! God's word shall never fail! Sail on! sail on! sail on!
Sail on! sail on! the storms will soon be past,
The darkness will not always last:
Sail on! sail on! God lives and He commands: "Sail on! sail on!"
I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea,
For, come what may, from day to day,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
He makes the rose an object of his care,
He guides the eagle through the pathless air,
And surely He remembers me,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, for, in the lion's den,
On battlefield, or in the prison pen,
Through praise or blame, through flood or flame,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
The valley may be dark, the shadows deep,
But O, the Shepherd guards His lonely sheep;
And through the gloom He'll lead me home,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
There was pow'r, O Lord, in the days of old,
To kindle a fire in hearts grown cold;
That we on Thy word may now lay hold,
Lord, send that pow'r again.
Lord, send the pow'r again,
O send the pow'r again!
We believe on Thy name,
And Thy promise we claim,
Lord, send the pow'r again.
There was pow'r by which ev'ry tongue could speak,
New life-giving pow'r unto the weak,
That sent them the wand'ring ones to seek —
Lord, send that pow'r again.
Lord, send the pow'r again,
O send the pow'r again!
We believe on Thy name,
And Thy promise we claim,
Lord, send the pow'r again.
There was pow'r to set ev'ry captive free
and give to Thy servants liberty
To speak and to pray and work for Thee —
Lord, send that pow'r again.
Lord, send the pow'r again,
O send the pow'r again!
We believe on Thy name,
And Thy promise we claim,
Lord, send the pow'r again.
There was pow'r, O lord, in the old-time pray'r;
It thrilled ev'ry heart and lingered there,
Till we in Thy glory seemed to share —
Lord, send that pow'r again.
Lord, send the pow'r again,
O send the pow'r again!
We believe on Thy name,
And Thy promise we claim,
Lord, send the pow'r again.
Lord, as of old at Pentecost Thou didst Thy pow'r display,
With cleansing, purifying flame descend on us today.
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power!
Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide!
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power,
That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified!
For mighty works for Thee prepare, and strengthen ev'ry heart;
Come, take possession of Thine own, and nevermore depart.
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power!
Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide!
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power,
That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified!
All self consume, all sin destroy! With earnest zeal endue
Each waiting heart to work for Thee; O Lord, our faith renew!
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power!
Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide!
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power,
That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified!
Speak, Lord! before Thy throne we wait, Thy promise we believe,
And will not let Thee go until the blessing we receive.
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power!
Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide!
Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power,
That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified!
Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar,
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
Let not narrow self your way debar,
Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
Here reflect the Bright and Morning Star,
Even from your humble hand the bread of life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Come ye whose souls delight in the marvelous King of love,
And send today an anthem of joy to the throne above;
His grace has made us happy and free from the bonds of sin,
And if we still rely on His grace we shall surely win.
Praise Him, ye servants of His, anthems outpour in His praise;
Gathered today in His glorious Presence hosannas gladly raise;
Honor His wonderful name, sing of His love o'er and o'er;
With the glad angels of heaven extol Him forever and ever more.
His love is lifting nations and tribes over all the earth,
And all the world should now be extolling His boundless worth;
Our King is He, the Ruler who came from His throne above
And bled and died to show to the sinner His wondrous love.
Praise Him, ye servants of His, anthems outpour in His praise;
Gathered today in His glorious Presence hosannas gladly raise;
Honor His wonderful name, sing of His love o'er and o'er;
With the glad angels of heaven extol Him forever and ever more.
Oh, sing today, with voices of gladness, a sweet new song,
And praise His name till mountains and valleys His praise prolong;
Repeat with joy love's marvelous story till life be past,
That we may see our glorious King on His throne at last.
Praise Him, ye servants of His, anthems outpour in His praise;
Gathered today in His glorious Presence hosannas gladly raise;
Honor His wonderful name, sing of His love o'er and o'er;
With the glad angels of heaven extol Him forever and ever more.
Looking on the bright side, trusting all to Him,
Leaning on the Savior when the light is dim,
Though the way be thorny and the mountains steep,
Looking on the bright side, God the soul will keep.
Looking on the bright side all along the way,
Soon we'll see the shadows merging into day;
Looking on the bright side, see all bane and blight,
Care and pain and sorrow passing out of sight.
Looking on the bright side, ev'ry passing day,
We can cheer a trav'ler on the narrow way,
We can tell the story, tell of Him our Guide,
Who was for a world of sinners crucified.
Looking on the bright side all along the way,
Soon we'll see the shadows merging into day;
Looking on the bright side, see all bane and blight,
Care and pain and sorrow passing out of sight.
