The Phantom of the Opera Berkshire: Cox & Wyman Ltd. 1995. The cover featuring a mist-shrouded Michael Crawford dressed as the Phantom may make the reader forget the contents. The cover also touts that the novel is: “Now the basis for the major musical from Andrew Lloyd-Webber”. If you love the musical it would be nice to have this edition on your bedside table. Oh, a small copy rendered in publisher’s ink of the Chaney poster is also in the novel, as well as the Holmes Erik articles a lot of reprints carry. Paperback, 265 pages.
The Essential Phantom of the Opera iboooks, New York. 1996. Herein readers will find an introduction by Leonard Wolf, many pictures from the various films and the Opera Grainier, a listing of film and stage appearances, and much more. Softback, 346 pages.
The Phantom of the Opera New York: Barnes & Noble. 1999. Barnes & Noble offers up a most unusual cover. Against the backdrop of a musical sheaf a Webber style mask with an eye of flame levitates. Considering the back cover derides the shabby treatment Leroux’s Erik has received in favor of the movies, the cover almost suggests a tongue in cheek style of humor that would have done Leroux proud. This book includes the forward by Peter Haining, a brief biography on Leroux, and an appendix of two brief articles pertaining to Erik and Sherlock Holmes. Paperback, 264 pages.
The Phantom of the Opera New York, Signet Classic. 2001. A reprint of an earlier reprint, this updated version contains a new introduction by Dr. John L. Flynn, a short biography of both Leroux and Flynn, and the publisher’s notes from the original American edition of the novel. Paperback, 270 pages.
The Phantom of the Opera Barnes and Noble, New York. 2004. This charming gilt-edged book is small enough to tot in your purse. Included are the unabridged novel, afterword by Peter Harness, further reading and biography. Hardback, 311 pages.
The Phantom of the Opera Dove Books on Tape, California. 1987. The Red Death graces this two-tape reading of Leroux’s famous novel. Read by Christopher Cazenove.
Various. Horror Classics. 2001. Washington: TOPICS Entertainment. Five stories on eight cassettes, including the unabridged reading of The Phantom of the Opera by Leroux. Other stories include The Leather Funnel by Sir Author Conan Doyle and The White Cat of Drumgunniol by J.S. LeFanu. 11 hours.
The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux, unabridged translation. 2004 J-M. & R. Lofficier This translation is a lot smoother than previous attempts, and also includes over 40 illustrations of Erik by today’s top artists.
The Phantom of the Opera Phantom Audio project, 2007. At last, a Phantom reading with a real cast. So far things sound great with even minor characters being assigned unique voices, done by a talented cast. The listener also picks up just how creepy Leroux’s taste in setting and character development was. (Think about it: how many people would laugh if their friend or co-worker got hung?) The Phantom himself sounds masterful at last, and the added extras such as musical intros and outros are great. Introduction- chapter 2.
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