Looking on the bright side, though the shadows fall,
God, within the shadow watcheth over all,
He is near His children, shields from ev'ry foe,
Gives them peace and comfort in this world below.
Looking on the bright side all along the way,
Soon we'll see the shadows merging into day;
Looking on the bright side, see all bane and blight,
Care and pain and sorrow passing out of sight.
What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought
Since Jesus came into my heart;
I have light in my soul for which long I had sought,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart;
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
I have ceased from my wand'ring and going astray,
Since Jesus came into my heart;
And my sins which were many are all washed away,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart;
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
I'm possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure,
Since Jesus came into my heart;
And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart;
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
There's a light in the valley of death now for me,
Since Jesus came into my heart;
And the gates of the City beyond I can see,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart;
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
I shall go there to dwell in that City I know,
Since Jesus came into my heart;
And I'm happy, so happy as onward I go,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart;
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
The promised pow'r of long ago is here today, is here today;
With Pentecostal flame aglow the Spirit's sway
Is saving men all o'er the land to follow in the Lord's command.
The long promised pow'r, the Pentecost hour, is here today, is here today;
The Spirit of burning, to God men are turning, to work and pray!
Unanswered pray'rs of other days are heard at last, are heard at last;
And God has come in wondrous grace — the night is past;
For Jesus in His wondrous way is winning men to Him today.
The long promised pow'r, the Pentecost hour, is here today, is here today;
The Spirit of burning, to God men are turning, to work and pray!
The gift of God — salvation's peace, is ev'rywhere, is ev'rywhere;
The shouts of joy from Sin's release ring far and near;
And He who was for sinners slain has come in hearts and lives to reign.
The long promised pow'r, the Pentecost hour, is here today, is here today;
The Spirit of burning, to God men are turning, to work and pray!
Great is the Lord God, our mighty Redeemer, our glorious King!
I will extol Him, and publish His glory in ev'rything;
To Him in times of defeat for the victory I will cling,
Mighty One, Jehovah-Jireh, faithful to keep and provide.
Honor Jehovah-Jireh whate'er betide, He will provide;
Unto our great Messiah, hail! In His pavilion we safely may hide;
Great and mighty is He; through Him we shall be free
For ever, and ever, and ever!
I will at all times rejoice and be glad as I sing His praise;
I will make known His great love and His mercy through all my days,
To all the world I will tell of His wonderful works and ways,
Mighty One, Jehovah-Jireh, faithful to keep and provide.
Honor Jehovah-Jireh whate'er betide, He will provide;
Unto our great Messiah, hail! In His pavilion we safely may hide;
Great and mighty is He; through Him we shall be free
For ever, and ever, and ever!
I will praise Him, praise Him, all earth with His majesty rings!
While I live I will praise Him, praise Him, our Jehovah, the King of kings!
"Jehovah-Jireh", meaning "God will see or provide", occurs once in the Bible,
in Genesis 22:14.
If your own sorrows you want to forget,
Make somebody happy today.
If in your heart you would know no regret,
Make somebody happy today.
Others near by you may be in despair,
Struggling 'neath crosses so heavy to bear.
They may take heart, if you show that you care.
Make somebody happy today.
Make somebody happy today.
O sing a glad song on your way.
The good that you do brings blessing to you.
Make somebody happy today.
If you seek pleasure no trouble can mar,
Make somebody happy today.
You'll find it waiting you, right where you are.
Make somebody happy today.
Is your life darkened by hopes that were vain?
Go help another his goal to attain!
What you have lost, by your help he may gain.
Make somebody happy today.
Make somebody happy today.
O sing a glad song on your way.
The good that you do brings blessing to you.
Make somebody happy today.
Do not complain that you've nothing to give.
Make somebody happy today.
Do your whole duty, and preach as you live.
Make somebody happy today.
Though you have only a smile, or a flow'r,
Give it, and speak of His love, of His pow'r.
You may cheer many a pain-weary hour.
Make somebody happy today.
Make somebody happy today.
O sing a glad song on your way.
The good that you do brings blessing to you.
Make somebody happy today.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior, Who gavest Thy life for me,
No room in my heart for pleasures that have not their trust in Thee;
Earth has no abiding city, — not here is my place of rest, —
I seek for a brighter country, a home with the pure and blest.
And oh, when my course is finished, And victor's palm I wave,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save.
The world like a dream will vanish, the hope like the years decay,
Its beauties like dewy blossoms will wither and pass away;
But Thou wilt abide unchanging, my sure defense wilt be;
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I'm trusting alone in Thee.
And oh, when my course is finished, and victor's palm I wave,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save.
O what are the toils and labors, the crosses that now I bear,
Compared with the crown immortal laid up for my soul to wear?
'Twill matter to me but little what conflicts I have passed,
If, after the strife is ended, I rest at Thy feet at last.
And oh, when my course is finished, and victor's palm I wave,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save,
To Thee will I give the glory, O Thou, who art mighty to save.
Though the road may be rough where He leads me,
Still His footprints I plainly can trace,
And the trials I meet with seem nothing,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
When I look in His face, His wonderful face,
In heaven, that beautiful place!
All the hardships of earth will seem nothing,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
So I keep my eyes fixed upon Jesus,
While I'm running life's wearisome race;
I'll forget the hard pathway I traveled,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
When I look in His face, His wonderful face,
In heaven, that beautiful place!
All the hardships of earth will seem nothing,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
Though the shadows around me may gather,
Safe I rest in my Lord's "secret place."
For I know there'll be glorious sunshine,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
When I look in His face, His wonderful face,
In heaven, that beautiful place!
All the hardships of earth will seem nothing,
When I look in my dear Savior's face.
Should the stars in your service flag turn to gold,
If from somewhere in France comes the message you fear,
Should the anguish of death on your heart be rolled,
Creep close to God and you will hear
His great heart throbbing, as soft and low
He whispers: "Child, I know, I know!
"Your very best for the world you've done:
"I, also, gave my beloved Son, I, also, gave my beloved Son."
Like a beacon in Bethlehem's midnight sky
Gleamed a Star, while a wonderful chorus rang.
Though the angels could see cruel Calvary,
Yet how glad and sweet was the song they sang!
And so God's whisper comes soft and low:
"Ah, child, dear child, I know, I know!
"Your very best for the world you've done:
"I, also, gave my beloved Son, I, also, gave my beloved Son."
Should the stars in your service flag turn to gold,
The stars in the sky will reflect the brave story,
And as long as truth lives, the tale will be told
By the gleam of the pure shining stars in Old Glory!
O listen and hear God whisper low:
"Yes, child, dear child, I know, I know!
"Your very best for the world you've done:
"I, also, gave my beloved Son, I, also, gave my beloved Son."
words by Chas. H. Gabriel, music by Homer A. Rodeheaver
You have gone to fight our battles
In the trenches "over there".
You have left your home and country
For the war-torn world "somewhere".
Though we may not stand beside you,
As the days of trial come,
Yet as mothers, sweethearts, brothers,
We'll be waiting when you come back home.
We'll be waiting when you come back home,
With a welcome you will understand.
We'll be waiting when you come back home
From your service in a foreign land.
You will find the home-lights burning,
And each loyal home-heart yearning
For the day of your returning.
We'll be waiting when you come back home.
Next your heart you wear a picture
Of the one you know is true.
Be it mother, sweetheart, sister,
They still love and pray for you.
In the trenches, sick or wounded,
Thoughts to you will always roam,
And with old-time true affection
They'll be waiting when you came back home.
We'll be waiting when you come back home,
With a welcome you will understand;
We'll be waiting when you come back home
From your service in a foreign land.
You will find the home-lights burning,
And each loyal home-heart yearning
For the day of your returning.
We'll be waiting when you come back home.
You are gone, but you are with us,
For we see you though our tears.
You shall never be forgotten,
Though the months grow into years.
Not until the stars of morning fade
And fall from heaven's dome
Can our loving hearts forget you.
We'll be waiting when you came back home.
We'll be waiting when you come back home,
With a welcome you will understand.
We'll be waiting when you come back home
From your service in a foreign land.
You will find the home-lights burning,
And each loyal home-heart yearning
For the day of your returning.
We'll be waiting when you come back home.
Worship, honor, praise, and blessing,
Be to Thee, Creation's King;
Heav'n and earth Thy pow'r confessing,
Joyful hallelujahs sing.
World to world triumphant telling
Of Thy majesty and might,
Strains of rapture ever swelling
To Thy name, both day and night.
Almighty King, Jehovah, Christ the Lord,
Throughout the universe with one accord
Shall joyful praises ring, both night and day,
Unto Thy holy name for aye.
Almighty King, Jehovah, Christ the Lord,
By shining hosts above adored,
Before Thy feet their crowns they fling,
Almighty King, Almighty King, Almighty King,
Almighty King of kings, Almighty King of kings.
God our strength and our salvation,
Great beyond the ken of thought,
Hope of ev'ry righteous nation,
Wondrous things Thy hand hath wrought.
Hail, all hail, Jehovah glorious!
Thou shalt reign eternally!
Through the countless years victorious,
Stars of light Thy crown shall be.
Almighty King, Jehovah, Christ the Lord,
Throughout the universe with one accord
Shall joyful praises ring, both night and day,
Unto Thy holy name for aye.
Almighty King, Jehovah, Christ the Lord,
By shining hosts above adored,
Before Thy feet their crowns they fling,
Almighty King, Almighty King, Almighty King,
Almighty King of kings, Almighty King of kings.
Just a few more days to be filled with praise,
And to tell the old, old story;
Then, when twilight falls, and my Savior calls,
I shall go to Him in glory.
I'll exchange my cross for a starry crown,
Where the gates swing outward never;
At His feet I'll lay ev'ry burden down,
And with Jesus reign forever.
Just a few more years with their toil and tears,
And the journey will be ended;
Then I'll be with Him, where the tide of time
With eternity is blended.
I'll exchange my cross for a starry crown,
Where the gates swing outward never;
At His feet I'll lay ev'ry burden down,
And with Jesus reign forever.
Tho' the hills be steep and the vallies deep,
With no flow'rs my way adorning;
Tho' the night be lone and my rest a stone,
Joy awaits me in the morning.
I'll exchange my cross for a starry crown,
Where the gates swing outward never;
At His feet I'll lay ev'ry burden down,
And with Jesus reign forever.
What a joy 'twill be when I wake to see
Him for whom my heart is burning!
Nevermore to sigh, nevermore to die —
For that day my heart is yearning.
I'll exchange my cross for a starry crown,
Where the gates swing outward never;
At His feet I'll lay ev'ry burden down,
And with Jesus reign forever.
Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom within my heart;
Beauties of Thy truth and holiness impart,
That where'er I go my life may shed abroad
Fragrance of the knowledge of the love of God.
Jesus, (Blessed Jesus), Rose of Sharon, (Rose of Sharon),
Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.
Jesus, Rose of Sharon, sweeter far to me
Than the fairest flow'rs of earth could ever be,
Fill my life completely, adding more each day
Of Thy grace divine and purity, I pray.
Jesus, (Blessed Jesus), Rose of Sharon, (Rose of Sharon),
Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.
Jesus, Rose of Sharon, balm for ev'ry ill,
May Thy tender mercy's healing pow'r distill
For aflicted souls of weary, burdened men,
Giving needy mortals health and hope again.
Jesus, (Blessed Jesus), Rose of Sharon, (Rose of Sharon),
Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.
Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom for evermore;
Be Thy glory seen on earth from shore to shore,
Till the nations own Thy Sov'reignty complete,
Lay their honors down and worship at Thy feet.
Jesus, (Blessed Jesus), Rose of Sharon, (Rose of Sharon),
Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.
Within my heart a song is ringing all day long.
It fills and thrills, gives joy for ills, and ev'ry clam'ring stills.
Its never-changing theme is sweeter than a dream.
It rings and clings, and sweetly sings of Christ the King of kings.
Joy, joy, joy, shout the glad refrain,
Oh, sing the glad story old until all the world is told.
Tell, tell, tell of the Lamb once slain,
For all who receive it, all who believe it, life everlasting shall gain.
Its cadences are sweet, and softly they repeat
His name, Who came that He might claim a world from sin and shame.
I sing it o'er and o'er, and love it more and more.
Each thought is fraught with love that bought, and my salvation wrought.
Joy, joy, joy, shout the glad refrain,
Oh, sing the glad story old until all the world is told.
Tell, tell, tell of the Lamb once slain,
For all who receive it, all who believe it, life everlasting shall gain.
Till time and tide shall cease, that song of love and peace
Shall ring and sing, and gladness bring to me of Christ, my King.
Then when with yonder throng I join the new, new song,
For me 'twill be, by His decree, my song eternally.
Joy, joy, joy, shout the glad refrain,
Oh, sing the glad story old until all the world is told.
Tell, tell, tell of the Lamb once slain,
For all who receive it, all who believe it, life everlasting shall gain.
O soul, without a Savior, O body, tired and worn:
Behold the Light of Ages, and night will turn to morn,
Behold the Light of Ages, and night will turn to morn.
O soul, without a Savior, one thing thou lackest still,
For not a thousand pleasures thy empty heart can fill,
For not a thousand pleasures thy empty heart can fill.
O soul, made whole in Jesus, thy life is filled with song,
Because for ev'ry burden there is a Savior strong,
Because for ev'ry burden there is a Savior strong.
Be not aweary, for labor will cease some glad morning;
Turmoil will change into infinite peace, some bright morning.
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
When the sun is shining in th' eternal sky;
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
We shall see the Lord of Harvest, by and by.
Wearisome burdens will all be laid down, some glad morning;
Then shall our cross be exchanged for a crown, some bright morning.
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
When the sun is shining in th' eternal sky;
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
We shall see the Lord of Harvest, by and by.
Labor well done shall receive its reward, some glad morning;
Thou who art faithful shall be with the Lord, some bright morning.
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
When the sun is shining in th' eternal sky;
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
We shall see the Lord of Harvest, by and by.
O what a time of rejoicing will come, some glad morning;
When all the ransomed are gathered at home, some bright morning.
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
When the sun is shining in th' eternal sky;
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
We shall see the Lord of Harvest, by and by.
There with the loved ones who've gone on before, some glad morning;
We shall sing praise to the Lamb evermore, some bright morning.
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
When the sun is shining in th' eternal sky;
Some bright morning, some glad morning,
We shall see the Lord of Harvest, by and by.
Beside blue Galilee I stand where once Thy footsteps marked the sand;
I dream that Thou art with me, Lord — that I am list'ning to Thy word.
"O Galilee, blue Galilee, where Jesus loved so much to be,"
Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy will, and whisper to me, "Peace, be still!"
I look out o'er the restless sea, and muse and dream, my Lord, of Thee.
O how the waves obeyed Thy will, when Thou didst say to them, "Be still!"
"O Galilee, blue Galilee, where Jesus loved so much to be,"
Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy will, and whisper to me, "Peace, be still!"
And now appears a halo'd wraith! It speaks! "O ye of little faith!"
It is Thy form, Thy voice divine, that speaks to ev'ry heart, and mine!
"O Galilee, blue Galilee, where Jesus loved so much to be,"
Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy will, and whisper to me, "Peace, be still!"
Dear Master, hear my earnest plea for grace, to walk upon the sea;
If such should be Thy wise behest, oh, give me faith to stand the test!
"O Galilee, blue Galilee, where Jesus loved so much to be,"
Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy will, and whisper to me, "Peace, be still!"
Hark! over the tumult of cares, now in tenderness falling,
Voices gently are calling,
O come, to His worship repair,
To the house of the Lord, the place of prayer.
Hark! over the tumult of cares, now in tenderness falling,
Voices gently are calling,
O come, to His worship repair,
To the house of the Lord, the place of prayer.
Eternal King, all hail to Thee! Before Thy throne we bend!
Thy mandates shall be our delight, Thy reign we will defend.
Our prayers to Thee ascend from hearts transformed to meet Thy laws;
Our joy, our pride, our boast is of Thy just and righteous cause.
Lead on, lead on, we'll follow Thee to victory! Eternal King, lead on!
Lead on, O King! A legion waits the beckon of Thy hand;
The strongholds of the enemy shall fall at Thy command.
Not through the strategy of man, or carnal weapons, may
The gates of sin be battered down, and evil swept away.
Lead on, lead on, we'll follow Thee to victory! Eternal King, lead on!
The cross, the emblem of Thy love, is gleaming in the van! [van = vanguard] We follow, a determined host, the brotherhood of man.
Soon will a glorious dawn of peace break to our longing eyes,
And songs of mighty victory re-echo through the skies!
Lead on, lead on, we'll follow Thee to victory! Eternal King, lead on!
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me;
And may there be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea.
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound or foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home, turns again home!
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that, the dark;
And may there be no sadness of farewell
When I at last embark.
For though from out the bourne of time and place
The floods may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face,
When I have crossed the bar,
When I have crossed the bar.
Though at times our faith may be sorely tried,
And its brightness and beauty seem to fade,
Then a whisper comes from the Crucified:
"I am with thee, my child, be not afraid!"
Morning will come, night pass away,
Then, clad in the robes of immortality,
We shall worship at His throne;
Then safe, safe at home, oh, happy day,
When we shall the glory of the Savior see,
And know as we are known.
Why should we repine when the way seems long?
When we think of the cross for us He bore,
In our hearts should echo a happy song
As we love Him and praise Him more and more.
Morning will come, night pass away,
Then, clad in the robes of immortality,
We shall worship at His throne;
Then safe, safe at home, oh, happy day,
When we shall the glory of the Savior see,
And know as we are known.
He who died for us freely gave His all!
Shall not we, then, our cross in patience bear?
Let us keep the faith till the vict'ry's won,
And His glory forevermore we share.
Morning will come, night pass away,
Then, clad in the robes of immortality,
We shall worship at His throne;
Then safe, safe at home, oh, happy day,
When we shall the glory of the Savior see,
And know as we are known.